
Defines functions global_object_error get_pop_simulation get_pop_replicate

as_class <- function (object, name, type = c("function", "list")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  stopifnot(inherits(object, type))
  class(object) <- c(name, class(object))

round_pop <- function (population) {
  population_min <- floor(population)
  if (steps_stash$demo_stochasticity == "full") {
    if (sum(population) == 0) return(population)
    return(rmultinom_large_int(population)[, 1])

  if (steps_stash$demo_stochasticity == "none") return(population)

get_pop_replicate <- function(replicate_result, init_pops, ...) {
  total_stages <- raster::nlayers(replicate_result[[1]]$population)
  idx <- which(!is.na(raster::getValues(replicate_result[[1]]$population[[1]])))
  init_pops <- raster::extract(init_pops, idx)
  init_pop_sums <- colSums(init_pops)
  pops <- lapply(replicate_result, function(x) raster::extract(x$population, idx))
  pop_sums <- lapply(pops, function(x) colSums(x))
  pop_matrix <- matrix(unlist(pop_sums), ncol = total_stages, byrow = TRUE)
  pop_matrix <- unname(rbind(init_pop_sums, pop_matrix))

get_pop_simulation <- function(sim_result, ...) {
  total_stages <- raster::nlayers(sim_result[[1]][[1]]$population)
  timesteps <- length(sim_result[[1]])
  sims <- length(sim_result)
  pop_array <- array(dim = c(timesteps + 1, total_stages, sims))

  for(i in seq_len(sims)) {
    pop_array[, , i] <- get_pop_replicate(replicate_result = sim_result[[i]],
                                          init_pops = attr(sim_result, "initial_population"))

get_carrying_capacity <- function (landscape, timestep) {
  cc <- landscape$carrying_capacity
  if (is.null(cc)) {
    # if there's no carrying capacity specified, return a NULL
    res <- NULL
  } else if (inherits(cc, "RasterLayer")) {

    # if there's a carrying capacity raster, use that
    # # in a future set up where lots of carrying capacity rasters could be passed in
    # if (raster::nlayers(cc) > 1) {
    #   res <- cc[[timestep]])
    # } else {
    #   res <- cc
    # }
    res <- cc
  } else if (is.function(cc)) {
    # if it's a function, run it on landscape
    res <- cc(landscape, timestep)
    names(res) <- paste0("Carrying_Capacity_", timestep)
  } else {
    # otherwise, we don't support it
    stop ("invalid carrying capacity argument",
          call. = FALSE)

not_missing <- function (raster) {

warn_once <- function (condition, message, warning_name) {
  if (condition & !isTRUE(steps_stash[[warning_name]])) {
    warning(message, call. = FALSE)
    steps_stash[[warning_name]] <- TRUE

rmultinom_large_int <- function (population) {
  total <- round(sum(population))
  if (total > .Machine$integer.max) {
    times <- total %/% .Machine$integer.max
    extra <- total %% .Machine$integer.max
    pop <- rep(0, length(population))
    for (i in seq_len(times)) {
      pop <- pop + stats::rmultinom(1, .Machine$integer.max, population)
    pop <- pop + stats::rmultinom(1, extra, population)
  } else {
    pop <- stats::rmultinom(1, total, population)

int_or_proper_length_vector <- function (input, n_stages, parameter) {
  if (length(input) != 1 & length(input) != n_stages) {
    stop(paste0("Please provide either a single number or vector of ",
                "numbers that matches the number of life-stages in the ",
                " parameter."))
  if (length(input) == 1) {
    input <- rep(input, n_stages)

global_object_error <- function(error) {
  # see if there's a missing object
  something_missing <- grepl("could not find", error$message)
  if (something_missing) {
    message <- paste(error$message,
                     "\n\nit looks like the future package can't find an object or",
                     "function you are using, you can pass it in via the",
                     "future.globals argument to steps::simulation")
  } else {
    message <- error$message
  stop (message, call. = FALSE)
skiptoniam/dhmpr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10:36 a.m.