
#' @aliases clean
#' @details `clean()` is the main method that can be used to check and clean the
#'   dataset. It will discard any genes that has less than 3 non-zero counts per
#'   thousand cells and all cells expressing less than 2 per thousand genes. It
#'   also produces and stores the estimators for nu and lambda
#' @param objCOTAN a `COTAN` object
#' @param cellsCutoff `clean()` will delete from the `raw` data any gene that is
#'   expressed in less cells than threshold times the total number of cells.
#'   Default cutoff is \eqn{0.003 \; (0.3\%)}
#' @param genesCutoff `clean()` will delete from the `raw` data any cell that is
#'   expressing less genes than threshold times the total number of genes.
#'   Default cutoff is \eqn{0.002 \; (0.2\%)}
#' @param cellsThreshold any gene that is expressed in more cells than threshold
#'   times the total number of cells will be marked as **fully-expressed**.
#'   Default threshold is \eqn{0.99 \; (99.0\%)}
#' @param genesThreshold any cell that is expressing more genes than threshold
#'   times the total number of genes will be marked as **fully-expressing**.
#'   Default threshold is \eqn{0.99 \; (99.0\%)}
#' @returns `clean()` returns the updated `COTAN` object
#' @importFrom rlang is_empty
#' @export
#' @rdname RawDataCleaning
           cellsCutoff = 0.003, genesCutoff = 0.002,
           cellsThreshold = 0.99, genesThreshold = 0.99) {

    # We want to discard genes having less than given cutoff
    # default: less than 3 non-zero counts per 1000 cells
    cutoff <- round(getNumCells(objCOTAN) * cellsCutoff, digits = 0L)
    genesToDrop <-
      getGenes(objCOTAN)[getNumOfExpressingCells(objCOTAN) <= cutoff]

    if (!is_empty(genesToDrop)) {
      objCOTAN <- dropGenesCells(objCOTAN, genes = genesToDrop)

    # We want to discard cells having less than given cutoff
    # default: less than 2 non-zero counts per 1000 genes
    cutoff <- round(getNumGenes(objCOTAN) * genesCutoff, digits = 0L)
    cellsToDrop <-
      getCells(objCOTAN)[getNumExpressedGenes(objCOTAN) <= cutoff]

    if (!is_empty(cellsToDrop)) {
      objCOTAN <- dropGenesCells(objCOTAN, cells = cellsToDrop)

    logThis(paste0("Genes/cells selection done:",
                   " dropped [", length(genesToDrop), "] genes",
                   " and [", length(cellsToDrop), "] cells"),
            logLevel = 2L)

    logThis(paste0("Working on [", getNumGenes(objCOTAN), "]",
                   " genes and [", getNumCells(objCOTAN), "] cells"),
            logLevel = 1L)

    objCOTAN <- findFullyExpressedGenes(objCOTAN,
                                        cellsThreshold = cellsThreshold)
    objCOTAN <- findFullyExpressingCells(objCOTAN,
                                         genesThreshold = genesThreshold)

    objCOTAN <- estimateLambdaLinear(objCOTAN)
    objCOTAN <- estimateNuLinear(objCOTAN)


seriph78/COTAN documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 3:27 a.m.