
Defines functions select unselect removeSelected appendToDropzone entangleInputs dropZoneServer multivalues isMultivalued opts2class attachDependencies runExample updateDropZoneInput updateDragZone zoneItems dropZoneInput dragZone

Documented in appendToDropzone attachDependencies dragZone dropZoneInput dropZoneServer entangleInputs isMultivalued multivalues opts2class removeSelected runExample select unselect updateDragZone updateDropZoneInput zoneItems

#' dndselectr: Implements a drag-and-drop Shiny select input
#' Implements a drag-and-drop Shiny select input. This implementation creates a Shiny input that replicates
#' much of the functionality of selectInput. Multiple zones for dragging and dropping are allowed.
#' Currently utilizes Dragula JS library, https://github.com/bevacqua/dragula.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # basic example
#' shinyApp(
#'   ui = fluidPage(
#'     column(6,
#'       dragZone("dragzone", choices = list(one = "One",
#'                                           two = "Two",
#'                                           three = "Three",
#'                                           four = "Four"))
#'       ),
#'     column(6,
#'       dropZoneInput("dropzone", choices = list(one = "1",
#'                                                two = "2",
#'                                                three = "3",
#'                                                four = "4"),
#'                                 highlight = TRUE)
#'       )
#'   ),
#'   server = function(input, output) {
#'   }
#' )
#' }
#' @docType package
#' @import shiny
#' @name dndselectr
#' @seealso \code{\link{dragZone}}, \code{\link{dropZoneInput}}

#' Create a dragzone container
#' @param id The container id.
#' @param choices List of values to select from.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed along to tags$div, such as class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dragZone("dragzone", choices = list(one = "One",
#'                                     two = "Two",
#'                                     three = "Three",
#'                                     four = "Four"))
#' @seealso \code{\link{dndselectr}}
dragZone <- function(id, choices, ...) {

  if (missing(id)) {
    warning("Using generic 'dragzone' as id. HTML element may not be unique!")
    id <- "dragzone"

  if (missing(choices)) {
    stop("You must specify choices for this dragZone. ")

  # Resolve names
  choices <- choicesWithNames(choices)

  inputTag <- div(
    id = id,
    class = 'ds-dragzone',
    zoneItems('drag', 'options', choices),


#' Create a dropzone input
#' @param inputId The \code{input} slot that will be used to acces the value.
#' @param choices List of acceptable values with their associated labels. Note that
#'   the labels can be arbitrary HTML, as long as they are wrapped in a \code{tagList}.
#' @param presets Array or list of preset values.
#' @param hidden Should the selected items be hidden? This is useful to represent
#'   a reactive or event trigger.
#' @param placeholder Insert placeholder text.
#' @param highlight Highlights the container on dragover. Useful when \code{hidden} is active.
#' @param multivalued Allow multiple items with the same value?
#' @param selectable Are the items in this dropzone selectable? Default is \code{false}. Use
#'   Shiny input \code{input$<inputId>_selected} to access selected items.
#' @param selectOnDrop Should new dropped items be automatically selected?
#' @param togglevis Add an icon to allow toggling items between visible/invisible. Default is
#'   \code{false}. Use Shiny input \code{input$<inputId>_invisible} to access invisible items.
#' @param togglelock Add an icon to allow toggling items between locked/unlocked. Locked items
#'   are not draggable. Default is \code{false}. Use Shiny input \code{input$<inputId>_locked}
#'   to access locked items.
#' @param removeOnSpill Remove items when dragged outside dropzone? Default is \code{true}.
#' @param direction Direction (\code{horizontal} or \code{vertical}) to consider when
#'   determining where an element would be dropped. Default is \code{vertical}.
#' @param maxInput Maximum allowable dropped items.
#' @param replaceOnDrop Replace item on drop when at maximum allowable items?
#' @param flex Use flex container for dropzone. Items are set to wrap, and flex direction is
#'   given by the \code{direction} argument (defaults to \code{vertical}).
#' @param server Function or function name as a string that will be used for
#'   server-side creation of UI for dropzone items. This is needed only when the
#'   dropzone items contain Shiny inputs and/or outputs. You must also include
#'   the \code{\link{dropZoneServer}} function in the server portion of your
#'   Shiny app.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed along to \code{tags$div}, such as class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dropZoneInput("dropzone", choices = list(one = "1",
#'                                          two = "2",
#'                                          three = "3",
#'                                          four = "4"))
#' @seealso \code{\link{dndselectr}}
dropZoneInput <- function(inputId, choices, presets=NULL, hidden=FALSE, placeholder=NULL,
                          highlight=FALSE, multivalued=FALSE, selectable=FALSE,
                          selectOnDrop=FALSE, togglevis=FALSE, togglelock=FALSE,
                          removeOnSpill=TRUE, direction="vertical", maxInput=Inf,
                          replaceOnDrop=FALSE, flex=FALSE, server=NULL, ...) {

  # Resolve names
  choices <- choicesWithNames(choices)

  # Manage presets
  presets <- presetsWithOptions(presets, choices, multivalued, server)

  # Make sure number of preset values obeys maxInput setting
  if (length(presets$values) > maxInput) {
    stop("Number of preset values (", length(presets$values), ") exceeds the maximum allowable (", maxInput,")")

  inputTag <- div(
    id = inputId,
    class = trimws(paste('form-control ds-dropzone', opts2class(list(hidden = hidden,
                                                                     highlight = highlight,
                                                                     multivalued = multivalued,
                                                                     selectable = selectable,
                                                                     flex = flex,
                                                                     `max-input` = (length(presets$values) == maxInput),
                                                                     `replace-on-drop` = replaceOnDrop))), "right"),
    "data-select-on-drop" = tolower(selectOnDrop),
    "data-remove-on-spill" = tolower(removeOnSpill),
    "data-direction" = tolower(direction),
    "data-max-input" = ifelse(is.infinite(maxInput), "Infinity", maxInput),
    "data-server" = tolower(ifelse(!is.null(server), TRUE, FALSE)),
    insertPlaceholder(placeholder, hidden = is.null(placeholder) || (!hidden && (length(presets$values) > 0))),
      class = 'ds-dropzone-options',
      zoneItems('drop', 'options', choices,
                togglevis = togglevis,
                togglelock = togglelock)
    zoneItems('drop', 'presets',
              items = presets$values,
              ids = presets$ids,
              selected = presets$selected,
              invisible = presets$invisible,
              locked = presets$locked,
              freeze = presets$freeze,
              togglevis = togglevis,
              togglelock = togglelock),


#' Create items for dragzones/dropzones
#' Creates the individual draggable items and options in drag and drop zones.
#' @param zone  Container zone type: either \code{drop} or \code{drag}
#' @param type  Are these \code{options} or \code{presets}?
#' @param items List of item labels, with names corresponding to values
#' @param ids If multivalued, these will be unique ids
#' @param selected  Selected items (array length of items - either NA or ds-selected)
#' @param invisible Invisible items (array length of items - either NA or ds-invisible)
#' @param locked  Locked items (array length of items - either NA or ds-locked)
#' @param freeze No items allowed before these. Analogous to freezing the first few
#'   columns of a spreadsheet (array length of items - either NA or ds-freeze). Makes
#'   since only for first initial items, and when used in conjunction with locked.
#'   Frozen items also cannot be toggled.
#' @param togglevis Add an icon to allow toggling items between visible/invisible.
#' @param togglelock Add an icon to allow toggling items between locked/unlocked.
#' @return div element
zoneItems <- function(zone, type, items, ids=rep(NA, length(items)), selected=NULL,
                             invisible=NULL, locked=NULL, freeze=NULL, togglevis=FALSE, togglelock=FALSE) {
  if (!(zone %in% c('drag', 'drop'))) {
    stop(zone, " is not a valid zone type. Zone type must be either 'drag' or 'drop'")
  if (!(type %in% c('options', 'presets'))) {
    stop(type, " is not a valid item type. Item type must be either 'options' or 'presets'")
  values <- names(items)
           FUN = function(values, labels, ids, selected, invisible, locked, freeze, togglevis, togglelock, i) {
               "data-value" = values[[i]] %||% labels[[i]],
               "data-instance" = ids[[i]],
               class = trimws(paste(paste0('ds-', ifelse(zone=='drop', 'dropoption', 'dragitem')),
                                    paste(keepTruthy(c(selected[[i]], invisible[[i]], locked[[i]], freeze[[i]])), collapse = ' '))
               labels[[i]] %||% values[[i]],
               switch(togglevis && (zone == 'drop') && !isTruthy(freeze[[i]]),
                      div(class = "ds-toggle-visible",
                          ifelse(isTruthy(invisible[[i]]), tagList(icon("eye-slash")), tagList(icon("eye")))),
               switch(togglelock && (zone == 'drop') && !isTruthy(freeze[[i]]),
                      div(class = "ds-toggle-lock",
                          ifelse(isTruthy(locked[[i]]), tagList(icon("lock")), tagList(icon("lock-open")))),
           }, values = values, labels = items, ids = ids, selected = selected, invisible = invisible,
           locked = locked, freeze = freeze, togglevis = togglevis, togglelock = togglelock

#' Change the choices of a dragzone on the client
#' @param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
#' @inheritParams dragZone
#' @export
updateDragZone <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(), id, choices=NULL)
  if (missing(id)) {
    warning("Using generic 'dragzone' as id. HTML element may not be unique!")
    id <- "dragzone"

  selector <- paste0('#', id)

  removeUI(paste(selector, '.ds-dragitem'),
           multiple = TRUE,
           session = session)

  if (!is.null(choices)) {
             ui = zoneItems('drag', 'options', choicesWithNames(choices)),
             session = session)

#' Change the values or settings of a dropzone on the client
#' The set of presets can be cleared by using presets=character(0).
#' @param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
#' @inheritParams dropZoneInput
#' @export
updateDropZoneInput <- function(session = getDefaultReactiveDomain(),
                                inputId, presets=NULL, choices=NULL, placeholder=NULL)
  # Make sure dropzone has been initialized first
  if (!is.null(session$input[[paste0(inputId, "_settings")]])) {
    update_choices <- !is.null(choices)
    update_presets <- !is.null(presets)
    if (!update_choices) { # If not updating choices, grab current choices
      choices <- session$input[[paste0(inputId, "_settings")]]$choices
    } else
      if (!update_presets) { # Need this to check if current presets are legit with new choices
        presets <- session$input[[inputId]]
    choices <- choicesWithNames(choices)
    multivalued <- session$input[[paste0(inputId, "_settings")]]$multivalued
    maxInput <- session$input[[paste0(inputId, "_settings")]]$maxInput

    # NULL means do nothing; NA or "" means delete all options
    if (update_presets || update_choices) {
      preset_choices <- choicesWithNames(names(choices))
      # Manage presets
      presets <- withCallingHandlers(
        presetsWithOptions(presets, preset_choices, multivalued),
        warning = function(w) {
          update_presets <<- TRUE # There was a problem with presets and new choices - force update

      # Make sure number of preset values obeys maxInput setting
      if (!is.null(maxInput) && (length(presets$values) > maxInput)) {
        stop("Number of preset values (", length(presets$values), ") exceeds the maximum allowable (", maxInput,")")

    # First, handle updating choices - can do this server-side right here
    #  since doesn't affect input directly (although can affect indirectly
    #  through changes to presets, which is handled below)
    if (update_choices) {
      selector <- paste0('#', session$ns(inputId), ' .ds-dropzone-options')

      removeUI(paste(selector, '.ds-dropoption'),
               multiple = TRUE,
               immediate = TRUE,
               session = session)

      if (!is.null(choices)) {
                 ui = zoneItems('drop', 'options', choices),
                 immediate = TRUE,
                 session = session)

    # Refactor - handle presets server-side (like dropZoneInput)
    # Note: Need to send choices update message in order to update settings input
    message <- dropNulls(list(presets = switch(update_presets, presets),
                              choices = switch(update_choices, TRUE),
                              placeholder = placeholder))
    session$sendInputMessage(inputId, message)

#' Run dndselectr Example Applications
#' Launch dndselectr example applications, and optionally, your system's web browser.
#' @param example The name of the example to run, or \code{NA} (the default) to
#'   list the available examples.
#' @param port The TCP port that the application should listen on. Defaults to
#'   choosing a random port.
#' @param launch.browser If true, the system's default web browser will be
#'   launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to true in
#'   interactive sessions only.
#' @param host The IPv4 address that the application should listen on. Defaults
#'   to the \code{shiny.host} option, if set, or \code{""} if not.
#' @param display.mode The mode in which to display the example. Defaults to
#'   \code{showcase}, but may be set to \code{normal} to see the example without
#'   code or commentary.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # List all available examples
#'   runExample()
#'   # Run one of the examples
#'   runExample("01_basic")
#'   # Print the directory containing the code for all examples
#'   system.file("examples", package="dndselectr")
#' }
#' @export
#' @references \code{\link[shiny]{runExample}}
runExample <- function(example=NA,
                       host=getOption('shiny.host', ''),
                       display.mode=c("auto", "normal", "showcase")) {
  examplesDir <- system.file('examples', package='dndselectr')
  dir <- resolve(examplesDir, example)
  if (is.null(dir)) {
    if (is.na(example)) {
      errFun <- message
      errMsg <- ''
    else {
      errFun <- stop
      errMsg <- paste('Example', example, 'does not exist. ')

           'Valid examples are "',
           paste(list.files(examplesDir), collapse='", "'),
  else {
    runApp(dir, port = port, host = host, launch.browser = launch.browser,
           display.mode = display.mode)

# HELPERS ----

#' Attach javascript dependencies
#' \code{attachDependencies} attaches the javascript dependencies. Specifically,
#' the Dragula JS package is attached, as well as the javascript wrapper and
#' input bindings.
#' @param ... Shiny tag object
attachDependencies <- function(...) {
  deps <- list(
    htmltools::htmlDependency(name = "dragula", version = "3.7.2",
                              package = "dndselectr",
                              src = "www/dragula-3.7.2",
                              script = "dragula.min.js",
                              stylesheet = "dragula.min.css"
    htmltools::htmlDependency(name = "dndselectr", version = "",
                              package = "dndselectr",
                              src = "www",
                              script = "dndselectr.js",
                              stylesheet = "dndselectr.css"
  htmltools::attachDependencies(..., deps)

#' Converts options to class names
#' @param varArgs Named list of options for dropzone
#' @return String
opts2class <- function(varArgs) {
  varArgsNames <- names(varArgs)[vapply(varArgs, isTRUE, logical(1))]
  paste(lapply(varArgsNames, function(opt) { paste0('ds-', opt) }), collapse = ' ')

#' Input is set of possible unique ids from multivalued inputs
#' @param values Values returned by dropzone input
#' @return logical
#' @export
isMultivalued <- function(values) {
  nvals <- length(values)
  if (is.null(values))

  # Not unique values
  if (length(unique(values)) != nvals)

  # Doesn't have the -ds- separator in all entries
  if (length(grep('-ds-', values)) != nvals)

  # Check individual id entries - are they integers when casted?
  ids <- multivalues(values, ids=TRUE)
  if (anyNAOrFalse(isWholeNum(suppressWarnings(as.double(ids)))))


#' Convert unique values to multivalues
#' (Multivalued dropzones only) This will drop the added unique counter ids
#' and convert to multivalued inputs.
#' @param values Values returned by dropzone input
#' @param ids Return unique ids rather than multivalues?
#' @return Multivalues with unique id stripped away.
#' @export
multivalues <- function(values, ids=FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(values)) {
    sapply(strsplit(values, '-ds-'),
           FUN = function(x) {
             if (length(x) == 1) {
               return(ifelse(ids, NA, x))
             } else {
               return(ifelse(ids, x[length(x)], paste(x[-length(x)], collapse = '-ds-')))
           }, simplify = "array")

#' Create server code to handle server-side creation of UI for dropzone items
#' This function will create the necessary event handlers that will call
#'   the UI function specified in the \code{server} argument of the
#'   \code{\link{dropZoneInput}} function.
#' @param session     The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param dropZoneId  The \code{id} of the first dropzone.
#' @param server      Function or function name as a string that will be used for
#'   server-side creation of UI for dropzone items. This is needed only when the
#'   dropzone items contain Shiny inputs and/or outputs.
#' @return Expression including an observe event handler.
#' @export
dropZoneServer <- function(session, dropZoneId, server) {
    newserver <- list()
    newserver[[dropZoneId]] <- switch(class(server), "character" = eval(parse(text = server)), "function" = server)
    session$userData$server <- c(session$userData$server, newserver)

    observeEvent(session$input[[paste0(dropZoneId, '_server')]], {
      ui_func <- session$userData$server[[dropZoneId]]
      ui <- do.call(ui_func,
                        session$input[[paste0(dropZoneId, '_server')]]$value,
                        server = switch("server" %in% names(formals(ui_func)), TRUE, NULL)

      # Make sure client-side code doesn't insert HTML within the selector element
        selector = session$input[[paste0(dropZoneId, '_server')]]$selector,
        ui = ui,
        session = session

#' Entangle inputs
#' Create observe events that entangle multiple Shiny inputs. Useful for
#'   hidden dropzones that take drops but display options elsewhere.
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param ...  The \code{ids} of the inputs
#' @return Expressions including the \code{observeEvent}s.
#' @export
entangleInputs <- function(session, ...) {
  entangle <- function(from, to, type) {
    clear_input <- switch(type,
                          "DropZone" = rlang::expr(character(0)),
                          "Picker" = rlang::expr(""))
    # Create update function call (couldn't directly implement in returned expr below;
    #   didn't like !! as argument name in function call).  Thus, creating function
    #   call expression "manually" and using fact that call type is basically a list.
    #   See https://adv-r.hadley.nz/expressions.html#calls
    # Refactor: Learn quasiquotation
    ufunc <- rlang::call2(
                      "DropZone" = "dndselectr",
                      "Picker" = "shinyWidgets"), '::', # namespace
               "update", type, "Input") # function
      rlang::expr(session$input[[!!from]] %||% !!clear_input)
    names(ufunc) <- c("", "session", "inputId", switch(type, "DropZone" = "presets", "Picker" = "selected"))

      observeEvent(session$input[[!!from]], {
      }, ignoreNULL = FALSE, ignoreInit = TRUE, label = !!from, priority = 10)

  id <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE))$...

  if (is.null(names(id))) {
    type <- rep("DropZone", length(id))
    id <- unlist(id)
  } else {
    type <- unlist(id)
    id <- names(id)

  for (i in 1:length(id)) {
    j <- (i %% length(id)) + 1
    eval(entangle(id[i], id[j], type[j]))

#' Append item to end of specified dropzone
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param value The value to clone from dragzoneId and append to dropzoneId.
#' @param dropzoneId The \code{id} of the dropzone.
#' @export
appendToDropzone <- function(session, value, dropzoneId) {
  message <- dropNulls(list(action = "append", value = value))
  session$sendInputMessage(dropzoneId, message)

#' Delete selected item in specified dropzone
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param dropzoneId The \code{id} of the dropzone.
#' @export
removeSelected <- function(session, dropzoneId) {
  message <- dropNulls(list(action = "remove_selected"))
  session$sendInputMessage(dropzoneId, message)

#' Remove selection
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param dropzoneId The \code{id} of the dropzone.
#' @export
unselect <- function(session, dropzoneId) {
  message <- dropNulls(list(action = "unselect"))
  session$sendInputMessage(dropzoneId, message)

#' Select element
#' @param session The \code{session} object passed to function given to \code{shinyServer}.
#' @param value The value of the item to select.
#' @param dropzoneId The \code{id} of the dropzone.
#' @export
select <- function(session, value, dropzoneId) {
  message <- dropNulls(list(action = "select",
                            val = multivalues(value),
                            id = switch(isMultivalued(value), multivalues(value, ids=TRUE), NULL)))
  session$sendInputMessage(dropzoneId, message)
serenity-r/dndselectr documentation built on March 12, 2021, 8:37 a.m.