
Defines functions read_data.character read_data.data.frame read_data

Documented in read_data read_data.character read_data.data.frame

#' Automatic reading in data from a meta-table of external data sets.
#' @param x character string or data.frame.  If it is a character then it is the name of the object to be created, and referenced within the data to find the file path. If it is a dataframe then read_data is repeated across all the rows of the data.frame.
#' @param data_table data frame containing the meta-table of file paths of the external data files, and their desired R object names.
#' @param fun the function to be used to read in the data file. If unspecified it picks up file extensions ".xsl" and ".xslx" to use \code{readxl::read_xls} and \code{readxl::read_xlsx}, otherwise uses \code{read.csv}. This could actually be any function applied to the file path character string that is extracted from \code{data_table}, but a warning is issued if the function name does not contain "read".
#' @param frame Environment in which an object with name given by \code{x} is created. Default is parent.frame(). Or if NULL the data read in is returned with no assignement.
#' @param name_variable character string giving the variable name within \code{data} that has the object names to be referenced. Defaults to "name".
#' @param file_variable character string giving the variable name within \code{data} that has the file names to be referenced. Defaults to "file".
#' @param clean_names_option logical to apply the \code{\link{clean_names}} function internally. Defaults to FALSE for compatibility with \code{\link{apply_macro_dict}}.
#' @param remove_blank_rows_cols_option logical to apply the \code{\link{remove_blank_rows_cols}} function internally. Defaults to FALSE for compatibility with \code{\link{apply_macro_dict}}.
#' @param ... other arguments to supply to \code{fun}.
#' @return \code{read_data} assigns or returns a data frame reading in data from an external file
#' @details The idea is to improve the tracibility of reading in external data.
#' This should be used in two steps: create a meta-table in R that has a minimum of 2 columns, one with the name of the R data.frame
#' to be created, and the other giving the file path to the external data; use \code{read_data} as a wrapper to read in the data as specified. This ends up with less code, and allows an table of extenral data and associated meta-data to
#' be easily produced using \code{data_table_summary}. If options("verbose") is TRUE then \code{read_data} will display messages describing what objects have been created.
#'This is a generic method with methods defined for a character string, and a data.frame. The former just reads in one data.frame, the latter reads in all the data.frames specified.
#' @examples
#' data_table <- data.frame(name=c("dirtydata","meta"),
#'                          file=c("dirtydata.csv", "meta_table.xlsx"),
#'                          folder=system.file("extdata", package="cctu"),
#'                          stringsAsFactors=FALSE
#'                          )
#' data_table_summary(data_table)
#' options("verbose"=TRUE)
#' read_data(data_table)
#' summary(dirtydata)
#' summary(meta)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.csv}} \code{\link[readxl]{read_excel}}
#' \code{\link{data_table_summary}}
#' \code{\link{apply_macro_dict}}
#' \code{\link{var_lab}}
#' \code{\link{extract_form}}

read_data <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("read_data",x)}

#' @describeIn read_data data.frame method for read_data generic
#' @export
read_data.data.frame <- function(x,
  grandparent <- parent.frame()
  dots <- list(...)

  if("folder" %in% names(x)){

    folder <- x[, "folder"]
    folder <- ifelse(is.na(folder) | folder == "", getwd(),
    x[,file_variable] <- file.path(folder, x[, file_variable])

  for(obj in x[,name_variable]){
    output <- do.call(read_data.character,
  if( exists("frame",dots) && is.null(dots$frame) ) return(output)

#' @describeIn read_data  character method for read_data generic
#' @export
read_data.character <- function(x,
  names <- data_table[,name_variable]
  files <- data_table[,file_variable]
  file <- as.character(files[match(x, names)])

    fun <- utils::read.csv
    # some sort of intelligent setting of fun
    if( grepl("\\.xlsx?$", file) ){
      if(!requireNamespace("readxl",quietly = TRUE) ){stop("Package \"readxl\" needed for this function to load excel files")}
      fun <- readxl::read_excel
  }else if( all(!grepl("read",deparse(substitute(fun))))){
      paste("this function is designed to be used for reading in data. You are calling:",
            paste(deparse(substitute(fun)), collapse=", ")

   output <- do.call(fun, c(list(file), ...=...))
   if( clean_names_option){ clean_names(output)}
   if( remove_blank_rows_cols_option){remove_blank_rows_cols(output)}

  if( is.null(frame)){
    assign(x, output,envir = frame)
    if(options()$verbose){ cat(paste0("object created in ",environmentName(frame),": ", x,"\n"))}
shug0131/cctu documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 12:03 p.m.