add_max_observed_delay: Add maximum observed delay

add_max_observed_delayR Documentation

Add maximum observed delay


This function calculates and adds the maximum observed delay for each group and reference date in the provided dataset. It first checks the validity of the observation indicator and then computes the maximum delay. If an observation indicator is provided, it further adjusts the maximum observed delay for unobserved data to be negative 1 (indicating no maximum observed).


add_max_observed_delay(new_confirm, observation_indicator = NULL)



A data.table containing the columns: "reference_date", "delay", ".group", "new_confirm", and "max_obs_delay". As produced by enw_preprocess_data() in the new_confirm output with the addition of the "max_obs_delay" column as produced by add_max_observed_delay().


A character string specifying the column name in new_confirm that indicates whether an observation is observed or not. This column should be a logical vector. If NULL (default), all observations are considered observed.


A data.table with the original columns of new_confirm and an additional "max_obs_delay" column representing the maximum observed delay for each group and reference date. If an observation indicator is provided, unobserved data will have a "max_obs_delay" value of -1.

See Also

Helper functions for model modules add_pmfs(), convolution_matrix(), enw_reference_by_report(), enw_reps_with_complete_refs(), extract_obs_metadata(), extract_sparse_matrix(), latest_obs_as_matrix(), simulate_double_censored_pmf()

seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 8:35 p.m.