
Defines functions simpleCache

Documented in simpleCache

## Package documentation
#' Provides intuitive functions for caching R objects, encouraging faster
#' reproducible and restartable R analysis
#' @references \url{https://github.com/databio/simpleCache}
#' @docType package
#' @author Nathan Sheffield
#' @aliases simpleCache-package


#' Create a new cache or load a previously created cache.
#' Given a unique name for an  R object, and instructions for how to make that
#' object, use the simpleCache function to create and cache or load the object.
#' This should be used for computations that take a long time and generate a
#' table or something used repeatedly (in other scripts, for example). Because
#' the cache is tied to the object name, there is some danger of causing
#' troubles if you misuse the caching system. The object should be considered
#' static. 
#' You should pass a bracketed R code snippet like \code{rnorm(500)} as the
#' instruction, and simpleCache will create the object. Alternatively, if the
#' code to create the cache is large, you can put an R script called object.R in
#' the \code{\link[=setCacheBuildDir]{RBUILD.DIR}} (the name of the file *must* match the name of the object it
#' creates *exactly*). If you don't provide an instruction, the function sources

#' RBUILD.DIR/object.R and caches the result as the object. This source file
#' *must* create an object with the same name of the object. If you already have
#' an object with the name of the object to load in your current environment,
#' this function will not try to reload the object; instead, it returns the
#' local object. In essence, it assumes that this is a static object, which you
#' will not change. You can force it to load the cached version instead with
#' "reload".
#' Because R uses lexical scope and not dynamic scope, you may need to pass some
#' environment variables you use in your instruction code. You can use this
#' using the parameter buildEnvir (just provide a list of named variables).
#' @param cacheName	A character vector for a unique name for the cache. Be careful.
#' @param instruction  R expression (in braces) to be evaluated. The returned value of this
#'     code is what will be cached under the cacheName.
#' @param buildEnvir   An environment (or list) providing additional variables
#'     necessary for evaluating the code in instruction.
#' @param reload   Logical indicating whether to force re-loading the cache,
#'     even if it exists in the env.
#' @param recreate Logical indicating whether to force reconstruction of the
#'     cache
#' @param noload   Logical indicating whether to create but not load the cache.
#'     noload is useful for: you want to create the caches, but not load (like a
#'     cache creation loop).
#' @param cacheDir Character vector specifying the directory where caches are
#'			saved (and loaded from). Defaults to the variable set by
#'			\code{\link[=setCacheDir]{setCacheDir()}}.
#' @param cacheSubDir Character vector specifying a subdirectory within the
#' 			\code{cacheDir} variable. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param assignToVariable Character vector for a variable name to load the
#'     cache into. By default, \code{simpleCache} assigns the cache to a
#'     variable named \code{cacheName}; you can overrule that here.
#' @param loadEnvir    An environment. Into which environment would you like to
#'     load the variable? Defaults to \code{\link[base]{parent.frame}}.
#' @param searchEnvir  a vector of environments to search for the already loaded
#'     cache.
#' @param timer Logical indicating whether to report how long it took to create
#'     the cache.
#' @param buildDir Location of Build files (files with instructions for use If
#'		the instructions argument is not provided). Defaults to RBUILD.DIR
#'		global option.
#' @param nofail By default, simpleCache throws an error if the instructions
#'     fail. Use this option to convert this error into a warning. No cache will
#'     be created, but simpleCache will not then hard-stop your processing. This
#'     is useful, for example, if you are creating a bunch of caches (for
#'     example using \code{lapply}) and it's ok if some of them do not complete.
#' @param batchRegistry A \code{batchtools} registry object (built with
#'      \code{\link[batchtools]{makeRegistry}}). If provided, this cache will be created on
#'     the cluster using your batchtools configuration
#' @param batchResources A list of variables to provide to batchtools for
#'     cluster resource managers. Used as the \code{res} argument to
#'     \code{\link[batchtools]{batchMap}}
#' @param lifespan Numeric specifying the maximum age of cache, in days, to
#'                 allow before automatically triggering \code{recreate=TRUE}.
#' @param pepSettings Experimental untested feature.
#' @param ignoreLock Internal parameter used for batch job submission; don't
#'     touch.
#' @export
#' @example
#' R/examples/example.R
simpleCache = function(cacheName, instruction=NULL, buildEnvir=NULL,
	reload=FALSE, recreate=FALSE, noload=FALSE,
	cacheDir=getCacheDir(), cacheSubDir=NULL, timer=FALSE,
	buildDir=getOption("RBUILD.DIR"), assignToVariable=NULL,
	loadEnvir=parent.frame(), searchEnvir=getOption("SIMPLECACHE.ENV"),
	nofail=FALSE, batchRegistry=NULL, batchResources=NULL, pepSettings=NULL, 
	ignoreLock=FALSE, lifespan=NULL) {

	if (!"character" %in% class(cacheName)) {
		stop("simpleCache expects the cacheName variable to be a character vector.")

	# Because R evaluates arguments lazily (only when they are used),
	# it will not evaluate the instruction if I first wrap it in a
	# primitive substitute call. Then I can evaluate conditionally
	# (if the cache needs to be recreated)
	instruction = substitute(instruction)
	if ("character" %in% class(instruction)) {
		message("Character instruction; consider wrapping in braces.")
		parse = TRUE
	} else { parse = FALSE }
	# Handle directory paths.
	if (!is.null(cacheSubDir)) { cacheDir = file.path(cacheDir, cacheSubDir) }
	if (is.null(cacheDir)) {
		message(strwrap("No cacheDir specified. You should set global option
		RCACHE.DIR with setCacheDir(), or specify a cacheDir parameter directly
		to simpleCache(). With no other option, simpleCache will use tempdir():
		", initial="", prefix=" "), tempdir())
		cacheDir = tempdir()
	if (!file.exists(cacheDir)) {
		dir.create(cacheDir, recursive=TRUE)
	cacheFile = file.path(cacheDir, paste0(cacheName, ".RData"))
	lockFile = file.path(cacheDir, paste0(cacheName, ".lock"))
	if (ignoreLock) {
		# remove the lock file when this function call is complete.
	submitted = FALSE
	# Check if cache exists in any provided search environment.
	searchEnvir = append(searchEnvir, ".GlobalEnv")  # Assume global env.
	cacheExists = FALSE
	cacheWhere = NULL

	for ( curEnv in searchEnvir ) {
		if(! ( exists(curEnv) && is.environment(get(curEnv))) ) {
			warning(curEnv, " is not an environment.")
		} else if( exists(cacheName, where=get(curEnv))) {
			cacheExists = TRUE
			cacheWhere = curEnv

	ret = NULL # The default, in case the cache construction fails.

	if (.tooOld(cacheFile, lifespan)) {
			"Stale cache: '%s' (age > %d day(s))", cacheFile, lifespan))
		recreate = TRUE

	if(cacheExists & !reload & !recreate) {
		message("::Object exists (in ", cacheWhere, ")::\t", cacheName)
		ret = get(cacheName, pos = get(cacheWhere))
	} else if (file.exists(lockFile) & !ignoreLock) {
		message("::Cache processing (lock file exists)::\t", lockFile)
		#check for slurm log...

		if (!is.null(batchRegistry)) {
			# Grabbing log from batchtools
			# 1 is the job id.
			message(paste(batchtools::getLog(1, reg=batchRegistry), collapse="\n"))
		if (!is.null(pepSettings)) { 
			# TODO: retrieve log
			stop("PEP settings submission is not yet implemented")


	} else if(file.exists(cacheFile) & !recreate & !noload) {
		message("::Loading cache::\t", cacheFile)
	} else if(file.exists(cacheFile) & !recreate) {
		message("::Cache exists (no load)::\t", cacheFile)
	} else {
		message("::Creating cache::\t", cacheFile)

		tryCatch( { # Intercept any errors with creating this cache.

		if(is.null(instruction)) {
				if (is.null(buildDir)) {
					stop(strwrap("::Error::\tIf you do not provide an
					instruction argument, you must set global option RBUILD.DIR
					with setCacheBuildDir, or specify a buildDir parameter
					directly to simpleCache()."))
				RBuildFile = file.path(buildDir, paste0(cacheName, ".R"))

				if (!file.exists(RBuildFile)) {
					stop("::Error::\tNo instruction or RBuild file provided.")

				if (timer) { tic() }
				source(file.path(buildDir, paste0(cacheName, ".R")), local=FALSE)
				if (timer) { toc() }
				ret = get(cacheName)
		} else {
			if (is.null(buildEnvir)) {
				if (timer) { tic() }
				if ( ! is.null(batchRegistry) ) {
					# Submit to cluster using batchtools 

					 if (! requireNamespace("batchtools", quietly=TRUE)) {
						stop("Install batchtools for cluster submission...")
					if (is.null(batchResources)) { 
						stop("You must provide both batchRegistry and batchResources.")
					message("Submitting job to cluster")
					# You have to wrap `instruction` in substitute() so it won't be evaluated,
					# then you have to wrap that in list so it won't be misinterpreted
					# by batchMap as multiple arguments, causing extra jobs.
					args = list(cacheName=cacheName,
						cacheDir=cacheDir, ignoreLock=TRUE)

						ids = batchtools::batchMap(

					# lock cache so it won't be loaded prematurely or double-written
  					batchtools::submitJobs(ids=ids, reg=batchRegistry, res=batchResources)

					message("Done submitting to cluster")
					submitted = "batch"
				} else if ( ! is.null(pepSettings) ) {
					stop("PEP settings submission is not yet implemented")
					# Build a simpleCache command
					#simpleCacheCode = paste0("simpleCache('", cacheName, "',
						# instruction='", paste0(deparse(instruction), collapse="\n"), "',
						# recreate=", recreate, ", 
						# cacheDir='", cacheDir,"',
						# ignoreLock=TRUE)")
					#if (slurmParams$jobName=="test") { slurmParams$jobName=cacheName } 
					#with(slurmParams, buildSlurmScript(
						# simpleCacheCode, preamble, submit, hpcFolder, 
						# jobName, mem, cores, partition, timeLimit, sourceProjectInit))
				} else {
					# No cluster submission request, so just run it here!
					# "ret," for return, is the name the cacheName is stored under.
					if (parse) {
						ret = eval(parse(text=instruction), envir=parent.frame())
					} else {
						# Here we do the evaluation in the parent frame so that 
						# it will have access to any packages the user has loaded
						# that may be required to run the code. Otherwise, it will
						# run in the simpleCache namespace which could lack these
						# packages (or have a different search path hierarchy),
						# leading to failures. The `substitute` call here ensures
						# the code isn't evaluated at argument stage, but is retained
						# until it makes it to the `eval` call.
						ret = eval(instruction, envir=parent.frame())
				if (timer) { toc() }
			} else {
				# Build environment was provided.
				# we must place the instruction in the environment to build from
				if (exists("instruction", buildEnvir)) {
					stop("Can't provide a variable named 'instruction' in buildEnvir")
				buildEnvir$instruction = instruction
				be = as.environment(buildEnvir)
				# As described above, this puts global package functions into 
				# scope so instructions can use them.
				parent.env(be) = parent.frame()
				if (timer) { tic() }
				if (parse) {
					ret = with(be, eval(parse(text=instruction)))
				} else {
					#ret = with(buildEnvir, evalq(instruction))
					ret = with(be, eval(instruction))

				if (timer) { toc() }

		# tryCatch
		}, error = function(e) { if (nofail) warning(e) else stop(e) })

		if (submitted == "batch") {
			message("Job submitted, check for cache.")
		} else if (is.null(ret)) {
			message("NULL value returned, no cache created")
			return() #so we don't assign NULL to the object.
		} else {
			save(ret, file=cacheFile)
	if (noload) {
	if(is.null(assignToVariable)) {
		assignToVariable = cacheName
	assign(assignToVariable, ret, envir=loadEnvir)
	#return() #used to return ret, but not any more
sheffien/simpleCache documentation built on April 25, 2021, 2:03 p.m.