
Defines functions plot_age_precision tidy_age_precision

Documented in plot_age_precision tidy_age_precision

#' Tidy PBS ageing precision data
#' @param dat A data frame from [gfdata::get_age_precision()]
#' @param ageing_method_codes A numeric vector of ageing method codes to filter
#'   on. Default to `NULL`, which brings in all valid ageing codes.
#'   See [gfdata::get_age_methods()].
#' @export
#' @template ageing-precision-examples
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' gfdata::get_age_precision("yelloweye rockfish") %>%
#'  tidy_age_precision() %>%
#'  plot_age_precision()
#' }
tidy_age_precision <- function(dat, ageing_method_codes = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(ageing_method_codes)) {
    dat <- filter(dat, .data$ageing_method %in% ageing_method_codes)
  # remove specimen id's for which there is no precision reading
  dat <- group_by(dat, specimen_id, species_code) %>%
    mutate(has_precision = 3 %in% age_reading_type_code) %>%
    filter(has_precision) %>%

  # organize dataframe with one record for each specimen id, age reading type
  # and age parameter
  dat <- tidyr::gather(
    dat, ageing_param, age,
    -(specimen_id:ageing_method_desc), -employee_id, -age_reading_id
  ) %>%
    arrange(age_reading_id) %>%
      specimen_id, age_reading_type_code, year, species_code,
    ) %>%
    summarise(age = age[[1]], employee_id = employee_id[[1]])

  # remove bad data
  precision_aged_by_same <- group_by(dat, specimen_id) %>%
    summarise(n_employee = length(unique(employee_id))) %>%
    filter(n_employee < 2) %>%
  dat <- dat %>%
    filter(!specimen_id %in% precision_aged_by_same)

  # organize data into individual columns for aging parameter + age reading type
  ageing_prec <- dat %>%
    mutate(temp = paste(age_reading_type_code, ageing_param, sep = "_")) %>%
    reshape2::dcast(specimen_id + year + species_code ~ temp, value.var = "age")
  names(ageing_prec) <- sub("2", "prim", names(ageing_prec))
  names(ageing_prec) <- sub("3", "prec", names(ageing_prec))
  names(ageing_prec) <- sub("maximum", "max", names(ageing_prec))
  names(ageing_prec) <- sub("minimum", "min", names(ageing_prec))
  names(ageing_prec) <- sub("specimen_", "", names(ageing_prec))


#' Plot ageing precision data
#' @param dat A data frame from [tidy_age_precision()].
#' @param n Number of fish to randomly sample to plot.
#' @param jitter Amount to randomly jitter ages for visualization. Same jitter
#'   values are used for the precision and primary ages for the same fish.
#' @param seed If a numeric value, set the random seed so that the same rows
#'   are sampled each time and the same jitter values are generated. If
#'   `NULL`, different fish will be sampled each time the function is run.
#' @export
#' @template ageing-precision-examples
plot_age_precision <- function(dat, n = 250, jitter = 0.25, seed = 42) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (n < nrow(dat)) {
    dat <- dplyr::sample_n(dat, size = n)
  jit <- stats::runif(nrow(dat), -jitter, jitter)
  dat$prec_age <- dat$prec_age + jit
  dat$prim_age <- dat$prim_age + jit
  dat$prim_min_age <- dat$prim_min_age + jit
  dat$prim_max_age <- dat$prim_max_age + jit
  dat$prec_min_age <- dat$prec_min_age + jit
  dat$prec_max_age <- dat$prec_max_age + jit

  ggplot(dat, aes_string("prim_age", "prec_age")) +
    geom_point(pch = 21, colour = "grey20", alpha = 0.7) +
    ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col = "grey50", lty = 2) +
      x = "prim_min_age", xend = "prim_max_age",
      y = "prec_age", yend = "prec_age"
    alpha = 0.5,
    colour = "grey30"
    ) +
      x = "prim_age", xend = "prim_age",
      y = "prec_min_age", yend = "prec_max_age"
    alpha = 0.5,
    colour = "grey30"
    ) +
    labs(title = "Ageing precision", x = "Primary age", y = "Secondary age") +
    theme_pbs() +
seananderson/pbs-synopsis documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 9:25 a.m.