
Defines functions clockstar.interactive

Documented in clockstar.interactive

clockstar.interactive <-
  print("Welcome to ClockstaR2")
#  print("Please drag the working directory with the trees")
#  wd <- file.choose()
#  setwd(wd)
  trees.file <- readline("please drag or type in the path to your gene trees file in NEWICK format:\n")
  print(paste("reading trees from file: ", trees.file))
  trees <- read.tree(trees.file)
  print(paste("I read", length(trees), "from your file"))
  if(length(names(trees) > 0)){
    print(paste("The names of your trees are:"))
    warning("These trees have no names")
  if(("foreach" %in% installed.packages()[,1]) && "doParallel" %in% installed.packages()[, 1]){
    print("Packages foreach and doParallel are available for parallel computation")
    para <- readline("Should we run ClockstaR in parallel (y / n)? (This is good for large data sets)\n")
    if(para == "y"){
      ncore <- as.integer(readline("How many cores should ClockstaR use (integer):\n"))
      print(paste("running ClockstaR in parallel with", ncore, "cores")) 
      trees.bsd <- bsd.matrix.para(trees, para = T, ncore = ncore)
      print("Calculating sBSDmin distances between all pairs of trees")
      trees.bsd <- bsd.matrix(trees)      
    print("Calculating sBSDmin distances between all pairs of trees")
    trees.bsd <- bsd.matrix(trees)
  print("I finished calculating the sBSDmin distances between trees\n")
  default.run <- readline("The settings for clustering with ClockstaR are:\nPAM clustering algorithm\nK from 1 to number of data subsets-1\nSEmax criterion to select the optimal k\n500 bootstrap replicates\n Are these correct? (y/n)\n")
  if(default.run == "y"){ 
    part.data <- partitions(trees.bsd)
    fun.cluster <- "d"
    while(!(fun.cluster %in% c("1", "2", "3"))){ 
      fun.cluster <- readline("Please select one of the clustering functions bellow:(1-3)\n(1) PAM\n(2) CLARA\n(3) FANNY\n (See the user manual for package cluster for more details\n") 
    if(fun.cluster == "1"){
      fun <- pam
    }else if(fun.cluster == "2"){
      fun <- clara
    }else if(fun.cluster == "3"){
      fun <- fanny
    max.k <- as.numeric(readline("What should be the maximum k to test (the maximum is the number of data subsets - 1)\n"))
    if(max.k >= ncol(trees.bsd[[2]])){
      stop("The maximun k should be between 1 and the number of data sets - 1. ABORTING") 
    criterion <- readline("Please type in the criterion to select the optimal k (This can be firstSEmax, Tibs2001max, globalSEmax, firstmax, or globalmax)\n")
    while(!(criterion %in% c("firstSEmax", "Tibs2001max", "globalSEmax", "firstmax", "globalmax"))){
      criterion <- readline("You have not selected any of the available criteria. Please select again")
    boot.n <- as.numeric(readline("How many boostrap replicates should be run for the Gap statistic?\n"))
    print("The settings for clustering are complete. The settings are:\n")
    print("cluster function, maximum k, criterion")
    print(c(c("PAM", "CLARA", "FANNY")[as.numeric(fun.cluster)], max.k, criterion))
    part.data <- partitions(trees.bsd, FUN = fun, kmax = max.k, B = boot.n, gap.best = criterion)
  print("ClockstaR has finished running")
  print(paste("The best number of partitions for your data set is:", part.data$best.k))
  save.dat <- readline("Do you wish to save the results in a pdf file?(y/n)\n")
  if(save.dat == "y"){
    fil.name <- readline("What should be the name and path of the output file?\n")
    plot.partitions(part.data, save.plot = T, file.name = fil.name)
    print("please see the results in the active graphics devices")
sebastianduchene/ClockstaR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:57 p.m.