
Defines functions phyEstimateDisc phyEstimate

Documented in phyEstimate phyEstimateDisc

# phyEstimate.R
# use phylogeny to predict trait values for new species

##' Phylogenetic estimation of traits for unobserved taxa
##' Uses phylogenetic ancestral state reconstruction to estimate trait values
##' for unobserved taxa.
##' These functions use phylogenetic ancestral state estimation to infer trait
##' values for novel taxa on a phylogenetic tree, for continuous
##' (\code{phyEstimate}) and discrete (\code{phyEstimateDisc}) traits.
##' The required input is a phylogenetic tree object plus a vector or
##' data.frame containing estimated trait values for a subset of the taxa in
##' the phylogenetic tree. Trait values for taxa that are present in the tree
##' but not the trait data will be estimated using ancestral state estimation
##' (Garland and Ives 2000). Briefly, for each taxon present in the tree but
##' not the trait data, the phylogeny is rerooted at the most recent common
##' ancestor of the novel taxon and the rest of the phylogeny, and the trait
##' value of the novel taxon is estimated from the reconstructed trait value at
##' the root of the rerooted phylogeny.
##' For \code{phyEstimateDisc}, the state with the highest support will be
##' reported if argument \code{best.state=TRUE}. If the best-supported state's
##' support is less than the specified \code{cutoff}, no best state is reported
##' and a \code{NA} value will be returned.
##' @aliases phyEstimate phyEstimateDisc
##' @param phy phylo object
##' @param trait vector or data.frame containing trait values
##' @param method ancestral state estimation method used by \code{ace}
##' (default="pic")
##' @param best.state estimate best-supported trait state for discrete
##' variables? (default=TRUE)
##' @param cutoff support cutoff required to declare a best.state
##' @param ...  Additional arguments passed to \code{ace}
##' @return phyEstimate produces a data frame with columns: \item{est}{
##' Estimated trait value } \item{se}{ Standard error of estimated trait value
##' } phyEstimateDisc produces a data frame with columns: \item{states 1..N}{ A
##' column with statistical support is produced for each discrete trait state }
##' \item{estimated.state}{ If best.state=TRUE, a column with the state with
##' the highest support } \item{estimated.state.support}{ Statistical support
##' for the state with the highest support }
##' @author Steven Kembel <steve.kembel@gmail.com>
##' @references T. Garland Jr., and A.R. Ives. 2000. Using the past to predict
##' the present: confidence intervals for regression equations in phylogenetic
##' comparative methods. American Naturalist 155:346364.
##' S.W. Kembel, M. Wu, J.A. Eisen, and J.L. Green. 2012. Incorporating 16S
##' gene copy number information improves estimates of microbial diversity and
##' abundance. PLoS Computational Biology 8(10):e1002743.
##' @keywords univar
##' @examples
##' #generate random phylogeny
##' randtree <- rcoal(50)
##' #simulate trait evolution for a subset of taxa on phylogeny
##' randtraits <- sample(rTraitCont(randtree, sigma=10, root.value=100), 40)
##' #estimate trait values for "missing" taxa using PIC method
##' phyEstimate(randtree, randtraits, method="pic")
##' @export phyEstimate
phyEstimate <- function(phy, trait, method = "pic", ...) {
  # trait should be a data.frame or vector with (row)names matching phylogeny
  if (is.vector(trait)) {
    trait <- data.frame(trait)

  trait.orig <- trait

  # given a tree with a novel species on it
  sppObs <- row.names(trait)
  # (novel spp. are in tree but have no trait value)
  sppUnobs <- phy$tip.label[!(phy$tip.label %in% sppObs)]

  res <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(sppUnobs), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(sppUnobs, c("estimate", "se"))))

  for (i in sppUnobs) {
    # for each novel species, prune all but measured + that species
    tree <- drop.tip(phy, subset(sppUnobs, sppUnobs != i))

    # root the tree at the novel species (leave root as trichotomy)
    tree <- root(tree, i, resolve.root = FALSE)

    # record branch length leading to novel species in rerooted tree
    edge <- Nnode(tree) - 1 + which(tree$tip.label == i)
    bl <- tree$edge.length[edge]

    # prune novel species and match new pruned tree <-> trait data
    tree <- drop.tip(tree, i)
    trait <- trait.orig[tree$tip.label, ]

    # use PIC framework to estimate trait value at root node + error
    est <- ace(trait, tree, method = method, ...)
    val <- est$ace[1]
    cimax <- est$CI95[1, 2]
    se <- abs(cimax - val) / 1.96

    se.adj <- sqrt(bl) + se

    res[i, ] <- data.frame(estimate = val, se = se.adj)


# for discrete traits
phyEstimateDisc <- function(phy, trait, best.state = TRUE, cutoff = 0.5, ...) {
  # trait should be a data.frame or vector with names matching phylogeny

  if (is.vector(trait) || is.factor(trait)) {

    trait <- data.frame(trait)

    trait[, 1] <- factor(trait[, 1])
    trait.orig <- trait

    # given a tree with a novel taxa on it (taxa with no trait value)
    sppObs <- row.names(trait)
    sppUnobs <- phy$tip.label[!(phy$tip.label %in% sppObs)]
    trtlevels <- levels(trait[, 1])
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(sppUnobs), ncol = length(trtlevels), dimnames = list(sppUnobs, trtlevels)))

    # estimate support for different states for each novel taxon
    for (i in sppUnobs) {
      # for each novel species, prune all but measured + that species
      tree <- drop.tip(phy, subset(sppUnobs, sppUnobs != i))

      # root the tree at the novel species (leave root as trichotomy)
      tree <- root(tree, i, resolve.root = FALSE)

      ## Mon IDE me dit que ces variables sont jamais utilisés

      # record branch length leading to novel species in rerooted tree
      ## edge <- Nnode(tree) - 1 + which(tree$tip.label == i)
      ## bl <- tree$edge.length[edge]

      # prune novel species and match new pruned tree <-> trait data
      tree <- drop.tip(tree, i)
      trait <- trait.orig[tree$tip.label,]

      # calculate value at root node and impute to novel species
      est <- ace(trait, tree, type = "discrete", ...)
      val <- est$lik.anc[1,]

      res[i,] <- val

    # estimate the best-supported state for each taxon
    if (best.state) {
      beststate <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = dim(res)[1], ncol = 2))
      colnames(beststate) <- c("estimated.state", "estimated.state.support")
      rownames(beststate) <- rownames(res)

      for (i in 1:dim(res)[1]) {
        #if >=cutoff % taxa have same label assign a consensus taxon to node

        best <- -sort(unlist-(res[i,]))[1]
        ## la formuler originale
        ##best <- -sort(-(res[i, ]))[1]

        if (best >= cutoff) {
          beststate[i, 1] <- names(best)
          beststate[i, 2] <- best
          beststate[i, 1] <- NA
          beststate[i, 2] <- NA

    #return the output
    if (best.state) {
      return(cbind(as.matrix(res), beststate))
    } else {
skembel/picante documentation built on July 19, 2023, 7:27 a.m.