
#' Reads a VR cell selection file and creates a user.grouping column with the information
#' storing the user defined grouping for later use
#'@param cellexalObj A cellexalvr object
#'@param cellidfile file containing cell IDs
#'@keywords userGrouping
#'@export userGrouping

userGrouping  <- function (cellexalObj, cellidfile) {
	cellexalObj <- renew(cellexalObj)
	if ( file.exists(cellidfile)){ ## file from the VR env
		## add this group into the object
		cellid <- read.delim(cellidfile,header=F)
		grp.vec <- as.vector(cellid[,2])
		grps <- as.vector(unique(cellid[,2]))
		req.graph <- unique(as.vector(cellid[,3]))
		#add two lines into the object # one for the group and the other for the order in the group
		id= (ncol(cellexalObj@userGroups) /2) + 1
		gname = paste( "User.group", id, sep="." ) #the VR program depended on it
		n = vector( 'numeric', ncol(cellexalObj@data))
		n[match(cellid[,1], colnames(cellexalObj@data)) ] = cellid[,2]
		n[which(n==0)] = NA
		order = n
		order[match(cellid[,1], colnames(cellexalObj@data))] = 1:nrow(cellid)
		#I need to record the order in the grouping
		if ( id == 1 ) { 
			## new grouping data
			cellexalObj@userGroups = data.frame( a = n, b = order )
		}else {
			## did we already have this exact grouping?
			t <- apply( cellexalObj@userGroups, 2, function ( x ) { ok = all.equal(x,n); if ( ok == T ) {TRUE } else { FALSE } } )
			d <- apply( cellexalObj@userGroups, 2, function ( x ) { ok = all.equal(x,order); if ( ok == T ) {TRUE } else { FALSE } } )
			ok <- which( t == T )
			if ( length(ok) == 1 & length( which(d == T)) == 1) {
				## OK use the old one
				gname = names(ok)
				id = ceiling(as.vector(ok) / 2)
			}else {
				## add this new one
				cellexalObj@userGroups = cbind(cellexalObj@userGroups, n, order)
		colnames(cellexalObj@userGroups)[2*id-1] = gname
		colnames(cellexalObj@userGroups)[2*id] = paste( gname, 'order' )
		cellexalObj@groupSelectedFrom[[gname]] = req.graph
		cellexalObj@colors[[gname]] = unique(grps)
	else if ( is.na(match(cellidfile, colnames(cellexalObj@userGroups))) ==F ) {
		## the grouping is known
		gname = cellidfile
	}else {
		stop( paste("Cannot process the request for grouping",cellidfile,"\nIt is neither a file nor a known user grouping name\n" ) )
	## store the grouing name
	cellexalObj@usedObj$lastGroup = gname
shambam/cellexalvrR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 9:35 a.m.