
Defines functions psi print.psi summary.psi

Documented in psi

#' @title
#' Population Stability Index
#' @description
#' \code{psi} calculates the popolation stability index.
#' @author Siyuan Yao
#' @references \href{What is population stability index? - Quora}{https://www.quora.com/What-is-population-stability-index}
#' @param original The original set of a measurement, should be a factor or numeric
#' @param current  The current set of a measurement, should be a factor or numeric
#' @param cut.points It won't work if original and current are factors, and it cannot be NULL if original and current are numerical. This function uses this argument to bin \code{original} and \code{current} with left-closed right-open intervals.
#' @param cut.levels specifies how many levels to split a numeric variable. If \code{cut.points} is provided, this parameter will be ignored. When using this parameter, a numeric variable will be split using \code{cut}.
#' @return a \code{psi} object
#' @details psi measures the stablity of the population. Usually we can believe the population stays the same as the past if psi is less than 0.1, and a significant shift can be recognised if psi is greater than 0.25. The outcome of this function is a numeric, with details stored as attributes. You can use \code{summary} function to see all of the detailed information. Fot the situation where some of the levels has no element in either original population or current population and the psi does not exist for such levels, the empty levels will not be taken into account and a warning will inform you of this. Again, by using \code{summary} you could know everything inside.
#' @examples
#' data("iris")
#' train <- sample(nrow(iris), nrow(iris) * .7)
#' train.species <- iris$Species[train]
#' test.species <- iris$Species[-train]
#' p <- psi(train.species, test.species)
#' p
#' summary(p)
#' @import magrittr
#' @export
psi <- function(original,
                cut.points = NULL,
                cut.levels = ifelse(is.null(cut.points), 5L, NULL)) {

    if (!is.null(cut.points)) {
        cut.levels <- NULL

    if (!is.null(cut.levels)) {
        if (cut.levels < 3) {
            warning("cut.levels must be an interger greater than 3")
            cut.levels <- 3L

    # binning numeric
    label.numeric <- function(x, cuts, na.level = NULL) {
        cuts <- sort(cuts)
        n_cut <- length(cuts)
        level.names <- paste0('<= ', cuts) %>% c(paste0('> ', cuts[n_cut]))

        if (any(is.null(na.level))) {
            na.level <- any(is.na(x))
        if (na.level) level.names <- c('Missing', level.names)
        else {
            if(any(is.na(x))) stop('x has NA value while na.level is FALSE')

        y <- vector('integer', length(x))

        for (i in n_cut:1) {
            y[x <= cuts[i]] <- i
        y[x > cuts[n_cut]] <- n_cut + 1

        if (na.level) {
            y <- level.names[y + 1]
            y[is.na(x)] <- 'Missing'
        } else {
            y <- level.names[y]

        factor(y, level.names)

    # try to convert original & current to factor
    if (is.numeric(original) & is.numeric(current)) {
        if (is.null(cut.points)) {
            cut.points <- unname(quantile(original,
                                          seq(0, 1, length.out = cut.levels),
                                          type = 1,
                                          na.rm = TRUE))
            cut.points <- cut.points[-c(1, length(cut.points))]
        na.level <- any(is.na(c(original, current)))
        # attr(res, 'original.num') <- original
        # attr(res, 'current.num') <- current
        original <- label.numeric(original, cut.points, na.level)
        current  <- label.numeric(current, cut.points, na.level)

    if (!is.factor(original) | !is.factor(current)) {
        stop('original and current should be numeric or factor simultaneously.')
    if (any(levels(original) != levels(current))) {
        common_lv <- union(levels(original), levels(current))
        original <- factor(original, levels = common_lv)
        current  <- factor(current,  levels = common_lv)


    levels.name <- levels(original)
    org.stat.tbl <- tapply(X = original,
                           INDEX = original,
                           FUN = length,
                           simplify = TRUE) %>%
        sapply(function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))
    cur.stat.tbl <- tapply(X = current,
                           INDEX = current,
                           FUN = length,
                           simplify = TRUE)%>%
        sapply(function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))

    tbl <- data.frame(Levels = levels.name,
                      OrgCnt = org.stat.tbl,
                      CurCnt = cur.stat.tbl,
                      OrgPct = org.stat.tbl / sum(org.stat.tbl),
                      CurPct = cur.stat.tbl / sum(cur.stat.tbl))
    tbl$Index <- (tbl$CurPct - tbl$OrgPct) * log(tbl$CurPct / tbl$OrgPct)

    psi <- sum(tbl$Index[tbl$OrgCnt != 0 & tbl$CurCnt != 0])
    res <- psi
    tbl <- rbind(tbl, data.frame(Levels = 'Total',
                                 OrgCnt = sum(org.stat.tbl),
                                 CurCnt = sum(cur.stat.tbl),
                                 OrgPct = 1,
                                 CurPct = 1,
                                 Index = psi))
    rownames(tbl) <- NULL

    tbl$OrgPct <- round(tbl$OrgPct, 4)
    tbl$CurPct <- round(tbl$CurPct, 4)
    tbl$Index  <- round(tbl$Index,  4)

    attr(res, 'tbl') <- tbl
    # attr(res, 'original') <- original
    # attr(res, 'current')  <- current
    if (any(tbl$OrgCnt == 0 | tbl$CurCnt == 0)) {
        attr(res, 'Empty Levels') <- tbl$Levels[tbl$OrgCnt == 0 | tbl$CurCnt == 0] %>% as.character()
        warning('Some of the levels are empty, and PSI may be inaccurate. Please use `summary` to see the details.')
    class(res) <- c('psi', 'numeric')

#' @export
print.psi <- function(x, ...) {
    cat('PSI :', round(x, 4), '\n')
    # NextMethod('print')

#' @export
summary.psi <- function(object, ...) {
    cat('PSI:', round(object, 4), '\n\n')
    print(attr(object, 'tbl'))

    if (!is.null(attr(object, 'Empty Levels'))) {
        cat('\nEmpty Levels: ', paste0(attr(object, 'Empty Levels'), collapse = ', '), '\n')
    # NextMethod('summary')
siyuany/rpsi documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11 p.m.