#' @title Decision Forest algorithm: Model training with Cross-validation
#' @description Decision Forest algorithm: Model training with Cross-validation
#'   Default is 5-fold cross-validation
#' @param X Training Dataset
#' @param Y Training data endpoint
#' @param CV_fold Fold of cross-validation (Default = 5)
#' @param stop_step How many extra step would be processed when performance not improved, 1 means one extra step
#' @param Max_tree Maximum tree number in Forest
#' @param min_split minimum leaves in tree nodes
#' @param cp parameters to pruning decision tree, default is 0.1
#' @param Filter doing feature selection before training
#' @param p_val P-value threshold measured by t-test used in feature selection, default is 0.05
#' @param Method Which is used for evaluating training process. MIS: Misclassification rate; ACC: accuracy
#' @param Quiet if TRUE (default), don't show any message during the process
#' @param Grace_val Grace Value in evaluation: the next model should have a performance (Accuracy, bACC, MCC) not bad than previous model with threshold
#' @param imp_accu_val improvement in evaluation: adding new tree should improve the overall model performance (Accuracy, bACC, MCC) by threshold
#' @param imp_accu_criteria if TRUE, model must have improvement in accumulated accuracy
#' @return  .$performance:      Overall training accuracy (Cross-validation)
#' @return  .$pred:          Detailed training prediction (Cross-validation)
#' @return  .$detail:        Detailed usage of Decision tree Features/Models and their performances in all CVs
#' @return  .$Method:        pass evaluating Methods used in training
#' @return  .$cp:            pass cp value used in training decision trees
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   ##data(iris)
#'   X = iris[,1:4]
#'   Y = iris[,5]
#'   names(Y)=rownames(X)
#'   random_seq=sample(nrow(X))
#'   split_rate=3
#'   split_sample = suppressWarnings(split(random_seq,1:split_rate))
#'   Train_X = X[-random_seq[split_sample[[1]]],]
#'   Train_Y = Y[-random_seq[split_sample[[1]]]]
#'   CV_result = DF_CV(Train_X, Train_Y)
DF_CV = function (X, Y, stop_step=10, CV_fold = 5,
                    Max_tree=20, min_split=10, cp = 0.1,
                    Filter = F, p_val = 0.05, Method = "bACC", Quiet = T,
                    Grace_val = 0.05, imp_accu_val = 0.01, imp_accu_criteria = F

  Y = factor(Y)

  if (length(levels(Y))!=2 & Filter == T){
    if (Quiet == F){
      cat("Not 2-class analysis! ignore Filtering step ... \n")
    Filter = F

  if (Filter == T) {
    if (Quiet == F){
      cat(paste("Doing Feature selection based on Training dataset: p-value<", p_val, " \n",sep=""))
    p_value = DF_calp(X,Y)
    used_feat = which(p_value<=p_val)
    X = X[,used_feat]
    cat(paste(length(used_feat), " of ", length(p_value), " features remained! \n", sep=""))

  #Cross-validation batches
  split_sample = suppressWarnings(split(random_seq,1:CV_fold))

  Tree_model = matrix(list(),nrow=0, ncol=7);
  colnames(Tree_model)=c("Used Feature","Current Performance","Compared to Ref","Accumulated Performance",
                         "Detailed Predictions","Model status", "Stage")

  # Cross-validation main program
  for ( CV_iter in 1:CV_fold){

    Train_data = X[-random_seq[split_sample[[CV_iter]]],]
    Train_label = Y[-random_seq[split_sample[[CV_iter]]]]

    Valid_data = X[random_seq[split_sample[[CV_iter]]],]
    Valid_label = Y[random_seq[split_sample[[CV_iter]]]]

    # For reference build, cp cut-off was set to 0.01 w/o pruning
    np_model = Con_DT(Train_data,Train_label,min_split=min_split,cp=0.01)
    # cp - first split
    ref_cp = np_model$cptable[1,'CP']
    if (cp > ref_cp){
      cp = round(ref_cp,2)
      if (cp > ref_cp) {
        cp = ref_cp - 0.01
      cat(paste("Current CP setting is too large for the model, reset cp to most-available value: ",round(cp,2),"\n",sep=""))

    # Calculating Reference performance
    model = Con_DT(Train_data,Train_label,min_split=min_split,cp=cp)
    pred  = Pred_DT(model, Valid_data)
    ref_result = DF_acc(pred,Valid_label)

    # reference performance
    ref_val = ref_result[[Method]]
    # for MCC evaluation
    if (is.na(ref_val)){
      ref_val = 0

    # start training
    stop_sign = 0
    Curr_tree = 0
    stop_sign = 0
    stop_signal = 0
    used_feat = colnames(Train_data)

    while(Curr_tree<Max_tree & stop_signal<=stop_step & length(used_feat)>1 & stop_sign ==0){
      model = Con_DT(Train_data[,used_feat],Train_label,min_split=min_split,cp=cp)
      pred  = Pred_DT(model, Valid_data[,used_feat])
      feat_used  = as.matrix(unique(model$frame$var))
      feat_used  = feat_used[feat_used!="<leaf>",]
      if (length(feat_used)==0){
        if (Quiet == F){
          cat("Training Stopped because of no more model can be constructed! \n")
          cat(paste("Current built Trees: ",Curr_tree,"\n"))
        stop_sign = 1
      first_feat = feat_used[1]

      tmp_result = DF_acc(pred,Valid_label)
      curr_val = tmp_result[[Method]]
      if (is.na(curr_val)){
        curr_val = 0

      # accumulative performance with multiple trees
      tmp_pred_accu = pred_accumulate
      tmp_pred_accu = tmp_pred_accu + pred
      tmp_result_accu = DF_acc(tmp_pred_accu,Valid_label)
      curr_accu_val = tmp_result_accu[[Method]]
      if (is.na(curr_accu_val)){
        curr_accu_val = 0

      if (Method == "MCC" & length(levels(Y))!=2){
        if (Quiet == F){
          cat("Not 2-Class analysis! Use ACC in default ...")
        Method = "bACC"

      if (curr_val >= ref_val - Grace_val){
        if (imp_accu_criteria == T & curr_accu_val < accu_val + imp_accu_val ){
          stop_signal = stop_signal + 1
        stop_signal = stop_signal + 1

      # write updated outputs
      Used_Tree_model = matrix(list(),nrow=1, ncol=7); # template for final result
      Used_Tree_model[[1,1]] = feat_used
      Used_Tree_model[[1,2]] = round(curr_val,3)
      Used_Tree_model[[1,3]] = round((curr_val-ref_val),3)
      Used_Tree_model[[1,4]] = round(curr_accu_val,3)
      Used_Tree_model[[1,5]] = pred
      if (Status == "Improved"){
        Curr_tree =Curr_tree +1
        stop_signal = 0
        # update criteria
        accu_val = curr_accu_val
        pred_accumulate = tmp_pred_accu
        Used_Tree_model[[1,6]] = paste("CV-",CV_iter,": ",Curr_tree) # label for performance recognization
        Used_Tree_model[[1,7]] = CV_iter
        # save DT model for external prediction purpose

      filtered_feat = feat_used # first_feat
      # Remove used features in the initial feature sets
      used_feat = used_feat[!used_feat %in% filtered_feat]

    if (Curr_tree > 0){
      pred_all = rbind(pred_all,pred_accumulate)
  Fin_performance = DF_acc(pred_all,Y)

  result = list(performance=Fin_performance,pred=pred_all,detail=Tree_model,Method=Method,cp=cp)
seldas/Dforest documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:08 p.m.