
## mafs main functions: apply_selected_model(), apply_all_models(), multi_forecast(), ggplot_fit()

#' @import forecast
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @title Select a model to forecast a time series object.
#' @description
#' Apply a chosen forecast model to a time series object. Basically a wrapper for many functions from the forecast package.
#' Please run available_models() to see the list of available modes to use as the model.name argument of this function.
#' @param x A ts object.
#' @param model_name A string indicating the name of the forecast model.
#' @param horizon the forecast horizon length
#' @return A forecast object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' apply_selected_model(AirPassengers, "auto.arima", 6)
#' }
#' @export
apply_selected_model <- function(x, model_name, horizon) {

  available_models <- available_models()

  if (!(model_name %in% available_models)) {
    stop("Your model is not available. Please run avaiableModels() to see the list of available models")
  # former aplicarMelhorModelo()
         "auto.arima" = auto.arima(x, ic='aicc', stepwise=FALSE), # 1
         "ets" = ets(x, ic='aicc', restrict=FALSE, opt.crit = "mae"), #2
         "nnetar" = nnetar(x, p=12, size=12, repeats = 24), # 3
         "tbats"  = tbats(x, ic='aicc', seasonal.periods=12), # 4
         "bats" = bats(x, ic='aicc', seasonal.periods=12), # 5
         "stlm_ets"  = stlm(x, s.window=12, ic='aicc', robust=TRUE, method='ets'), # 6
         "stlm_arima"  = stlm(x, s.window=12, ic='aicc', robust=TRUE, method='arima'), # 7
         "StructTS"  = StructTS(x), #8
         "meanf"  = meanf(x, h = horizon), #9
         "naive"  = naive(x, h = horizon), #10
         "snaive"  = snaive(x, h = horizon), #11
         "rwf"  = rwf(x, h = horizon), #12
         "rwf_drift"  = rwf(x, drift = TRUE, h = horizon),  #13 ### NOVO
         "splinef"  = splinef(x, h = horizon), #14
         "thetaf"  = thetaf(x, h = horizon), #15
         "croston"  = croston(x, h = horizon), #16
         "tslm"  = tslm(x ~ trend + season), #17
         "hybrid" = forecastHybrid::hybridModel(x, verbose = FALSE) #18
         #,"baggedETS" = baggedETS(x)

#' @title List of available models in mafs package
#' @description List of available models in mafs package, imported from the
#' forecast package.
#' @return A character vector of the forecast models that can be used in this package.
#' @examples
#' available_models()
#' @export
available_models <- function() {
    "auto.arima", "ets", "nnetar", "tbats", "bats","stlm_ets",
    "stlm_arima", "StructTS", "meanf", "naive", "snaive", "rwf",
    "rwf_drift", "splinef", "thetaf", "croston", "tslm", "hybrid"

#' @title list of available error metrics in mafs package
#' @description See forecast::accuracy() for more details.
#' @details
#' There is an internal function in this package (removeTheil()) that
#' removes Theil'U metric from the output. This was necessary because for some
#' time series, forecast::accuracy() does not output the value for this
#' metric.
#' @return A character vector of the error metrics that can be used in this package.
#' @examples
#' error_metrics()
#' @export
error_metrics <- function(){
  return(c("ME", "RMSE", "MAE", "MAPE", "MASE"))

#' @title Fit several forecast models
#' @description
#' Create a list of all possible forecast models for the inputed time series object.
#' @details
#' This functions loops the output from available_models(), uses it as the
#' model.name argument for apply_selected_model() and return a list of length
#' 19 in which each element is a forecast model.
#' Depending on some of the characteristics of the time series object used as
#' the input for this function, the model might not be created. For example,
#' if you try to fit a neural network model to a short time series, it will
#' return an error and fail to create the fit. In order to overcome this issue,
#' if the model returns an error, it will return a NA as the list element
#' instead.
#' @param x A ts object.
#' @param horizon The forecast horizon length
#' @param dont_apply Character vector. Choose one or more models that will not
#'   be used on select_forecast().
#' @param verbose logical. Set TRUE if you want mafs to tell you what models are running.
#' @return A list of forecast objects from apply_selected_model()
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' apply_all_models(austres, 6)
#' }
#' @export
apply_all_models <- function(x, horizon, dont_apply = "", verbose = FALSE) {
  # former aplicarTodosModelos

  mods <- available_models()
  mods <- mods[!(mods %in% dont_apply)]
  models <- list() # initiates empty list to be filled by forecast models
  runtime_model <- rep(NA, length(mods)) # empty vector to store runtime values
  models_names <- rep(NA, length(mods))

  for (i in 1:length(mods)) {
    mod <- mods[i]
    ## prints message if verbose is TRUE
    if (verbose) {
      message(sprintf("Applying model %s", mod))
    ## add run time

    fit <- try(apply_selected_model(x, mod, horizon), silent = TRUE)

    runtime <- tictoc::toc(quiet = TRUE)
    runtime <- runtime$toc - runtime$tic

    if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
      models[[i]] <- fit
      models_names[i] <- mod
      runtime_model[i] <- unname(runtime)

  # create data frame of model name and its runtime
  df_runtime <- data.frame(model = models_names,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  return(list(models = models, df_runtime = df_runtime))

#' @title Selects best forecast model
#' @description
#' select_forecast is the main function of this package. It uses
#'   apply_all_models() and other internal functions of this package to generate
#'   generate multiple forecasts for the same time series object.
#' @details
#' @param x A ts object.
#' @param test_size The desired length of the test set object to be used
#'   to measure the accuracy of the forecast models.
#' @param horizon The forecast horizon length
#' @param error The accuracy metric to be used to select the best forecast
#'   model from apply_all_models(). See error_metrics() for the available metrics.
#' @param dont_apply Character vector. Choose one or more models that will not
#'   be used on select_forecast().
#' @param verbose logical. Set TRUE if you want mafs to tell you what models are running.
#' @return A list of three objects:
#' @section df_models:
#'  A data.frame with the accuracy metrics of all models applied to x
#' @section best_forecast:
#'  A forecast object created by applying the best forecast method to x
#' @section df_comparison:
#'  A dataframe showing both the forecasted and the observed test set
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' select_forecast(austres, 6, 12, "MAPE")
#' }
#' @export
select_forecast <- function(x, test_size, horizon, error, dont_apply = "", verbose = FALSE) {
  # Checks if defined error metric is available
  error_metrics <- error_metrics()
  if (!(error %in% error_metrics)) stop("Your error metric is not available. Please run error_metrics() to see the list of available metrics.")

  x_split <- CombMSC::splitTrainTest(x, length(x) - test_size)
  training <- x_split$train
  test <- x_split$test
  temp <- apply_all_models(training, horizon = test_size,
                           dont_apply = dont_apply, verbose = verbose)

  models_list <- temp$models
  df_runtime <- temp$df_runtime

  # retirar NAs do df_runtime
  df_runtime <- subset(df_runtime, !is.na(df_runtime$model))


  available_models <- available_models()
  num <- length(available_models)

  # Apply forecast() function to created models
  # some error handling:
  # for each element in model_list, if the model was not created (model_list[i] == NULL),
  # it replaces the element with a too big numeric vector of the same
  # characteristics as the test set.
  # This procedure, of course, needs to be improved, but it does the work for now.
  forecasts <- lapply(models_list, function(i) tryCatch({forecast(i, h = test_size)},
                                                       error = function(e) {
                                                         x <- rep(1e9, test_size)
                                                         x <- ts(x, start = start(test) - test_size/12,
                                                                 frequency = frequency(test))
                                                         x <- naive(x)
                                                         x <- forecast(x, h = test_size)

  # measures the accuracy of all forecast models against the test set
  acc <- lapply(forecasts, function(f) accuracy(f, test)[2,,drop=FALSE])
  # remove Theil's U (in case it exists) from matrix
  removeTheil <- function(mat) {
    rows <- rownames(mat)
    cols <- colnames(mat)[1:7]

    m <- matrix(mat[,1:7], ncol = 7)
    rownames(m) <- rows
    colnames(m) <- cols

  acc <- lapply(acc, removeTheil)
  acc <- Reduce(rbind, acc)
  row.names(acc) <- NULL
  acc <- as.data.frame(acc)

  # remove rows where the chosen metric has an invalid result (if there is any)
  ind_rm <- which(is.na(acc[[error]]))
  if (length(ind_rm) > 0) acc <- acc[-ind_rm, ]

  #acc <- na.omit(acc) # some times stlm models produces NA.
  rownames(acc) <- seq(1, nrow(acc), 1) # fixes na.omit() bug with rownames
  acc$model <- df_runtime$model

  # DECIDIR COMO DEFINIR coluna model

  # Selects row of minimum error. In case the error defined is MAPE and the
  # time series is intermitent, the MAPE might be Inf. To handle this, if MAPE
  # is Inf in all columns, it uses MAE as the error metric to select the best
  # forecast model.

  ind_best_model <- if (mean(acc[[error]]) != Inf) which.min(acc[[error]]) else which.min(acc[["MAE"]])
  best_model_name <- acc$model[ind_best_model]
  acc$best_model <- best_model_name

  # Applies apply_selected_model using the best forecast model from the previous lines
  best_forecast <- apply_selected_model(x, best_model_name, horizon)
  best_forecast <- forecast(best_forecast, h = horizon)

  best_training_forecast <- apply_selected_model(training, best_model_name, horizon = test_size)
  best_training_forecast <- forecast(best_training_forecast, h = test_size)

  ###  ===============
  # creates data.frame to output the forecast from the best model
  df_comparison <- data.frame(
    time = Epi::as.Date.cal.yr(time(test)),
    forecasted = as.numeric(best_training_forecast$mean)[1:test_size],
    observed = as.numeric(test)

  # add runtime column to df_models data frame
  df_models <- merge(acc, df_runtime, by = "model", all.y = TRUE)

      df_models = df_models,
      best_forecast = best_forecast,
      df_comparison = df_comparison


#' @title Graphical results of forecast models
#' @description
#' Applies a selected forecast model to a time series and plot the fitted
#' series and the forecasted values along with the original series.
#' @param x A ts object.
#' @param test_size Integer. The desired length of the test set object to be used
#'   to train the model and compare the forecasted with the observed values.
#' @param model_name A string indicating the name of the forecast model.
#' @return A ggplot2 object
#' @examples
#' gg_fit(AirPassengers, 12, "snaive")
#' @export
gg_fit <- function(x, test_size, model_name) {

  x_split <- CombMSC::splitTrainTest(x, length(x) - test_size)
  training <- x_split$train

  fcast <- apply_selected_model(x = training, model_name = model_name, horizon = test_size)
  fcast <- forecast(fcast, h = test_size)

  fit <- fitted(fcast)
  forecasted <- fcast$mean

  z <- ggseas::tsdf(cbind(x, fit, forecasted))
  names(z) <- c("Time", "Original Series", "Fitted series", "Forecast")

  z$Time <- Epi::as.Date.cal.yr(z$Time)

  z <- tidyr::gather_(z, "series", "value", names(z)[2:4])
  z <- z[order(z$Time), ]
  z.points <- tail(z, test_size * 3) # 3 is the number of series of z

  p <- ggplot(z, aes_string("Time", "value", color = "series", linetype = "series")) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point(data = z.points) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("red4", "red", "black")) +
    scale_linetype_manual(values = c(2, 2, 1)) +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())

sillasgonzaga/mafs documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10 p.m.