
Defines functions convert_to_datetime_helper.character convert_to_datetime_helper.Date convert_to_datetime_helper.POSIXt convert_to_datetime_helper.factor convert_to_datetime_helper.numeric convert_to_datetime_helper convert_to_datetime convert_to_date

Documented in convert_to_date convert_to_datetime

#' Parse dates from many formats
#' Convert many date and date-time (POSIXct) formats as may be received
#' from Microsoft Excel.
#' @details
#' Character conversion checks if it matches something that looks like a
#' Microsoft Excel numeric date, converts those to numeric, and then runs
#' convert_to_datetime_helper() on those numbers.  Then, character to Date or
#' POSIXct conversion occurs via `character_fun(x, ...)` or
#' `character_fun(x, tz=tz, ...)`, respectively.
#' @param x The object to convert
#' @param tz The timezone for POSIXct output, unless an object is POSIXt
#'   already.  Ignored for Date output.
#' @param ... Passed to further methods.  Eventually may be passed to
#'   `excel_numeric_to_date()`, `base::as.POSIXct()`, or `base::as.Date()`.
#' @param character_fun A function to convert non-numeric-looking, non-`NA` values
#'   in `x` to POSIXct objects.
#' @param string_conversion_failure If a character value fails to parse into the
#'   desired class and instead returns `NA`, should the function return the
#'   result with a warning or throw an error?
#' @return POSIXct objects for `convert_to_datetime()` or Date objects for
#'   `convert_to_date()`.
#' @examples
#' convert_to_date("2009-07-06")
#' convert_to_date(40000)
#' convert_to_date("40000.1")
#' # Mixed date source data can be provided.
#' convert_to_date(c("2020-02-29", "40000.1"))
#' @export
#' @family date-time cleaning
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd
convert_to_date <- function(x, ..., character_fun = lubridate::ymd, string_conversion_failure = c("error", "warning")) {
  string_conversion_failure <- match.arg(string_conversion_failure)
    x, ...,
    character_fun = character_fun,
    string_conversion_failure = string_conversion_failure,
    out_class = "Date"

#' @name convert_to_date
#' @examples
#' convert_to_datetime(
#'   c("2009-07-06", "40000.1", "40000", NA),
#'   character_fun = lubridate::ymd_h, truncated = 1, tz = "UTC"
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms
convert_to_datetime <- function(x, ..., tz = "UTC", character_fun = lubridate::ymd_hms, string_conversion_failure = c("error", "warning")) {
  string_conversion_failure <- match.arg(string_conversion_failure)
    x, ...,
    tz = tz,
    character_fun = character_fun,
    string_conversion_failure = string_conversion_failure,
    out_class = "POSIXct"

#' The general method to convert either to a datetime or a date.
#' @param x the object to convert
#' @param out_class The class expected for output.
#' @return An object of class `out_class`
#' @noRd
convert_to_datetime_helper <- function(x, ..., out_class = c("POSIXct", "Date")) {

#' @exportS3Method NULL
convert_to_datetime_helper.numeric <- function(x, ...,
                                               date_system = "modern",
                                               include_time = NULL,
                                               round_seconds = TRUE,
                                               tz = "UTC",
                                               out_class = c("POSIXct", "Date")) {
  if (!is.null(include_time)) {
    warning("`include_time` is ignored in favor of `out_class`.")
  out_class <- match.arg(out_class)
    date_num = x,
    date_system = "modern",
    round_seconds = round_seconds,
    tz = tz,
    include_time = out_class %in% "POSIXct"

#' @exportS3Method NULL
convert_to_datetime_helper.factor <- function(x, ..., out_class = c("POSIXct", "Date")) {
  convert_to_datetime_helper.character(as.character(x), ..., out_class = out_class)

#' @exportS3Method NULL
convert_to_datetime_helper.POSIXt <- function(x, ..., out_class = c("POSIXct", "Date")) {
  out_class <- match.arg(out_class)
  if (out_class %in% "POSIXct") {
    # Ensure that POSIXlt gets converted to POSIXct
    as.POSIXct(x, ...)
  } else {
    as.Date(x, ...)

#' @exportS3Method NULL
convert_to_datetime_helper.Date <- function(x, ..., tz = "UTC", out_class = c("POSIXct", "Date")) {
  out_class <- match.arg(out_class)
  if (out_class %in% "POSIXct") {
    ret <- as.POSIXct(x, ...)
    # as.POSIXct.Date ignores the time zone, so manually apply it.
    attr(ret, "tzone") <- tz
  } else {
    ret <- x

#' @exportS3Method NULL
convert_to_datetime_helper.character <- function(x, ..., tz = "UTC", character_fun = lubridate::ymd_hms, string_conversion_failure = c("error", "warning"), out_class = c("POSIXct", "Date")) {
  string_conversion_failure <- match.arg(string_conversion_failure)
  out_class <- match.arg(out_class)
  mask_na <- is.na(x)
  mask_excel_numeric <- !mask_na & grepl(pattern = "^[0-9]{5}(?:\\.[0-9]*)?$", x = x)
  mask_character <- !(mask_na | mask_excel_numeric)
  if (out_class %in% "POSIXct") {
    ret <- as.POSIXct(x = rep(NA, length(x)), tz = "UTC")
  } else {
    ret <- as.Date(x = rep(NA, length(x)))
  if (any(mask_excel_numeric)) {
    ret[mask_excel_numeric] <- convert_to_datetime_helper(as.numeric(x[mask_excel_numeric]), ..., tz = tz)
  if (any(mask_character)) {
    characters_converted <-
      if (out_class %in% "POSIXct") {
        character_fun(x[mask_character], tz = tz, ...)
      } else {
        character_fun(x[mask_character], ...)
    if (!(out_class %in% class(characters_converted))) {
        "`character_fun(x)` must return class ", out_class,
        "; the returned class was: ", paste(class(characters_converted), collapse = ", ")
    ret[mask_character] <- characters_converted
    if (any(is.na(ret[mask_character]))) {
      not_converted_values <- unique(x[mask_character & is.na(ret)])
      # Don't provide too many error values
      if (length(not_converted_values) > 10) {
        not_converted_values <-
            paste0('"', not_converted_values[1:9], '"', collapse = ", "),
            "... and", length(not_converted_values) - 9, "other values."
      } else {
        not_converted_values <-
          paste0('"', not_converted_values, '"', collapse = ", ")
      not_converted_message <-
          "Not all character strings converted to class ", out_class,
          ".  Values not converted were: ",
      if (string_conversion_failure %in% "error") {
      } else {
  if (out_class %in% "POSIXct") {
    attr(ret, "tzone") <- tz
sfirke/janitor documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m.