Man pages for skgallagher/InfectionTrees
Sample, Analyze, and Plot Infection Trees

binary_likelihood_profsReturn likelihood profiles for binary covariates special case
binary_loglike_wrapperWrapper to optimize over a single variable for likelihood...
bootstrap_clustersResample clusters from an observed data set
bp_loglike_binary_covCalculate the likelihood for binary covariate MC trees
calculate_transmission_probGet the probability of transmission given a set of covariates
compute_A_infects_BCompute probability from samples that person A infects person...
covariate_df_to_matTake data frame and turn it into matrix for logistic...
draw_covariate_rowsRandomly sample covariate rows
draw_featuresDraw the features for the tree people
general_cluster_likeGet the likelihood for a single cluster
general_cluster_like.dtGet the likelihood for a single cluster
general_generation_infectionInfect the current generation given the previous generation
general_loglikeCalculate the estimated general loglikelihood
general_loglike_mc_treesCalculate the log likelihood for a set of data, averaged by n
general_tree_samplerGenerate trees of certain size
likelihood_profsReturn likelihood profiles
loglike_wrapperWrapper to optimize over a single variable for likelihood...
mc_trees_to_A_infects_BLooks at most likely transmissions from A to B for a cluster
pipePipe operator
sample_connectionsSample connections and form a tree
sample_general_cond_treesSample general conditional trees
sample_general_tree_permSample the actual tree for given permutation
sample_gen_out_condSample trees with same features as original but permuted...
sample_mc_binary_covSample binary covariate transmission trees
sample_mc_binary_cov_innerInnfer function to sample MC trees with binary covariates
sample_mc_treesSample trees with same features as original but permuted...
sample_single_gen_out_condMake the sampled clusters for a single cluster
sample_trees_fixed_gSample trees with given generation sizes
sample_unif_trees_no_featuresSample trees
sample_unique_permsSample unique permutations from a partition space
simulate_bpSimulate the branching process of flipping until failure for...
simulate_general_outbreak_innerGenerate a single cluster of infections
summarize_binary_clustersSummarize binary covariate clusters
summarize_binary_cov_treesCondense trees into a smaller format
tb_cleanSubset of Tuberculosis data
skgallagher/InfectionTrees documentation built on July 28, 2021, 2:14 p.m.