
Defines functions sgains_pipeline

Documented in sgains_pipeline

# Author: lubo
# Created: Mar 28, 2018

#'Integration with 'sGAINS' tool. 
#' This function is called by sGAINS tools to perform the final step in preparation
#' of results: phylogenetic analysis of single-cell genomes represented by their 
#' copy-number profiles
#' @param scgv_dir directory where the results of the analysis should be stored
#' @param case_name name of the case to be used for storing results of the 
#'        analysis
#' @param varbin_dir directory where output of 'varbin' step of sGAINS (the 
#'        binning scheme) is located
#' @param varbin_suffix common suffix for files produced by 'varbin' step of 
#'        sGAINS
#' @param bins_boundaries file name for binning scheme to use in the analysis
#' @param cytoband file name for a cytoband coordinate table for the version of 
#'        the genome being used
#' @param badbins a file name for a table of bad bins (bins with outlying read 
#'        counts) for the specified binning scheme
#' @param nsim number of simulations to run for calculating simulated FDR 
#'        distribution
#' @param sharemin a feature is considered 'widely shared' by leaves of a tree 
#         node if present in sharemin fraction of leaves
#' @export

sgains_pipeline <- function(
    scgv_dir, case_name,
    varbin_dir, varbin_suffix,
    climbtoshare=3) {

  if(!file.exists(scgv_dir)) {
  filenames <- case_filenames(scgv_dir, case_name)
  gc_df <-load_table(bins_boundaries_filename)
  gc_df$chrom.numeric <- chrom_numeric(gc_df$bin.chrom)
  if(is.null(badbins)) {
    cyto_data <- read.table(cytoband, header=F,as.is=T)
    dropareas <- calc_centroareas(cyto_data)
    badbins <- calc_regions2bins(gc_df, dropareas)
  gc_df <- gc_df[-badbins, ]
  varbin_files <- varbin_input_files(varbin_dir, varbin_suffix)
  cells <- varbin_files$cells
  res <- segment_varbin_files(varbin_files, gc_df, badbins)
  uber_seg <- res$seg
  uber_ratio <- res$ratio
  cells <- uber_cells(uber_seg, skip=3)$cells

  save_table(filenames$cells, data.frame(cell=cells))
  save_table(filenames$seg, uber_seg)
  save_table(filenames$ratio, uber_ratio)
  pins <- calc_pinmat(gc_df, uber_seg, dropareas=dropareas)
  pinmat_df <- pins$pinmat
  pins_df <- pins$pins
  save_table(filenames$featuremat, pinmat_df)
  save_table(filenames$features, pins_df)
  fisher <- sim_fisher_wrapper(
      pinmat_df, pins_df, njobs=30, nsim=nsim, nsweep=10)
  true_pv <- fisher$true
  sim_pv <- fisher$sim
  mfdr <- fisher_fdr(true_pv, sim_pv, cells)
  mdist <- fisher_dist(true_pv, cells)
  hc <- hclust_tree(pinmat_df, mfdr, mdist)
  tree_df <- tree_py(mdist, method='average')

  hc <- find_clones(hc, 
        fdrthres=fdrthres, sharemin=sharemin,
        nshare=nshare, climbtoshare=climbtoshare)

  subclones <- find_subclones(hc, pinmat_df, pins_df, 
        fdrthres=fdrthres, sharemin=sharemin,
        baseshare=nshare, climbtoshare=climbtoshare)
  save_table(filenames$tree, tree_df)
  save_table(filenames$clone, subclones)
seqpipe/SCclust documentation built on May 4, 2021, 11:56 a.m.