
# Demonstrate Path Analysis (Work-in-progress)

if (!(requireNamespace("lavaan", quietly = TRUE) & 
      requireNamespace("semPlot", quietly = TRUE))) {
  stop("This app requires both the packages lavaan and semPlot.")

# Global variables

modelp <- "
  intention ~ .4*attitude + .3*sbjnorm + .3*pbc
  behavior  ~ .4*intention + .2*attitude + .2*sbjnorm + .4*pbc
  attitude ~~ .0*sbjnorm
  attitude ~~ .0*pbc
  sbjnorm  ~~ .0*pbc
n <- 200
mydata <- lavaan::simulateData(model=modelp, sample.nobs = n, seed = 897981,
                               standardized = TRUE)  
model1 <- "
  intention ~ attitude  + sbjnorm + pbc
  behavior  ~ intention + pbc
#model1m <- lavaan::lavaanify(model1, auto.var=TRUE)                               
model1_fit <- lavaan::sem(model1, mydata)

model2 <- model1
model2_fit <- model1_fit
model3 <- model2
model3_fit <- model2_fit

modelfull <- "
  intention ~ attitude  + sbjnorm + pbc
  behavior  ~ intention + attitude + sbjnorm + pbc
#model1fullm <- lavaan::lavaanify(modelfull, auto.var=TRUE)                               
modelindep <- "
  intention ~ 0*attitude  + 0*sbjnorm + 0*pbc
  behavior  ~ 0*intention + 0*attitude + 0*sbjnorm + 0*pbc
  attitude ~~ 0*sbjnorm
  attitude ~~ 0*pbc
  sbjnorm  ~~ 0*pbc

new_parTable <- function(tobi_choices, tobeh_choices) {
    if (length(tobi_choices) > 0) {
      tobi <- paste("intention ~", paste(tobi_choices, collapse=" + "))
      } else {
      tobi <- "intention ~ 0*attitude + 0*sbjnorm + 0*pbc"
    if (length(tobeh_choices) > 0) {
      tobeh <- paste("behavior ~", paste(tobeh_choices, collapse=" + "))
      } else {
      tobeh <- "behavior ~ 0*intention + 0*attitude + 0*sbjnorm + 0*pbc"
    ivcov <- "attitude ~~ sbjnorm \n attitude ~~ pbc \n sbjnorm ~~ pbc "
    out <- lavaan::lavaanify(paste(tobi, "\n", tobeh, "\n", ivcov), 
                             auto.var=TRUE, fixed.x=FALSE)

my_paths <- function(sem_fit, main) {
  semPlot::semPaths(sem_fit, whatLabels="est",
      sizeMan=12, sizeLat=8, nCharNodes=0, rotation=2,
      edge.label.cex=2.5, edge.color="black", edge.width=4, 
      node.width=1.5, curve=1.75, exoVar=TRUE,
      style="lisrel", fixedStyle=c("white", 0),
      mar=c(3, 10, 5, 10))
plot_fit <- function(model_fits, titles, index, main, fFUN=NULL, 
                     txtpos=1, ptcex=1.5, ...) {
  k <- length(model_fits)
  fitmeas <- rep(NA, k)
  dfs     <- rep(NA, k)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    fitmeas[i] <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model_fits[[i]], index)
    dfs[i] <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model_fits[[i]], "df")
    if (!is.null(fFUN)) fitmeas[i] <- fFUN(fitmeas[i], dfs[i])
  plot(dfs, fitmeas, main=main, cex=ptcex, ...)
  if (length(txtpos) == 1) txtpos <- rep(txtpos, k)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    text(dfs[i], fitmeas[i], titles[i], pos=txtpos[i], ...)

plot_fit_bar <- function(model_fits, titles, index, main, ...) {
  k <- length(model_fits)
  fitmeas <- rep(NA, k)
  for (i in 1:k) {
    fitmeas[i] <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model_fits[[i]], index)
  barplot(fitmeas, names.arg=titles, main=main, ...)
# UI
ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Path Analysis: Illustration"),
        p("This page illustrates how the various measures of goodness or ",
          "badness of fit changes with model specification. A random dataset of",
          "200 cases are generated and two models, plus the baseline model and ",
          "a saturated model, are fitted to the data. You can see how model",
          "chi-squared, degrees of freedom, and other indices based on these",
          "two numbers changes with models."),
        p("You can use the following check boxes to change the free paths ",
          "in Model 1 and Model 2, and click 'Update the results' to see how ",
          "the goodness/badness of fit and model complexity change.")
      h4("Model 1"),
      checkboxGroupInput("tobi", "Intention is affected by:",
                         c("attitude" = "attitude",
                           "sbjnorm" = "sbjnorm",
                           "pbc" = "pbc"),
      h4("Model 1"),
      checkboxGroupInput("tobeh", "Behavior is affected by:",
                         c("attitude" = "attitude",
                           "sbjnorm" = "sbjnorm",
                           "pbc" = "pbc",
                           "intention" = "intention"),
      h4("Model 2"),
      checkboxGroupInput("tobi2", "Intention is affected by:",
                         c("attitude" = "attitude",
                           "sbjnorm" = "sbjnorm",
                           "pbc" = "pbc"),
                         selected=c("attitude", "sbjnorm", "pbc"))),
      h4("Model 2"),
      checkboxGroupInput("tobeh2", "Behavior is affected by:",
                         c("attitude" = "attitude",
                           "sbjnorm" = "sbjnorm",
                           "pbc" = "pbc",
                           "intention" = "intention"),
    column(12, submitButton("Update the results"))
  fluidRow(column(12, plotOutput('plot'))),
  fluidRow(column(12, plotOutput('plot2'))),
  fluidRow(column(12, plotOutput('plot3'))),
#  fluidRow(
#    column(3, dataTableOutput('resindep')),
#    column(3, dataTableOutput('res1')),
#    column(3, dataTableOutput('res2')),
#    column(3, dataTableOutput('resfull'))
#    ),
        p("Note: Explanations for the graphs will be added later.")
        p("The latest version of the code can be found at ",
          a("lstatdemo at GitHub", 
        p("The whole repository can be downloaded from GitHub and run in R by",

# Server
server <- function(input, output) {
  model2 <<- model1
  model2_fit <<- model1_fit
  model3 <<- model2
  model3_fit <<- model2_fit
  getModel  <- reactive(new_parTable(input$tobi, input$tobeh))
  getModel2 <- reactive(new_parTable(input$tobi2, input$tobeh2))
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    model1 <<- getModel()
    model1_fit <<- lavaan::sem(model1, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    model2 <<- getModel2()
    model2_fit <<- lavaan::sem(model2, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    modelindep_fit <<- lavaan::sem(modelindep, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    modelfull_fit <<- lavaan::sem(modelfull, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    par(mfrow=c(1, 4))
    my_paths(modelindep_fit, "Baseline Model (Independence)")
    my_paths(model1_fit, "Model 1")
    my_paths(model2_fit, "Model 2")
    my_paths(modelfull_fit, "Saturated Model")
  output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
    model1 <<- getModel()
    model1_fit <<- lavaan::sem(model1, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    model2 <<- getModel2()
    model2_fit <<- lavaan::sem(model2, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    modelindep_fit <<- lavaan::sem(modelindep, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    modelfull_fit <<- lavaan::sem(modelfull, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    model_fits <- list(modelindep_fit, model1_fit, model2_fit, modelfull_fit)
    titles <- c("Baseline", "Model 1", "Model 2", "Saturated")
    par(mfrow=c(1, 4))
    plot_fit_bar(model_fits, titles, index="chisq", main="Chi-squared")
    plot_fit_bar(model_fits, titles, index="df", main="Degrees of Freedom (df)")
    plot_fit(model_fits, titles, index="chisq", main="Chi-squared vs. df",
             xlab="Degrees of Freedom", ylab="Chi-squared", txtpos=c(2, 3, 3, 4))
    plot_fit(model_fits, titles, index="RMSEA", main="RMSEA",
             xlab="Degrees of Freedom", ylab="RMSEA", txtpos=c(2, 3, 3, 4))
    abline(h=.05, col="green")
  output$plot3 <- renderPlot({
    model1 <<- getModel()
    model1_fit <<- lavaan::sem(model1, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    model2 <<- getModel2()
    model2_fit <<- lavaan::sem(model2, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    modelindep_fit <<- lavaan::sem(modelindep, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    modelfull_fit <<- lavaan::sem(modelfull, mydata, fixed.x=FALSE)
    model_fits <- list(modelindep_fit, model1_fit, model2_fit, modelfull_fit)
    titles <- c("Baseline", "Model 1", "Model 2", "Saturated")
    chisqbase <- lavaan::fitMeasures(modelindep_fit, "chisq")
    dfbase    <- lavaan::fitMeasures(modelindep_fit, "df")
    chisq1 <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model1_fit, "chisq")
    df1    <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model1_fit, "df")
    chisq2 <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model2_fit, "chisq")
    df2    <- lavaan::fitMeasures(model2_fit, "df")
    par(mfrow=c(1, 4))
    plot_fit(model_fits, titles, index="chisq", main="Difference: Chisq - df", 
             fFUN=function(x, y) {x - y}, txtpos=c(2, 1, 1, 4),
             ylab="Chisq - df", xlab="Degrees of Freedom")
    abline(h=chisqbase - dfbase, col="red")
    abline(h=0, col="blue")
    abline(h=.05*(chisqbase - dfbase), col="green")
    arrows(df1, chisqbase - dfbase, df1, chisq1 - df1, length=.15)
    arrows(df2, chisqbase - dfbase, df2, chisq2 - df2, length=.15)
    plot_fit(model_fits, titles, index="CFI", main="CFI", txtpos=c(2, 1, 1, 4),
             ylab="CFI", xlab="Degrees of Freedom")
    abline(h=0, col="red")
    abline(h=.95, col="green")
    abline(h=1, col="blue")
    chisqdfratio <- function(x, y) {
      if (y == 0) {
        out <- NA
      } else {
        out <- x / y
    plot_fit(model_fits, titles, index="chisq", main="Ratio: Chisq/df",
             fFUN=chisqdfratio, txtpos=c(2, 1, 1, 4), 
             sub="Chisq/df undefined if df = 0", 
             ylim=c(1, max(chisqbase/dfbase, 
                           ifelse(df1 > 0, chisq1/df1, 0), 
                           ifelse(df2 > 0, chisq2/df2, 0))),
             xlab="Degrees of Freedom")
    abline(h=chisqbase/dfbase, col="red")
    abline(h=1, col="blue")
    abline(h=.05*(chisqbase/dfbase - 1) + 1, col="green")
    arrows(df1, chisqbase/dfbase, df1, chisq1/df1, length=.15)
    arrows(df2, chisqbase/dfbase, df2, chisq2/df2, length=.15)
    plot_fit(model_fits, titles, index="TLI", main="TLI", txtpos=c(2, 1, 1, 4),
             ylab="TLI", xlab="Degrees of Freedom")
    abline(h=0, col="red")
    abline(h=.95, col="green")
    abline(h=1, col="blue")
#  output$resindep <- renderDataTable(round(lavaan::residuals(modelindep_fit)$cov, 3))
#  output$res1     <- renderDataTable(round(lavaan::residuals(model1_fit)$cov, 3))
#  output$res2     <- renderDataTable(round(lavaan::residuals(model2_fit)$cov, 3))
#  output$resfull  <- renderDataTable(round(lavaan::residuals(modelfull_fit)$cov, 3))

shinyApp(ui=ui, server=server)
sfcheung/lstatdemo documentation built on May 2, 2020, 1:21 p.m.