
data(obk.long, package = "afex")
# estimate mixed ANOVA on the full design:
a1 <- aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/(phase*hour)), 
              data = obk.long, observed = "gender")
aw <- aov_ez("id", "rt", md_12.1, within = c("angle", "noise"))

test_that("ANOVA plots are produced", {
  testthat::skip_on_cran() ## uses only expect_doppelganger
  expect_doppelganger("one-way within", afex_plot(a1, "hour", error = "within"))
                      afex_plot(a1, c("phase", "hour"), trace = "treatment", 
                      error = "none"))
                      afex_plot(a1, "phase", trace = "hour",  panel = "treatment",
                                error = "within"))

test_that("all input type works and warnings are correct", {
    em1 <- afex_plot(a1, ~phase*hour, ~treatment+gender, return = "data"),
    "mixed within-between-design"
    em2 <- afex_plot(a1, c("phase", "hour"), ~treatment+gender, 
                     return = "data"),
    "mixed within-between-design"
    em3 <- afex_plot(a1, ~phase*hour, c("treatment", "gender"), 
                     return = "data"),
    "mixed within-between-design"
    em4 <- afex_plot(a1, c("phase", "hour"), c("treatment", "gender"), 
                     return = "data"),
    "mixed within-between-design"
  expect_equal(em1, em2)
  expect_equal(em1, em3)
  expect_equal(em1, em4)
    em5 <- afex_plot(a1, c("phase", "hour"), return = "data"),
    "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars"
    em6 <- afex_plot(a1, ~phase*hour, return = "data"),
    "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars"
  expect_equal(em5, em6)
    em7 <- afex_plot(a1, c("treatment", "gender"), panel = "phase", 
                     return = "data", error = "within"),
    "between-subjects factors, but within-subjects error bars"
    em8 <- afex_plot(a1, ~treatment*gender, panel = "phase",
                     return = "data", error = "within"),
    "between-subjects factors, but within-subjects error bars"
  expect_equal(em7, em8)

test_that("mixed plots are produced", {
  testthat::skip_on_cran() ## uses only expect_doppelganger
  data("fhch2010") # load 
  fhch <- droplevels(fhch2010[ fhch2010$correct,]) # remove errors
  ### reduced data.frame length
  # fhch <- fhch[unlist(lapply(which(as.numeric(fhch$id) != 
  #                                    c(NA, fhch$id[-length(fhch$id)])), 
  #                            function(x) 0:29 + x)),]
  mrt <- mixed(log_rt ~ task*stimulus*frequency + (1|id), 
               fhch, method = "S", progress = FALSE)
  p1 <- afex_plot(mrt, "task", id = "id")
  expect_doppelganger("mixed model 1", p1)

  p2 <- afex_plot(mrt, x = "stimulus", panel = "task", 
                      id = "id")
  expect_doppelganger("mixed model 2", p2)
  p3 <- afex_plot(mrt, x = "stimulus", trace = "task", 
                      id = "id")
  expect_doppelganger("mixed model 3", p3)
  p4 <- afex_plot(mrt, x = "stimulus", trace =  "frequency", panel = "task", 
                      id = "id")
  expect_doppelganger("mixed model 4", p4)

test_that("lme4::merMod plots are produced", {
  Oats <- nlme::Oats
  Oats$VarBlock <- Oats$Variety:Oats$Block
  Oats.lmer <- lmer(yield ~ Variety * factor(nitro) + (1|VarBlock) + (1|Block),
                    data = Oats)
  p1 <- afex_plot(Oats.lmer, "nitro", 
                      id = "VarBlock")
  expect_doppelganger("lme4::merMod plot 1", p1)
  p2 <- afex_plot(Oats.lmer, "nitro", "Variety", 
                      id = "VarBlock")
  expect_doppelganger("lme4::merMod plot 2", p2)
  p3 <- afex_plot(Oats.lmer, "nitro", panel = "Variety", 
                      id = "VarBlock")
  expect_doppelganger("lme4::merMod plot 3", p3)
  ## check that id argument works:
  d1 <- afex_plot(Oats.lmer, "nitro", 
                  id = "VarBlock", 
                  return = "data")
  d2 <- afex_plot(Oats.lmer, "nitro", 
                  id = "Block", 
                  return = "data")
  d3 <- afex_plot(Oats.lmer, "nitro", 
                  id = c("Block", "VarBlock"), 
                  return = "data")
  expect_lt(nrow(d2$data), nrow(d1$data))
  expect_lt(nrow(d2$data), nrow(d3$data))
  expect_identical(nrow(d1$data), nrow(d3$data))

test_that("afex_plot works with various geoms (from examples)", {
  testthat::skip_on_cran() ## uses only expect_doppelganger
  ### There are several ways to deal with overlapping points in the background besides alpha
  # Using the default data geom and ggplot2::position_jitterdodge
  g1 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", dodge = 0.3,
            data_arg = list(
              position = 
                  jitter.width = 0, 
                  jitter.height = 5, 
                  dodge.width = 0.3  ## needs to be same as dodge
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: jitterdodge", g1)
  # Overlapping points are shown as larger points using geom_count
  g2 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", dodge = 0.5,
            data_geom = ggplot2::geom_count)
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: geom_count", g2)
  # Using ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom (overlapping points shown in violin shape)
  g3 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", dodge = 0.5,
            data_geom = ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom,
            data_arg = list(
              dodge.width = 0.5,  ## needs to be same as dodge
              cex = 0.8,
              width = 0.05  ## choose small value so data points are not overlapping 
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom", g3)
  # Using ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm (overlapping points are adjacent on y-axis)
  g4 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", dodge = 0.5,
            data_geom = ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm,
            data_arg = list(
              dodge.width = 0.5,  ## needs to be same as dodge
              cex = 0.8))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm", g4)
  # Do not display points, but use a violinplot: ggplot2::geom_violin
  g5 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            data_geom = ggplot2::geom_violin, 
            data_arg = list(width = 0.5))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: violin", g5)
  # violinplots with color: ggplot2::geom_violin
  g6 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            mapping = c("linetype", "shape", "fill"),
            data_geom = ggplot2::geom_violin, 
            data_arg = list(width = 0.5))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: violin with colour", g6)
  # do not display points, but use a boxplot: ggplot2::geom_boxplot
  g7 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            data_geom = ggplot2::geom_boxplot, 
            data_arg = list(width = 0.3))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: box plot", g7)
  # combine points with boxplot: ggpol::geom_boxjitter
  g8 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            data_geom = ggpol::geom_boxjitter, 
            data_arg = list(width = 0.3))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: boxjitter 1", g8)
  ## hides error bars!
  # nicer variant of ggpol::geom_boxjitter
  g9 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            mapping = c("shape", "fill"),
            data_geom = ggpol::geom_boxjitter, 
            data_arg = list(
              width = 0.3, 
              jitter.params = list(width = 0, height = 10),
              outlier.intersect = TRUE),
            point_arg = list(size = 2.5), 
            error_arg = list(linewidth = 1.5, width = 0))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: boxjitter 2", g9)
  # nicer variant of ggpol::geom_boxjitter without lines
  g10 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", dodge = 0.7,
            mapping = c("shape", "fill"),
            data_geom = ggpol::geom_boxjitter, 
            data_arg = list(
              width = 0.5, 
              jitter.params = list(width = 0, height = 10),
              outlier.intersect = TRUE),
            point_arg = list(size = 2.5), 
            line_arg = list(linetype = 0),
            error_arg = list(linewidth = 1.5, width = 0))
  expect_doppelganger("geoms work: boxjitter 3", g10)
  ### we can also use multiple geoms for the background by passing a list of geoms
  g11 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            data_geom = list(
  expect_doppelganger("multiple geoms work 1", g11)
  ## with separate extra arguments:
  g12 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within", 
            dodge = 0.5,
            data_geom = list(
            data_arg = list(
              list(width = 0.4),
              list(position = 
                       jitter.width = 0, 
                       jitter.height = 5, 
                       dodge.width = 0.5  ## needs to be same as dodge
  expect_doppelganger("multiple geoms work 2", g12)

test_that("relabeling of factors and legend works", {

  ## relabel factor levels via new_levels
  p1 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within",
                  factor_levels = list(angle = c("0", "4", "8"),
                                       noise = c("Absent", "Present")))
  expect_equal(levels(p1$data$noise), c("Absent", "Present"))
  expect_equal(levels(p1$data$angle), c("0", "4", "8"))
  p2 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within",
                  factor_levels = list(
                    angle = c(X8 = "8", X4 = "4", X0 = "0"),
                    noise = c(present = "Present")))
  expect_equal(levels(p2$data$angle), rev(c("0", "4", "8")))
  expect_equal(levels(p2$data$noise), c("absent", "Present"))
  p1d <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within",
                  factor_levels = list(angle = c("0", "4", "8"),
                                       noise = c("Absent", "Present")), 
                  return = "data")
  p2d <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within",
                  factor_levels = list(
                    angle = c(X8 = "8", X4 = "4", X0 = "0"),
                    noise = c(present = "Present")), 
                  return = "data")
  expect_equal(p1d$means$lower, p2d$means$lower)
  expect_warning(p3 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "mean",
                  factor_levels = list(
                    angle = c(X8 = "8", X4 = "4", X0 = "0"),
                    noise = c(present = "Present"))), 
                 "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars")
  expect_equal(levels(p3$data$angle), rev(c("0", "4", "8")))
  expect_warning(p3d <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "mean",
                  factor_levels = list(
                    angle = c(X8 = "8", X4 = "4", X0 = "0"),
                    noise = c(present = "Present")), 
                  return = "data"), 
                 "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars")
  expect_warning(p3nd <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "mean",
                  factor_levels = list(angle = c("0", "4", "8"),
                                       noise = c("Absent", "Present")), 
                  return = "data"), 
                 "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars")
  expect_equal(p3d$means$lower, p3nd$means$lower)
  expect_warning(p4d <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", 
                                  error = "between",
                                  factor_levels = list(
                                    angle = c(X8 = "8", X4 = "4", X0 = "0"),
                                    noise = c(present = "Present")), 
                                  return = "data"), 
                 "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars")
  expect_warning(p4nd <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", 
                                   error = "between",
                                   factor_levels = list(angle = c("0", "4", "8"),
                                                        noise = c("Absent", "Present")), 
                                   return = "data"), 
                 "show within-subjects factors, but not within-subjects error bars")
  expect_equal(p4d$means$lower, p4nd$means$lower)
    afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within",
                  factor_levels = list(angle = c("0", "4"),
                                       noise = c("Absent", "Present"))), 
    "length of new factor_levels for 'angle' != length of factor levels"
  p2 <- afex_plot(aw, x = "noise", trace = "angle", error = "within",
                  legend_title = "Noise Condition")
  if (inherits(p2$guides, "Guides")) {
    expect_equal(p2$guides$guides$shape$params$title, "Noise Condition")
    expect_equal(p2$guides$guides$linetype$params$title, "Noise Condition")
  } else {
    expect_equal(p2$guides$shape$title, "Noise Condition")
    expect_equal(p2$guides$linetype$title, "Noise Condition")

test_that("connecting individual points works", {
  testthat::skip_on_cran() ## uses only expect_doppelganger
  p_con <- afex_plot(aw, x = "angle", error = "within", 
                     data_geom = list(ggplot2::geom_count, ggplot2::geom_line), 
                     data_arg = list(list(), list(mapping = ggplot2::aes(group = id))), 
                     point_arg = list(size = 2.5), 
                     error_arg = list(width = 0, linewidth = 1.5)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(group = 1), linewidth = 1.5)
  expect_doppelganger("afex_plot connecting individual points works", p_con)

test_that("plot_first works", {
  testthat::skip_on_cran() ## uses only expect_doppelganger
  p_ref_line1 <- afex_plot(
    x = "angle",
    trace = "noise",
    error = "within",
    plot_first = list(
      ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 550),
      ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 1.5)
  p_ref_line2 <- afex_plot(
    x = "angle",
    trace = "noise",
    error = "within",
    plot_first = ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 550)
  p_ref_line3 <- afex_plot(
    x = "angle",
    error = "within",
    plot_first = list(
      ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 550),
      ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 1.5)
  p_ref_line4 <- afex_plot(
    x = "angle",
    trace = "noise",
    error = "within",
    plot_first = ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 550)
  expect_doppelganger("plot_first for afex_plot works 1", p_ref_line1)
  expect_doppelganger("plot_first for afex_plot works 2", p_ref_line2)
  expect_doppelganger("plot_first for afex_plot works 3", p_ref_line3)
  expect_doppelganger("plot_first for afex_plot works 4", p_ref_line4)

test_that("labels are correct in case variables are of lenth > 1", {
  data(obk.long, package = "afex")
  # estimate mixed ANOVA on the full design:
  a1 <- aov_car(value ~ treatment * gender + Error(id/(phase*hour)), 
                data = obk.long, observed = "gender")
  p1 <- afex_plot(a1, c("phase", "hour"), c("treatment", "gender"), 
                  error = "none")
  p2 <- afex_plot(a1, c("phase", "hour"), error = "none")
  expect_match(p1$labels$x, "phase")
  expect_match(p1$labels$x, "hour")
  if (inherits(p1$guides, "Guides")) {
    expect_match(p1$guides$guides$shape$params$title, "treatment")
    expect_match(p1$guides$guides$shape$params$title, "gender")
  } else {
    expect_match(p1$guides$shape$title, "treatment")
    expect_match(p1$guides$shape$title, "gender")
  expect_match(p2$labels$x, "phase")
  expect_match(p2$labels$x, "hour")
singmann/afex documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 4:13 a.m.