
Defines functions tab_df_prepare_style tab_create_page tab_df_knitr tab_df_style rmspc tab_df_content check_css_param

check_css_param <- function(CSS) {
  if (sjmisc::is_empty(CSS)) return(CSS)

  n <- names(CSS)
  nocss <-
    unlist(lapply(sjmisc::str_start(x = n, pattern = "css."), sjmisc::is_empty))

  if (any(nocss)) {
    n[nocss] <- paste0("css.", n[nocss])
    names(CSS) <- n


# This functions creates the body of the HTML page, i.e. it puts
# the content of a data frame into a HTML table that is returned.

#' @importFrom sjmisc is_empty var_type is_even trim
tab_df_content <- function(
  include.table.tag = TRUE,
  no.last.table.row = FALSE,
  show.header = TRUE,
  zeroinf = FALSE,
  rnames = NULL,
  ...) {

  # save no of rows and columns

  rowcnt <- nrow(mydf)
  colcnt <- ncol(mydf)

  # check if data frame has CSS-attribute. must be a 2x2 matrix with same
  # dimension as data frame. CSS attributes are than mapped for each
  # value in the data frame.

  own.css <- attr(mydf, "CSS", exact = TRUE)
  if (!identical(dim(own.css), dim(mydf))) own.css <- NULL

  # check sorting

  if (!is.null(sort.column)) {
    sc <- abs(sort.column)
    if (sc < 1 || sc > colcnt)
      message("Column index in `sort.column` for sorting columns out of bounds. No sorting applied.")
    else {
      rows <- order(mydf[[sc]])
      if (sort.column < 0) rows <- rev(rows)
      mydf <- mydf[rows, ]

  cnames <- colnames(mydf)

  # if user supplied own column header, which also has the same length
  # as no. columns, replace column names with user header

  if (!sjmisc::is_empty(col.header) && length(col.header) == length(cnames))
    cnames <- col.header

  # check if rownames should be shown and data has any rownames at all
  # if so, we need to update our information on column names

  if (show.rownames && !is.null(rnames)) {
    mydf <- rownames_as_column(mydf, rownames = rnames)
    colcnt <- colcnt + 1
    cnames <- c("Row", cnames)

  # start table tag
  if (include.table.tag)
    page.content <- "<table>\n"
    page.content <- ""

  # table caption, variable label
  if (!sjmisc::is_empty(title))
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf("  <caption>%s</caption>\n", title))

  # header row ----

  if (isTRUE(show.header)) {

    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "  <tr>\n")

    for (i in 1:colcnt) {

      # separate CSS for first column
      ftc <- dplyr::if_else(i == 1, " firsttablecol", "", "")
      oc <- ifelse(is.null(own.css), "", sprintf(" %s", sjmisc::trim(own.css[1, i])))

      # column names and variable type as table headline
      vartype <- sjmisc::var_type(mydf[[i]])
      page.content <- paste0(
        page.content, sprintf("    <th class=\"thead firsttablerow%s%s col%i\">%s", ftc, oc, i, cnames[i])

      if (show.type)
        page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf("<br>(%s)", vartype))

      page.content <- paste0(page.content, "</th>\n")

    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "  </tr>\n")


  if (isTRUE(zeroinf)) {
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "  <tr>\n")
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf("    <td colspan=\"%i\" class=\"zeroparts\">Count Model</td>\n", colcnt + 1))
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "  </tr>\n")

  # subsequent rows ----

  for (rcnt in 1:rowcnt) {

    # if we have alternating row colors, set css

    arcstring <- ""

    if (altr.row.col)
      arcstring <- ifelse(sjmisc::is_even(rcnt), " arc", "")

    ltr <- dplyr::if_else(rcnt == rowcnt & !isTRUE(no.last.table.row), " lasttablerow", "", "")

    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "  <tr>\n")

    # all columns of a row
    for (ccnt in 1:colcnt) {

      # separate CSS for first column

      ftc <- dplyr::if_else(ccnt == 1, " firsttablecol", " centeralign", "")
      oc <- ifelse(is.null(own.css), "", sprintf(" %s", sjmisc::trim(own.css[rcnt, ccnt])))

      # for regression models, column name ends with "_<number>". use this
      # as css-class, so we may modify specific model columns

      model.column <- gsub("(.*)(\\_.*)(?=[0-9]$)", "\\3", colnames(mydf)[ccnt], perl = TRUE)
      mcn <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(model.column))
      if (nchar(model.column) == 1 && !is.na(mcn))
        mcc <- sprintf(" modelcolumn%i", as.integer(mcn))
        mcc <- ""

      page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf(
        "    <td class=\"tdata%s%s%s%s%s col%i\">%s</td>\n",

    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "</tr>\n")

  # add optional "footnote" row ----

  if (show.footnote) {
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "  <tr>\n")
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf("    <td colspan=\"%i\" class=\"footnote\">%s</td>\n", colcnt + 1, footnote))
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "</tr>\n")

  # finish html page ----
  if (include.table.tag)
    page.content <- paste0(page.content, "</table>\n")


rmspc <- function(html.table) {
  cleaned <- gsub("      <", "<", html.table, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
  cleaned <- gsub("    <", "<", cleaned, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
  cleaned <- gsub("  <", "<", cleaned, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)


# This function creates the CSS style sheet for HTML-output

tab_df_style <- function(CSS = NULL, ...) {
  tab_df_prepare_style(CSS = CSS, content = NULL, task = 1, ...)

# This function creates the CSS style sheet for HTML-output, but
# converts the style-definition into inline-CSS, which is required
# for knitr documents, i.e. when HTML tables should be included in
# knitr documents.

tab_df_knitr <- function(CSS = NULL, content = NULL, ...) {
  tab_df_prepare_style(CSS = CSS, content = content, task = 2, ...)

# This functions creates the complete HTML page, include head and meta
# section of the final HTML page. Required for display in the browser.

tab_create_page <- function(style, content, encoding = "UTF-8") {

  if (is.null(encoding)) encoding <- "UTF-8"

  # first, save table header
    "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=%s\">\n%s\n</head>\n<body>\n%s\n</body></html>",

# This function does the actual preparation and transformation of
# the HTML style sheets, used by \code{tab_df_style()} and
# \code{tab_df_knitr()}

tab_df_prepare_style <- function(CSS = NULL, content = NULL, task, ...) {

  # init style sheet and tags used for css-definitions
  # we can use these variables for string-replacement
  # later for return value

  tag.table <- "table"
  tag.td <- "td"
  tag.caption <- "caption"
  tag.thead <- "thead"
  tag.tdata <- "tdata"
  tag.arc <- "arc"
  tag.footnote <- "footnote"
  tag.subtitle <- "subtitle"
  tag.firsttablerow <- "firsttablerow"
  tag.lasttablerow <- "lasttablerow"
  tag.firsttablecol <- "firsttablecol"
  tag.leftalign <- "leftalign"
  tag.centeralign <- "centeralign"
  tag.summary <- "summary"
  tag.summarydata <- "summarydata"
  tag.fixedparts <- "fixedparts"
  tag.randomparts <- "randomparts"
  tag.zeroparts <- "zeroparts"
  tag.simplexparts <- "simplexparts"
  tag.firstsumrow <- "firstsumrow"
  tag.labelcellborder <- "labelcellborder"
  tag.depvarhead <- "depvarhead"
  tag.depvarheadnodv <- "depvarheadnodv"
  tag.col1 <- "col1"
  tag.col2 <- "col2"
  tag.col3 <- "col3"
  tag.col4 <- "col4"
  tag.col5 <- "col5"
  tag.col6 <- "col6"
  tag.modelcolumn1 <- "modelcolumn1"
  tag.modelcolumn2 <- "modelcolumn2"
  tag.modelcolumn3 <- "modelcolumn3"
  tag.modelcolumn4 <- "modelcolumn4"
  tag.modelcolumn5 <- "modelcolumn5"
  tag.modelcolumn6 <- "modelcolumn6"
  tag.modelcolumn7 <- "modelcolumn7"

  css.table <- "border-collapse:collapse; border:none;"
  css.td <- ""
  css.caption <- "font-weight: bold; text-align:left;"
  css.thead <- "border-top: double; text-align:center; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal; padding:0.2cm;"
  css.tdata <- "padding:0.2cm; text-align:left; vertical-align:top;"
  css.arc <- "background-color:#f2f2f2;"
  css.lasttablerow <- "border-bottom: double;"
  css.firsttablerow <- "border-bottom:1px solid black;"
  css.firsttablecol <- "text-align:left;"
  css.leftalign <- "text-align:left;"
  css.centeralign <- "text-align:center;"
  css.footnote <- "font-style:italic; border-top:double black; text-align:right;"
  css.subtitle <- "font-weight: normal;"
  css.summary <- "padding-top:0.1cm; padding-bottom:0.1cm;"
  css.summarydata <- "text-align:center;"
  css.fixedparts <- "font-weight:bold; text-align:left;"
  css.randomparts <- "font-weight:bold; text-align:left; padding-top:.8em;"
  css.zeroparts <- "font-weight:bold; text-align:left; padding-top:.8em;"
  css.simplexparts <- "font-weight:bold; text-align:left; padding-top:.8em;"
  css.firstsumrow <- "border-top:1px solid;"
  css.labelcellborder <- "border-bottom:1px solid;"
  css.depvarhead <- "text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal;"
  css.depvarheadnodv <- "border-top: double; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal;"
  css.col1 <- ""
  css.col2 <- ""
  css.col3 <- ""
  css.col4 <- ""
  css.col5 <- ""
  css.col6 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn1 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn2 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn3 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn4 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn5 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn6 <- ""
  css.modelcolumn7 <- ""

  # check user defined style sheets

  if (!is.null(CSS)) {
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.table']])) css.table <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.table']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.table, substring(CSS[['css.table']], 2)), CSS[['css.table']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.td']])) css.td <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.td']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.td, substring(CSS[['css.td']], 2)), CSS[['css.td']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.caption']])) css.caption <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.caption']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.caption, substring(CSS[['css.caption']], 2)), CSS[['css.caption']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.thead']])) css.thead <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.thead']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.thead, substring(CSS[['css.thead']], 2)), CSS[['css.thead']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.tdata']])) css.tdata <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.tdata']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.tdata, substring(CSS[['css.tdata']], 2)), CSS[['css.tdata']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.arc']])) css.arc <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.arc']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.arc, substring(CSS[['css.arc']], 2)), CSS[['css.arc']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.lasttablerow']])) css.lasttablerow <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.lasttablerow']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.lasttablerow, substring(CSS[['css.lasttablerow']], 2)), CSS[['css.lasttablerow']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.firsttablerow']])) css.firsttablerow <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.firsttablerow']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.firsttablerow, substring(CSS[['css.firsttablerow']], 2)), CSS[['css.firsttablerow']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.leftalign']])) css.leftalign <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.leftalign']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.leftalign, substring(CSS[['css.leftalign']], 2)), CSS[['css.leftalign']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.centeralign']])) css.centeralign <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.centeralign']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.centeralign, substring(CSS[['css.centeralign']], 2)), CSS[['css.centeralign']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.firsttablecol']])) css.firsttablecol <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.firsttablecol']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.firsttablecol, substring(CSS[['css.firsttablecol']], 2)), CSS[['css.firsttablecol']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.footnote']])) css.footnote <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.footnote']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.footnote, substring(CSS[['css.footnote']], 2)), CSS[['css.footnote']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.subtitle']])) css.subtitle <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.subtitle']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.subtitle, substring(CSS[['css.subtitle']], 2)), CSS[['css.subtitle']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.col1']])) css.col1 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.col1']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.col1, substring(CSS[['css.col1']], 2)), CSS[['css.col1']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.col2']])) css.col2 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.col2']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.col2, substring(CSS[['css.col2']], 2)), CSS[['css.col2']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.col3']])) css.col3 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.col3']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.col3, substring(CSS[['css.col3']], 2)), CSS[['css.col3']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.col4']])) css.col4 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.col4']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.col4, substring(CSS[['css.col4']], 2)), CSS[['css.col4']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.col5']])) css.col5 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.col5']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.col5, substring(CSS[['css.col5']], 2)), CSS[['css.col5']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.col6']])) css.col6 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.col6']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.col6, substring(CSS[['css.col6']], 2)), CSS[['css.col6']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.summary']])) css.summary <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.summary']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.summary, substring(CSS[['css.summary']], 2)), CSS[['css.summary']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.summarydata']])) css.summarydata <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.summarydata']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.summarydata, substring(CSS[['css.summarydata']], 2)), CSS[['css.summarydata']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.fixedparts']])) css.fixedparts <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.fixedparts']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.fixedparts, substring(CSS[['css.fixedparts']], 2)), CSS[['css.fixedparts']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.randomparts']])) css.randomparts <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.randomparts']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.randomparts, substring(CSS[['css.randomparts']], 2)), CSS[['css.randomparts']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.zeroparts']])) css.zeroparts <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.zeroparts']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.zeroparts, substring(CSS[['css.zeroparts']], 2)), CSS[['css.zeroparts']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.simplexparts']])) css.simplexparts <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.simplexparts']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.simplexparts, substring(CSS[['css.simplexparts']], 2)), CSS[['css.simplexparts']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.firstsumrow']])) css.firstsumrow <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.firstsumrow']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.firstsumrow, substring(CSS[['css.firstsumrow']], 2)), CSS[['css.firstsumrow']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.labelcellborder']])) css.labelcellborder <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.labelcellborder']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.table, substring(CSS[['css.labelcellborder']], 2)), CSS[['css.labelcellborder']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.depvarhead']])) css.depvarhead <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.depvarhead']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.depvarhead, substring(CSS[['css.depvarhead']], 2)), CSS[['css.depvarhead']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.depvarheadnodv']])) css.depvarheadnodv <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.depvarheadnodv']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.depvarheadnodv, substring(CSS[['css.depvarheadnodv']], 2)), CSS[['css.depvarheadnodv']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn1']])) css.modelcolumn1 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn1']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn1, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn1']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn1']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn2']])) css.modelcolumn2 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn2']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn2, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn2']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn2']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn3']])) css.modelcolumn3 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn3']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn3, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn3']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn3']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn4']])) css.modelcolumn4 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn4']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn4, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn4']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn4']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn5']])) css.modelcolumn5 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn5']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn5, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn5']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn5']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn6']])) css.modelcolumn6 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn6']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn6, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn6']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn6']])
    if (!is.null(CSS[['css.modelcolumn7']])) css.modelcolumn7 <- ifelse(substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn7']], 1, 1) == '+', paste0(css.modelcolumn7, substring(CSS[['css.modelcolumn7']], 2)), CSS[['css.modelcolumn7']])

  # set style sheet

  if (task == 1) {
    content <- sprintf(
      "<style>\nhtml, body { background-color: white; }\n%s { %s }\n%s { %s }\n%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n.%s { %s }\n</style>",
      tag.table, css.table,
      tag.caption, css.caption,
      tag.td, css.td,
      tag.thead, css.thead,
      tag.tdata, css.tdata,
      tag.arc, css.arc,
      tag.summary, css.summary,
      tag.summarydata, css.summarydata,
      tag.fixedparts, css.fixedparts,
      tag.randomparts, css.randomparts,
      tag.zeroparts, css.zeroparts,
      tag.simplexparts, css.simplexparts,
      tag.lasttablerow, css.lasttablerow,
      tag.firsttablerow, css.firsttablerow,
      tag.firstsumrow, css.firstsumrow,
      tag.labelcellborder, css.labelcellborder,
      tag.depvarhead, css.depvarhead,
      tag.depvarheadnodv, css.depvarheadnodv,
      tag.leftalign, css.leftalign,
      tag.centeralign, css.centeralign,
      tag.firsttablecol, css.firsttablecol,
      tag.footnote, css.footnote,
      tag.subtitle, css.subtitle,
      tag.modelcolumn1, css.modelcolumn1,
      tag.modelcolumn2, css.modelcolumn2,
      tag.modelcolumn3, css.modelcolumn3,
      tag.modelcolumn4, css.modelcolumn4,
      tag.modelcolumn5, css.modelcolumn5,
      tag.modelcolumn6, css.modelcolumn6,
      tag.modelcolumn7, css.modelcolumn7,
      tag.col1, css.col1,
      tag.col2, css.col2,
      tag.col3, css.col3,
      tag.col4, css.col4,
      tag.col5, css.col5,
      tag.col6, css.col6

  } else if (task == 2) {
    # set style attributes for main table tags
    content <- gsub("class=", "style=", content, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
    content <- gsub("<table", sprintf("<table style=\"%s\"", css.table), content, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
    content <- gsub("<caption", sprintf("<caption style=\"%s\"", css.caption), content, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)

    # replace class-attributes with inline-style-definitions
    # gsub("\"(.*)(summary)(.*)\"", "\\1haha\\3", "test \"abc summary def\"")
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.tdata), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.tdata), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.thead), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.thead), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.arc), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.arc), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.footnote), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.footnote), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.subtitle), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.subtitle), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.lasttablerow), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.lasttablerow), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.firsttablerow), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.firsttablerow), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.firsttablecol), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.firsttablecol), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.leftalign), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.leftalign), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.centeralign), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.centeralign), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.summarydata), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.summarydata), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.summary), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.summary), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.fixedparts), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.fixedparts), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.randomparts), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.randomparts), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.zeroparts), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.zeroparts), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.firstsumrow), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.firstsumrow), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.depvarhead), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.depvarhead), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.depvarheadnodv), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.depvarheadnodv), content, perl = TRUE)

    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.col1), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.col1), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.col2), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.col2), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.col3), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.col3), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.col4), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.col4), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.col5), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.col5), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.col6), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.col6), content, perl = TRUE)

    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn1), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn1), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn2), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn2), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn3), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn3), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn4), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn4), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn5), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn5), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn6), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn6), content, perl = TRUE)
    content <- gsub(sprintf("\"(.*)(%s)(.*)\"", tag.modelcolumn7), sprintf("\"\\1%s\\3\"", css.modelcolumn7), content, perl = TRUE)

    content <- gsub("<td style=\"", sprintf("<td style=\"%s ", css.td), content, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)

sjPlot/devel documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:04 p.m.