Man pages for skgallagher/EpiCompare
A Pipeline to Analyze and Compare Infectious Disease Epidemics

agent_array_to_dfPut agent_array into a data frame format
agent_array_to_matPut agent_array into a matrix format
agents_simsagents_sims Example output from SIR simulations
agents_to_aggregategeneralized method to convert raw agent based data to... function to convert raw agent based data to...
agents_to_aggregate.grouped_dfgeneralized function to convert raw agent based data to...
arrangeGrobArrange multiple grobs on a page ('ggtern' and 'ggplot2'...
as.matrix.tidy_dist_matconvert 'tidy_dist_mat' to 'matrix'
cases_to_SIRImpute Recovered counts for the SIR model Recovered counts for the SIR model
cases_to_SIR.grouped_dfImpute Recovered counts for the SIR model
check_character_percentcheck if a character is a desirable percentage value
check_dist_paramschecks the provided dist_params to make sure they are what is...
check_inside_elipsoidassert if observation is inside elipsoid
check_inside_elipsoid_funccreate a function assert if observations are inside elipsoid
check_min_max_timemin_max_time vector check
check_orderedchecks if states within data frame are ordered as inputted...
colnames-set-.tidy_dist_matassign colnames
containedMethod to check if a filament is completely contained in a...
convex_hull_compute_group_paths_to_pointsconvex hull function for compute_group ggplot object (for top...
create_convex_hull_structurecreate the convex hull associated with points
create_delta_ball_structurecreate the delta ball associated with points
delta_ball_compute_group_paths_to_pointsdelta ball function for compute_group ggplot object (for top...
delta_structurePerforms delta ball approach (2d approach)
dimnames-set-.tidy_dist_matassign dimnames for tidy_dist_mat
dimnames.tidy_dist_matreturn dimnames for tidy_dist_mat
dist_along_path_angleDistance/angle between points along path relative to...
dist_along_path_directionDistance/direction between points along path relative to...
distance_depth_functionGeenens & Nieto-Reyes functional distance-based depth
distance_psuedo_density_functionpsuedo-density for objects with a distance between them
distanglepath_dfDistance/direction between points along path relative to...
dist_between_pathsDistance between points
distinct_timeselect distinct rows (relative to time)
dist_matrix_innersq_2dCalculates the distance matrix between a set of paths...
dist_matrix_innersq_directionCalculates the distance matrix between a set of paths...
draws_to_statesDraw the transfer matrix
EpiCompareEpiCompare: package overview
EpiModel_agg_bdEpiModel_agg_bd Example output from the 'EpiModel' package...
EpiModel_detEpiModel_det Example output from the 'EpiModel' package for a...
EpiModel_icmEpiModel_icm Example output from the 'EpiModel' package for a...
equa_dist_points_anglepoint compression (2d)
equa_dist_points_directionpoint compression
equa_dist_points_listable_angleList of compressions (2d)
equa_dist_points_listable_directionList of compressions
expanding_infoexpanding aggregate data to desirable format
extract_contourSelection of specific contour level from KDE object
extract_icm_colsExtract the icm class totals
filament_compressionCompress filaments to filaments with the same number of...
filament_distance_depthCalculate filament depth (relative to distance depth)
fit_kde_objectFit kernel density estimator (KDE) object
format.tidy_dist_matFormat tidy_dist_mat for printing
fortify_aggregateTake external aggregate data and put it in a format used in... in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
fortify_aggregate.dcmTake external aggregate data and put it in a format used in...
fortify_aggregate.epimodel_innerTake EpiModel Data and format it
fortify_aggregate.icmTake external aggregate data and put it in a format used in...
fortify_aggregate.listTakes in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
fortify_aggregate.netsimTake external aggregate data and put it in a format used in...
fortify_aggregate.pompTakes in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
fortify_aggregate.pomp_dfTakes in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
fortify_aggregate.pomp_df_innerTakes in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
fortify_aggregate.pomp_listTakes in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
fortify_aggregate.pompListTakes in data from the R pomp package where the output is a...
geom_prediction_bandThe prediction_band geom/stat
get_closestcreate a grid of points indicating near border or not (and...
get_closest_nncreate a grid of points indicating near border or not (and...
get_deltaFind delta for covering
get_delta_nncalculate maxmin distance between points
get_epimodel_icm_statesGet the viable names for the states from an icm object
get_grid_elipsoid_containmentcreate a grid of points indicating whether in a set of 2d...
get_linesGet edges within union of balls
get_previous_countsCount number in each state
get_state_namesGet the state names fro the transition matrix
get_tri_matrixMake triangle matrix
get_xy_coordget xy ternary coordinates from xyz based data frame
grab_top_depth_filamentsSelect a proportion of the top / most deep filaments
hagelloch_agentsMeasles in Hagelloch, Germany, 1861 (agent format)
hagelloch_rawMeasles in Hagelloch, Germany, 1861
hagelloch_sirMeasles in Hagelloch, Germany, 1861 (SIR format)
hausdorff_distCalculates the Hausdorff distance between 2 sets
head.tidy_dist_matReturn the Last Parts of a 'tidy_dist_mat' (symmetric grab)
imports_hidden_fromimport hidden function / variable from other package
initialize_agent_arrayInitialize array for agent simulations
inner_compute_group_paths_to_pointsinner function to compute points of top paths
inner_delta_ball_wrapperRun delta ball analysis
is.tidy_dist_matchecks if object is a tidy_dist_mat
is.wholenumberCheck for whole number values
kde_from_listContour of data points using Kernel Density Estimate.
l2filamentdist_dfinner l2 distance between filaments
local_distance_depth_functionLocalized version of Geenens & Nieto-Reyes functional...
multinomial_updaterMultinomial draws to update states depending on past count
notcharacterizes that we will subset by the indices *not* in...
pipePipe operator
pomp_arrExample SIR simulation output of class 'array' from the...
pomp_dfExample SIR simulation output of class ' data.frame' from the...
pomp_pompExample SIR simulation output of class ' pomp' from the...
pomp_sirpomp_sir Example output from the 'pomp' package.
print.ggplotExplicitly draw plot ('ggtern' and 'ggplot2' compatible)
print.tidy_dist_matprint tidy_dist_mat objects
process_df_indexinternal function to get the indices of the 'tidy_dist_mat'...
project_onto_simplexProject onto a simplex where observations in the unit simplex...
project_to_simplexproject onto a standard 3d simplex.
quantile_curves_to_pointsPull top (1-alpha)% quantile percent of curves points.
remove_delta_off_lineShorten line by delta on both sides
remove_incomplete_triRemove triangles with edges that need removal
reverse_not_dfremoves the 'not'() operation (that makes a df a 'not_df')
r_new_interfacelogic to check if R is >= 4
rownames-set-.tidy_dist_matassign rownames for tidy_dist_mat
SEIR_to_SIR_EConvert SEIR to XYZ coordinates fixed in a tetrahedron
SEIR_to_XYZConvert SEIR to XYZ coordinates fixed in a tetrahedron
sim_arr_to_dfConvert simulation output from simulate_SIR_agents to data...
simplex_project_matCreate linear map to move simplex with p vertices to p-1...
simulate_agentsSimulate an agent-based model for given state-to-state...
simulate_SIR_agentsSimulate SIR data according to a chain Binomial
sirs_dataExample of SIRS model generated from the 'pomp' package.
sis_dataExample SIS model of class 'dcm' from the 'EpiModel' package.
sis_data_fExample SIS model converted to aggregate format
stat_aggregateaggregate SIR path visuals from agent data
state_change_indsDetermine which agents changed states
StatPredBandConvexHullstat object for use in convex hull based stat_prediction_band...
StatPredBandDeltaBallstat object for use in delta_ball based stat_prediction_band...
StatPredBandKDEstat object for use in kde based stat_prediction_band and...
StatPredBandSphericalstat object for use in spherical ball based...
step_along_anglestep along 2d path with angle
step_along_directionstep along path with direction
steps_along_2d_lineCreate n equidistance points
sub-.tidy_dist_matExtract a part of a 'tidy_dist_mat' object
tail.tidy_dist_matReturn the Last Parts of a 'tidy_dist_mat' (symmetric grab)
theme_sirAdd a portable theme for SIR ternary plots
tidy_dist_mattidy_dist_mat objects
to_lower_simplexmove df to simplex representation
top_curves_to_pointsPull the points from the top (1-alpha)% percent of curves.
top_curves_to_points.grouped_dfPull the points from the top (1-alpha)% percent of curves...
top_curves_to_points.listPull the points from the top (1-alpha)% percent of curves...
trans_mat_to_D_fxnTake a character formula transition matrix and turn it into a...
update_agentsUpdate agents based on Bernoulli draws
update_approved_layersUpdates approved layers of ggtern
which_indexfind the index of a 'tidy_dist_mat' relative to a data.frame
skgallagher/EpiCompare documentation built on Sept. 14, 2021, 5:45 a.m.