
Defines functions postgres_application_name db_disconnect db_connect

Documented in db_connect db_disconnect

#' Function to create a database connection with a \code{JSON} configuration file. 
#' \code{db_connect} uses a \code{JSON} configuration file to create a database
#' connection. This configuration file will often exist outside a code package 
#' so database credentials are not accidentally transmitted or shared. 
#' If only one entry is in the \code{JSON} file, the \code{database} argument is
#' not needed.
#' If \code{db_connect} is attempted to be used with a file which is not 
#' \code{JSON}, it will attempt to connect to an SQLite database, but it is 
#' recommended that the \code{config} argument is set to \code{FALSE} in this 
#' case. 
#' MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite connections are currently supported. 
#' @param file \code{JSON} file or string containing database connection 
#' details. For SQLite databases, use the database's file path. 
#' @param database The name of the database within \code{file} to use to create
#' a database connection to. If only one entry is in \code{file}, this argument 
#' is not needed and will be ignored if used. 
#' @param config A logical to skip the \code{JSON} file configuration and just
#' attempt to connect to \code{file} directly. This is used for SQLite
#' databases which require no configuration. 
#' @param foreign_keys A logical for SQLite databases where foreign keys should 
#' be enforced. Default is \code{TRUE}. For other database types, this will be 
#' ignored. 
#' @param sslmode For PostgreSQL databases, what \code{sslmode} should be used 
#' for the connection? 
#' @param bigint For 64-bit integers, how should these be handled? See 
#' \code{\link{dbConnect}} for details. 
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @return Database connection. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Connect to an air quality database
#' db <- db_connect("connections.json", "air_quality")
#' # Use a json config file which looks similar to this:
#' string <- '
#' {
#'   "driver": "MySQL",
#'   "host": "",
#'   "database_name": "database_seven",
#'   "user": "web",
#'   "password": "read_password"
#' }'
#' # Connect, no need for second argument when one connection is present in 
#' # configuration file
#' db_seven <- db_connect(string)
#' # A SQLite connection needs no configuration
#' con <- db_connect("../databases/air_quality_data.db", config = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
db_connect <- function(file, database, config = TRUE, foreign_keys = TRUE,
                       sslmode = NULL, bigint = "integer64") {
  # Could use mime type
  # mime::guess_type(file)
  # Load configuration file
  json <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e) {
    # Capture and return error text
  # If config is TRUE and the file is not json, attempt SQLite connection
  if (any(grepl("lexical error|sqlite|parse error", json, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    config <- FALSE
  if (config) {
    # If json file has many database connection details, filter with argument
    if (inherits(json, "data.frame")) {
      json <- json[json[, "database_name"] == database, ]
    # Create connection based on driver type
    if (stringr::str_detect(json$driver, "(?i)mysql|mariadb")) {
      # Add a port if it does not exist
      if (!"port" %in% names(json)) {
        json$port <- 0L
      # Connect
      con <- DBI::dbConnect(
        host = json$host, 
        port = json$port,
        dbname = json$database_name,
        user = json$user, 
        password = json$password,
        bigint = bigint
    } else if (stringr::str_detect(json$driver, "(?i)postg")) {
      # Add a port if it does not exist
      if (!"port" %in% names(json)) {
        json$port <- NULL
      # Connect
      con <- DBI::dbConnect(
        host = json$host, 
        port = json$port,
        dbname = json$database_name,
        user = json$user, 
        password = json$password,
        sslmode = sslmode,
        bigint = bigint
      # Also set the application name
      db_execute(con, stringr::str_c(
        "SET application_name = '", 
        postgres_application_name(), "'")
    } else if (stringr::str_detect(json$driver, "(?i)sql server")) {
      # Add a port if it does not exist
      if (!"port" %in% names(json)) {
        json$port <- NULL
      # Drop Microsoft from driver name if required
      json$driver <- json$driver %>% 
        stringr::str_remove("(?i)microsoft") %>% 
      # Make connection to MS SQL Server database
      con <- DBI::dbConnect(
        driver = json$driver,
        server = json$host,
        database = json$database_name,
        uid = json$user,
        pwd = json$password,
        port = json$port,
        bigint = bigint
  } else {
    # sqlite databases, only need a path
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), file)
    # Add support for foreign keys
    if (foreign_keys) db_execute(con, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1")

#' Function to close a database connection cleanly.  
#' @param con An active database connection.
#' @return Invisible.  
#' @export
db_disconnect <- function(con) quiet(DBI::dbDisconnect(con))

postgres_application_name <- function() {
  # Get information
  list_version <- R.Version()
  # Clean
  version <- list_version$version.string
  version <- stringr::str_remove_all(version, "\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)")
  version <- stringr::str_remove(version, "version ")
  # Add package name too
  version <- stringr::str_c(version, " with RPostgres")
skgrange/databaser documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 3:53 a.m.