
Defines functions tab_title tab_name error_fun tuneParams_add_to_logs tuneParams_update_params tuneParams_update_abundance tuneParams_run_steady tuneParams_update_species finalise_params prepare_params

#' Prepare the params object for tuning
#' This function is called once when `tuneParams()` is started. It prepares
#' the params object for tuning by adding a "no gear" gear
#' to the gear_params data frame if any species are missing a gear. It also sets
#' defaults for the species parameters that `tuneParams` uses but which may not
#' be set in the params object.
#' @param p The params object
#' @return The prepared params object
prepare_params <- function(p) {
    p@species_params$species <- as.character(p@species_params$species)
    rownames(p@species_params) <- p@species_params$species
    p <- set_species_param_default(p, "a", 0.006)
    p <- set_species_param_default(p, "b", 3)
    p <- set_species_param_default(p, "k_vb", NA)
    p <- set_species_param_default(p, "t0", 0)
    p <- set_species_param_default(p, "w_mat25",
    # Make sure every species has a gear by adding a "no gear" gear
    # This will be removed again at the end
    sp <- species_params(p)
    gp <- gear_params(p)
    missing_species <- setdiff(sp$species, gp$species)
    if (length(missing_species) > 0) {
        gp_missing <- data.frame(species = missing_species,
                                 gear = "no gear",
                                 catchability = 0,
                                 sel_func = "sigmoid_length",
                                 l25 = 10,
                                 l50 = 15)
        gp_missing <- validGearParams(gp_missing, sp)
        gear_params(p) <- dplyr::bind_rows(gp, gp_missing)


#' Finalise the params object after tuning
#' This function is called when a params object is downloaded or when the done button
#' is pressed. It removes the "no gear" gear that was added at the beginning and
#' sets the reproduction level.
#' @param p The params object
#' @return The finalised params object
finalise_params <- function(p) {
    # Clear attribute that was only needed for the undo functionality
    attr(p, "changes") <- NULL
    # Remove the "no gear" gear that was added at the beginning
    gp <- gear_params(p)
    gp <- gp[gp$gear != "no gear", ]
    gear_params(p) <- gp
    # Set reproduction
    if ("tuneParams_old_repro_level" %in% names(p@species_params)) {
        p <- setBevertonHolt(p, reproduction_level =
        p@species_params$tuneParams_old_repro_level <- NULL
    if ("tuneParams_old_R_max" %in% names(p@species_params)) {
        p <- setBevertonHolt(p, R_max =  p@species_params$tuneParams_old_R_max)
        p@species_params$tuneParams_old_R_max <- NULL
    if ("tuneParams_old_erepro" %in% names(p@species_params)) {
        p <- setBevertonHolt(p, erepro =  p@species_params$tuneParams_old_erepro)
        p@species_params$tuneParams_old_erepro <- NULL

#' Update the species parameters
#' This function is called when a species parameter is changed. It calculates the
#' steady state for the changed species and updates the params object.
#' @param sp The species to update
#' @param p The params object
#' @param params The reactive params object
#' @param params_old The reactive params object before the change
tuneParams_update_species <- function(sp, p, params, params_old) {
    # wrap the code in trycatch so that when there is a problem we can
    # simply stay with the old parameters
        # The spectrum for the changed species is calculated with new
        # parameters but in the context of the original community
        p_old <- params_old()
        p@initial_n <- p_old@initial_n
        p <- steadySingleSpecies(p)

        # Update the reactive params object
        tuneParams_update_params(p, params)
    error = function(e) {
        tuneParams_update_params(p, params)

#' Run to steady state
#' This function is called when the user clicks the "Steady" button. It runs
#' the model to steady state and updates the params object.
#' @param p The params object
#' @param params The reactive params object
#' @param params_old The reactive params object before the change
#' @param logs The logs object
#' @param session The Shiny session object
#' @param input The Shiny input object
#' @param return_sim Whether to return the simulation object
tuneParams_run_steady <- function(p, params, params_old, logs, session, input,
                                  return_sim = FALSE) {

        # Create a Progress object
        progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session)
        if ("biomass" %in% input$match) {
            p <- matchBiomasses(p)
        if ("growth" %in% input$match) {
            p <- matchGrowth(p, keep = "biomass")
            sp <- p@species_params[p@species_params$species == input$sp, ]
            updateSliderInput(session, "gamma", value = sp$gamma)
            updateSliderInput(session, "h", value = sp$h)
            updateSliderInput(session, "ks", value = sp$ks)
            updateSliderInput(session, "k", value = sp$k)
        if ("yield" %in% input$match) {
            p <- matchYield(p, keep = "biomass")
            gp_idx <- which(p@gear_params$species == input$sp &
                                p@gear_params$gear == input$gear)
            catchability <- p@gear_params[gp_idx, "catchability"]
            updateSliderInput(session, "catchability",
                              value = catchability)
        # Run to steady state
        if (return_sim) {
            # This is for the "Steady" tab where we want to show the
            # evolution of biomass over time during the run to steady
            # to diagnose eventual problems.
            return(mizer::steady(p, t_max = 100, tol = 1e-2,
                          return_sim = TRUE,
                          progress_bar = progress))
        p <- mizer::steady(p, t_max = 100, tol = 1e-2,
                           progress_bar = progress)

        # Update the reactive params objects
        tuneParams_add_to_logs(logs, p, params)
    error = error_fun)

#' Update the abundance of a species
#' This function is called when the abundance of a species is changed directly
#' i.e., not when it is changed as a consequence of a parameter change.
#' It will make the change permanent by also saving it in params_old.
#' @param p The params object
#' @param sp The species to update
#' @param params The reactive params object
#' @param params_old The reactive params object before the change
tuneParams_update_abundance <- function(p, sp, params, params_old) {
    # We need to update `params_old()` because otherwise the change
    # will not persist past the next parameter change.
    p_old <- isolate(params_old())
    p_old@initial_n[sp, ] <- p@initial_n[sp, ]
    # Switch the following off for now because it would be strange to display
    # these back-reactions from the other species initially and then make them
    # go away when another parameter is changed (because that would start from
    # params_old again).
    # # We let the other species react to this change, but that reaction
    # # does not get saved in `params_old`. We don't allow a second-order
    # # change in the changed species.
    # other_species <- setdiff(p@species_params$species, sp)
    # p@initial_n <- p_old@initial_n # Important to always start from params_old
    # p <- steadySingleSpecies(p, species = other_species)
    # Update the reactive params object
    tuneParams_update_params(p, params)

# Call this whenever the params object needs to be updated

#' Update the params object
#' This function is called whenever the params object needs to be updated, unless
#' you also need to write it to the logs, in which case call 
#' `tuneParams_add_to_logs()` instead.
#' It indicates that the params have changed and updates the reactive params object.
#' @param p The params object
#' @param params The reactive params object
tuneParams_update_params <- function(p, params) {
    # indicate that the params have changed. This will be used in the Undo
    # functionality.
    if (is.null(attr(p, "changes"))) {
        attr(p, "changes") <- 1
        # Now that a change has taken place, there is certainly something to undo
    } else {
        attr(p, "changes") <- attr(p, "changes") + 1

#' Add the params object to the logs
#' This function is called when the params object needs to be written to the logs.
#' It updates the params object and writes it to the logs.
#' @param logs The logs object
#' @param p The params object
#' @param params The reactive params object
tuneParams_add_to_logs <- function(logs, p, params) {
    # Clear attribute used in undo functionality
    attr(p, "changes") <- NULL
    # update params object
    # Save params object to disk
    time = format(Sys.time(), "_%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M_%S")
    file = paste0(tempdir(), "/mizer_params", time, ".rds")
    saveRDS(p, file = file)
    # Update logs
    if (logs$idx < length(logs$files)) {
        file.remove(logs$files[(logs$idx + 1):length(logs$files)])
    logs$files <- append(logs$files[min(1, logs$idx):logs$idx], file)
    logs$idx <- logs$idx + 1
    if (logs$idx > 1) {
    } else {

#' Error function
#' This function is called when an error occurs. It shows a modal dialog with the error message.
#' @param e The error object
error_fun <- function(e) {
        title = "Invalid parameters",
        HTML(paste0("These parameter do not lead to an acceptable steady state. ",
                    "Please choose other values.<br>",
                    "The error message was:<br>", e)),
        easyClose = TRUE

#' Convert the tab name given by the user to lower case
#' This function is used to convert the tab name given by the user to lower case,
#' because the names of the tab functions will always start with lower case.
#' @param tab The tab name
#' @return The tab name in lower case
tab_name <- function(tab) {
    tabname <- tab
    substr(tabname, 1, 1) <- tolower(substr(tab, 1, 1))

#' Return the title for the tab
#' This function is used to return the title for the tab. This is either defined 
#' by the tab author or otherwise is the tab name supplied by the user.
#' @param tab The tab name
#' @return The tab title
tab_title <- function(tab) {
    tabname <- tab_name(tab)
    title_var <- paste0(tabname, "TabTitle")
    if (!is.null(title <- get0(title_var))) {
        if (!is.string(title)) {
            stop(title_var, "should contain a string with the title for the tab")
sizespectrum/mizerExperimental documentation built on Jan. 24, 2025, 8:20 p.m.