#' Calculate storm track density on a grid.
#' Count total number and normalised number of storm tracks or features on a grid.
#' @param tracks Object of class `stormtracks` (see `read_tracks`)
#' @param bw The bin width (in degrees) of the grid on which track density is calculate. Default=1.
#' @param var Which variable to use to define latitude and longitude. If `NULL`
#' (the default) it uses the first column names that start on `lon_` and `lat_`.
#' @return grid of counts
#' @examples
#' tracks = read_tracks('../inst/extdata/storms.txt')
#' counts = count_storms(tracks)
#' @seealso read_tracks plot.track_density
#' @import data.table
#' @export
track_density =
bw = 1,
var=NULL) {
# check if obj is a stormtracks object
stopifnot('stormtracks' %in% class(tracks))
lon_breaks = seq(-180, 180, by=bw)
lat_breaks = seq(-90, 90, by=bw)
# make a deep copy to avoid manipulating the original object
tracks = copy(tracks)
# identify longitude and latitude column, abort if not found
lon_pattern = paste('^lon_', var, sep='')
lat_pattern = paste('^lat_', var, sep='')
lon_col = grep(lon_pattern, colnames(tracks), value=TRUE)[1]
lat_col = grep(lat_pattern, colnames(tracks), value=TRUE)[1]
if (is.na(lon_col)) {
stop(paste('Could not find longitude column (pattern `',
lon_pattern, '`)', sep=''))
if (is.na(lat_col)) {
stop(paste('Could not find latitude column (pattern `',
lat_pattern, '`)', sep=''))
# throw away everything except id, lon and lat
drop_cols = setdiff(names(tracks), c('ID', lon_col, lat_col))
tracks[, (drop_cols) := NULL]
setnames(tracks, c('ID', 'lon', 'lat'))
# bin longitudes and latidutes
tracks[, lon_bin := cut(lon, breaks=lon_breaks)]
tracks[, lat_bin := cut(lat, breaks=lat_breaks)]
# combine bins
tracks[, bin := as.factor(paste(lon_bin, lat_bin, sep=','))]
# count features per bin: group by bin and counter number of points within
# each bin
feature_count = tracks[, .(feature_count=.N) , keyby=bin]
# count tracks per bin: group by storm (ID) and find unique bins per storm,
# then group by bin and calculate number of storms per bin
track_count = tracks[ , .(bin = unique(bin)) , by=ID ][
, .(track_count=.N), keyby=bin ]
# merge feature and track counts into one data table
counts = merge(feature_count, track_count)
# calculate feature density and track density
counts[, feature_density := feature_count / sum(feature_count, na.rm=TRUE)]
counts[, track_density := track_count / sum(track_count, na.rm=TRUE)]
# add empty bins (this improves the contour plots)
all_bins = as.data.table(
expand.grid(lon_bin=levels(tracks[, lon_bin]),
lat_bin=levels(tracks[, lat_bin])))
all_bins[, bin := as.factor(paste(lon_bin, lat_bin, sep=','))]
counts = counts[J(all_bins$bin)]
for (jj in c('feature_count', 'feature_density', 'track_count', 'track_density')) {
set(counts, which(is.na(counts[[jj]])), jj, 0)
# also, calculate lower and upper bin limits and bin centers by parsing the
# `bin` variable (e.g. `(-180,-179],(-90,-89]`)
# split by comma:
counts[, bin_splt := strsplit(as.character(bin), ',')]
# remove any round or square brackets:
counts[, bin_splt := lapply(bin_splt, function(s) gsub('\\(|\\)|\\[|\\]', '', s))]
# define lon/lat min/max/center
counts[, bin_splt := lapply(bin_splt, as.numeric)]
counts[, lon_min := sapply(bin_splt, `[`, 1)]
counts[, lon_max := sapply(bin_splt, `[`, 2)]
counts[, lat_min := sapply(bin_splt, `[`, 3)]
counts[, lat_max := sapply(bin_splt, `[`, 4)]
counts[, lon := 0.5 * (lon_min + lon_max)]
counts[, lat := 0.5 * (lat_min + lat_max)]
counts[, bin_splt := NULL]
class(counts) = c('track_density', class(counts))
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