
Defines functions change_col_names


## Reads in the arguments from command line running
## Parameters required to be specified:
##    rnot_value - should be "low", "median", or "high"
##        - Determines which rnot estimate to use
##    single_rnot - "TRUE" or "FALSE"
##        - determines whether singular or distributional rnot estimate used
##    reporting_rate - should be double that specifies reporting rate of locally transmitted cases
args <- (commandArgs(TRUE)) ## load arguments from R CMD BATCH

if(length(args)>0)  { ## Then cycle through each element of the list and evaluate the expressions.
  print(paste0('loading in ', args, ' from R CMD BATCH'))
  for(i in 1:length(args)) {
# library(bbmle)

base_url <- "zikaEstimatoR"
if(grepl('spencerfox', Sys.info()['login'])) setwd(file.path("~", "projects", base_url))
if(grepl('vagrant', Sys.info()['user'])) setwd( file.path("/vagrant", base_url) )
if(grepl('stampede', Sys.info()['nodename'])) setwd(file.path('/home1/02958/sjf826', base_url))
if(grepl('wrangler', Sys.info()['nodename'])) setwd(file.path('/home/02958/sjf826', base_url))

sapply(c("R/fitting_fxns.R", "R/scaling_analysis_fxns.R"), source)

tx_imports <- read_csv("data/Zika Disease Cases by Notification Date as of 030617.csv")
tx_imports <- tx_imports %>% mutate(notification_date = mdy(`First Notification Date`)) %>%
  mutate(month = as.character(month(notification_date, label=TRUE, abbr = T)),
         county = tolower(str_replace_all(County, " County", ""))) %>%
  select(county, notification_date, month)

tx_imports$sec_trans <- 0
include_trans <- as.numeric(include_trans)
  tx_imports$sec_trans[which(tx_imports$notification_date== "2016-11-21" & tx_imports$county == "cameron")] <- include_trans
  tx_imports$sec_trans[which(tx_imports$notification_date== "2016-12-12" & tx_imports$county == "cameron")[1]] <- 1

  rnot_col_name <- switch(rnot_value, low = "low_r0", high = "high_r0", med = "med_r0", stop("Incorrect rnot value supplied, should be 'low', 'med', or 'high'."))
  tx_data <- tx_imports %>% mutate(month = factor(month, levels = month.abb)) %>%
    left_join(y = tx_county_rnots, by = c("county", "month")) %>%
    mutate(month = factor(month, unique(month)))

  ## Change correct column name to "rnot" for getting the parms
  colnames(tx_data)[which(colnames(tx_data) == rnot_col_name)] <- "rnot"

  daily_parms <- unique(tx_data$notification_date) %>%
    purrr::map(~get_alpha_parms(tx_data, curr_date=.x, reporting_rate=as.numeric(reporting_rate)))
} else{
  tx_data <- tx_imports  %>% mutate(month = factor(month, levels = month.abb))
  daily_parms <- unique(tx_data$notification_date) %>%
    purrr::map(~get_alpha_parms_r0_dist(tx_data, curr_date=.x, county_r0_dists = county_r0_distributions, reporting_rate=as.numeric(reporting_rate)))
est_alphas <- purrr::map(daily_parms, get_alpha_likes_cpp, disp_df=dispersion_df)

change_col_names <- function(x){
  ## Cpp version changes the colnames to have an X in the name and periods
  colnames(x)[2] <- gsub(pattern = "[.]", replacement = "-", x = gsub(pattern = "X", replacement = "", x = colnames(x)[2]))
est_alphas <- purrr::map(est_alphas, change_col_names) %>% purrr::map(as_data_frame)

est_alphas[2:length(est_alphas)] <- est_alphas[2:length(est_alphas)] %>% purrr::map(function(x) x[,2])

est_alphas_df <- est_alphas %>% bind_cols()

  save(est_alphas_df, file = file.path("..","workfolder","data","ZikaEstimatoR_data", paste0("alpha_like_single_", rnot_col_name, ".rda")))
} else{
  # save(est_alphas_df, file = file.path("..", paste0("alpha_like_rnot_dist_", ifelse(is.na(include_trans), 0, include_trans), "_", reporting_rate,".rda")))
  save(est_alphas_df, file = file.path("..","workfolder","data","ZikaEstimatoR_data", paste0("alpha_like_rnot_dist_", ifelse(is.na(include_trans), 0, include_trans), "_", reporting_rate,".rda")))
sjfox/zikaEstimatoR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 12:04 a.m.