
Defines functions weekly_bets kellyMultipleBets growth_rate

Documented in growth_rate kellyMultipleBets weekly_bets

#' Optimal allocations among many independent bets
#' @param x the allocation for the bets
#' @param ps vector of chances
#' @param a vector of win payouts
#' @param b vector of risk payins
#' @description {Compute the growth-rate for a given allocation under the
#' independent simultaneous binary wager model.}
#' @return vector
#' @export growth_rate
growth_rate <- function(x, ps, a, b)
  m <- length(ps)
  l <- list()
  #print("Computing coefficients")
  for(i in 1:m)
    l[[i]] <- c(ps[i], 1-ps[i])
  chance_coefs <- expand.grid(l)
  chance_coefs <- apply(chance_coefs, 1, prod)

  #print("Computing log arguments")
  ll <- rep(list(0:1), m)
  outcomes <- 1-expand.grid(ll) # order is reversed
  logargs <- 2*outcomes-1
  for(i in 1:(2^m))
    for(j in 1:m)
      if(logargs[i, j] < 0)
        logargs[i, j] <- -b[j]
      } else if(logargs[i, j] > 0)
        logargs[i, j] <- a[j]
  # print("All possible payoffs:")
  # print(logargs)
  # constrOptim *minimizes* functions, so we use negatives
  r <- apply(as.matrix(logargs), 1, function(y) y%*%x)

#' Optimal allocations among many independent bets
#' @param ps vector of chances
#' @param a vector of win payouts
#' @param b vector of risk payins
#' @param restraint percentage of wealth to restrict to
#' @description {Given independent alternatives to wager on on the same trial, going up to
#' a percentage of one's bankroll, optimal allocations are computed via
#' log-maximization of terminal wealth.}
#' @return vector
#' @export kellyMultipleBets
kellyMultipleBets <- function(ps, a, b, restraint = 1)
  # TODO remove this and add extra args to constrOpt
  m <- length(ps)
  l <- list()
  #print("Computing coefficients")
  for(i in 1:m)
    l[[i]] <- c(ps[i], 1-ps[i])
  chance_coefs <- expand.grid(l)
  chance_coefs <- apply(chance_coefs, 1, prod)

  #print("Computing log arguments")
  ll <- rep(list(0:1), m)
  outcomes <- 1-expand.grid(ll) # order is reversed
  logargs <- 2*outcomes-1
  for(i in 1:(2^m))
    for(j in 1:m)
      if(logargs[i, j] < 0)
        logargs[i, j] <- -b[j]
      } else if(logargs[i, j] > 0)
        logargs[i, j] <- a[j]
  #print("All possible payoffs:")
  # constrOptim *minimizes* functions, so we use negatives
  g <- function(x)
    r <- apply(as.matrix(logargs), 1, function(y) y%*%x)

  # -restraint for budget constraint (to get u cdot 1^T <= restraint), >0, -u>-1 for 0<u<1
  bvec <- c(-restraint, rep(0, m), rep(-1, m))
  # for row is 1s for budget equality constraint, then diag matrices
  Amat <- cbind(matrix(rep(-1, m), nrow = m), diag(x = 1, m, m), diag(x = -1, m, m))
  kf <- stats::constrOptim(theta = rep(restraint/(3*m), m),
                           f = g, grad = NULL, ui = t(Amat), ci = bvec)

#' Weekly bets for all categories of wagers
#' @param bankroll initial wealth to bankroll
#' @param live_line the scraped line from ESPN
#' @param chances estimated model chances
#' @param wager the wager for over/under and spreads
#' @description {Optimize allocations amongst weekly bets.
#' }
#' @return list
#' @export weekly_bets
weekly_bets <- function(bankroll, live_line = NULL, chances = NULL, wager = 110)
    live_line<- sportsbets::espn_nfl_line()

  # live_line[2, 4] <- -13.0
  #live_line[2, 6] <- 285
    chances <- sportsbets::nfl_model_chances(live_line)

  m <- nrow(live_line)
  ps <- as.list(chances[-c(1:4)])
  winnings <- list(-100/chances$fav_risk, chances$und_win/100, rep(100/wager, m), rep(100/wager, m), rep(100/wager, m), rep(100/wager, m))
  risks <- list(rep(1, m), rep(1, m), rep(1, m),  rep(1, m), rep(1, m), rep(1, m))
  x <- list()
  for(i in 1:6)
    x[[i]] <- kellyMultipleBets(ps[[i]], winnings[[i]], risks[[i]])
  names(x) <- names(chances[-c(1:4, 11)])
  x <- do.call(cbind, x)
  x <- round(x, 3)
  x <- data.frame(x)
  growths <- matrix(0, nrow = 6)
  for(i  in 1:6)
    growths[i] <- growth_rate(x[,i], ps[[i]], winnings[[i]], risks[[i]])
  rownames(growths) <- colnames(x)
  dat <- rbind(x, t(growths))
  rownames(dat)[nrow(dat)] <- "growth"
  output <- list(line = live_line, model = chances, allocations = dat)
shill1729/sportsbets documentation built on Dec. 27, 2022, 10:53 p.m.