
Defines functions write.mitmlSPSS

Documented in write.mitmlSPSS

write.mitmlSPSS <- function(x, filename, sep = "\t", dec = ".", na.value=-999, syntax = TRUE, locale = NULL){
# write text file to be read into SPSS

  if(!inherits(x, "mitml") && !inherits(x, "mitml.list")) stop("'x' must be of class 'mitml' or 'mitml.list'.")
  if(!dec %in% c(",", ".")) stop("Only a dot '.' or a comma ',' may be specified as decimal separator.")

  if(inherits(x, "mitml")){
    x <- mitmlComplete(x, "all", force.list = TRUE)

  for(ii in 1:length(x)){
    x[[ii]] <- cbind(ii-1, x[[ii]])
    colnames(x[[ii]])[1] <- "Imputation_"
  out <- do.call(rbind, x)
  num <- sapply(out, is.numeric)
  chr <- sapply(out, is.character)
  fac <- sapply(out, is.factor)
  ord <- sapply(out, is.ordered)
  # convert factors
  conv <- as.list(which(fac))
  for(ff in which(fac)){
    out[,ff] <- as.factor(out[,ff])
    conv[[colnames(out)[ff]]] <- matrix(c(levels(out[,ff]), 1:nlevels(out[,ff])), ncol = 2)
    out[,ff] <- as.numeric(out[,ff])

  ds <- paste(filename, ".dat", sep = "")
  out[is.na(out)] <- na.value
  write.table(out, file = ds, sep = sep, dec = dec, col.names = T, row.names = F, quote = F)

  # gerate syntax

    sf <- paste(filename, ".sps", sep = "")
    if(dec == ".") d <- "DOT" else d <- "COMMA"
    cat(file = sf, "SET DECIMAL", d, ".\n")
    if(!is.null(locale)) cat(file = sf, "SET LOCALE", locale, ".\n", append = T)
    cat(file = sf, "\n", append = T)

    cat(file = sf, append = T,
      "GET DATA\n",
      paste("/FILE=\"", ds, "\"\n", sep = ""),
      paste("/DELIMITERS=\"", sub("\t", "\\\\t", sep), "\"\n", sep = ""),

    # class specific format
    width <- sapply(as.matrix(out)[1,], nchar, type = "width")
    width[chr] <- sapply(out[,chr, drop = FALSE], function(z) max(nchar(z, type = "width")))
    fmt <- data.frame(v = colnames(out), f = character(ncol(out)), stringsAsFactors = F)
    fmt[num|fac|ord, "f"] <- paste("F", width[num|fac|ord]+3, ".2", sep = "")
    fmt[chr, "f"] <- paste("A", width[chr], sep = "")
    fmt[num, "l"] <- "SCALE"
    fmt[fac|chr, "l"] <- "NOMINAL"
    fmt[ord, "l"] <- "ORDINAL"
    fmt[1, "l"] <- "NOMINAL"

    cat(file = sf, "\n ", append = T)
    cat(file = sf, paste(fmt$v, fmt$f, collapse = "\n "), ".\n\n", append = T)

    cat(file = sf, append = T, sep = "",
      "CACHE .\n",
      "EXECUTE .\n",
      "DATASET NAME panImpute1 WINDOW=FRONT .\n\n"

    # value labels
    cat(file = sf, "VALUE LABELS", append = T)
    for(cc in 1:length(conv)){
      cat(file = sf, "\n", paste("/", names(conv)[cc], sep = ""), append = T)
      for(rr in 1:nrow(conv[[cc]])){
        cat(file = sf, "\n", conv[[cc]][rr, 2], paste("\'", conv[[cc]][rr, 1], "\'", sep = ""), append = T)
    cat(file = sf, " .\n\n", append = T)

    # missing values
    cat(file = sf, append = T,
      paste(fmt$v[num|fac|ord], collapse = " "), paste("(", na.value, ")", sep = ""), "\n",
      paste(fmt$v[chr], collapse = " "), paste("(\"", na.value, "\")", sep = ""),



simongrund1/mitml documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 11:08 a.m.