examples.make.tg.iso.df = function() {
tg = get.tg(gameId="BunchedUltimatum", never.load=TRUE)
tg = get.tg(gameId="GiftEff",variant=1,never.load = TRUE)
tg = get.tg(gameId="StackelRandomCost",variant=1,never.load = TRUE)
ise.df = tg$ise.df
sg.df = tg$sg.df
sgi.df = tg$sgi.df
spi = tg$spi.li[[2]]
spi = tg$spi.li[[1]]
make.sg.spo.df(.sg.ind = 1,tg=tg)
eqo.df = tg$spe.li[[1]]$eqo.df
solve.sg.spe(.sg.ind = 1, tg=tg)
# not clear whether we still need iso.df...
make.tg.iso.df = function(tg) {
tg$iso.df = tg.to.iso.df(tg)
# information sets moves and outcomes
tg.to.iso.df = function(tg) {
lev.li = tg$lev.li
levels = which(sapply(lev.li, function(lev) lev$type=="action"))
li = lapply(levels, function(le) {
iso.df = bind_rows(li)
#iso.df = select(iso.df, .player, .lev.num,.info.set.ind, .info.set,.move.ind,.move.name, .infeasible)
iso.df = select(iso.df, .player, .lev.num,.info.set.ind, .info.set,.move.ind,.var,.char.move.val)
iso.df = arrange(iso.df, .player, .lev.num, .info.set.ind, .move.ind)
# computes the iso.df from a level.df
lev.df.to.iso = function(lev) {
lev.df = lev$lev.df
know.mat = lev$know.mat
#know.var.group = identical.rows.groups(know.mat)
know.var.group = lev.df$.know.var.group
kv = 1
li = lapply(unique(know.var.group), function(kv) {
rows = which(know.var.group==kv)
if (length(rows)==0) return(NULL)
know.vars = lev$know.var.li[[kv]]
by = unique(c(know.vars, lev$var))
idf = lev.df[rows,c(by,".move.ind",".info.set",".info.set.ind", ".player"), drop=FALSE]
idf$.char.move.val = as.character(lev.df[[lev$var]][rows])
idf = unique(idf)
df = select(idf,.player,.info.set,.info.set.ind,.move.ind, .char.move.val)
# ommited compute infeasible
jdf = left_join(idf, oco.df[,c(".outcome",by)], by=by)
fun = function(idf) {
outcomes = unique(idf$.outcome)
summarise(group_by(idf,.move.ind, .move.name, .player), .infeasible = list(setdiff(outcomes, .outcome)))
inf.df = do(group_by(jdf,.info.set.ind,.info.set), fun(.)) %>% ungroup()
res = bind_rows(li)
res$.lev.num = lev$lev.num
res$.var = lev$var
# computes the ise.df contains some summary statistics for information sets
# these will be helpful when defining subgames later on
make.tg.ise.df = function(tg) {
tg$action.levels = which(sapply(tg$lev.li, function(lev) lev$type=="action"))
li = lapply(tg$lev.li[tg$action.levels], function(lev) {
lev.df = lev$lev.df
lev.df$.val = lev.df[[lev$var]]
lev.df$.var = lev$var
lev.df %>%
group_by(.info.set.ind, .info.set, .player, .var) %>%
summarize(.num.moves = length(unique(.move.ind)), .num.nodes = sum(.move.ind==1), .lev.num = as.integer(lev$lev.num), .info.set.move.ind.start = min(.info.set.move.ind),.move.vals = list(unique(.val))) %>%
tg$ise.df = bind_rows(li)
# known.var groups:
# group multiple information sets on levels to know.var sets
# each information set in which the same variables are observed
# will belong to the same know.var group.
# Note that information sets from different players may belong
# to the same know.var group.
# know.var groups are only used to allow fast
# vectorized computation of the iso.df
make.tg.know.var.groups = function(tg) {
tg$lev.li = lapply(tg$lev.li, make.tg.lev.know.var.groups)
make.tg.lev.know.var.groups = function(lev) {
if (lev$type != "action") return(lev)
lev.df = lev$lev.df
players = unique(lev.df$.player)
know.mat = lev$know.li[[players[1]]]
know.mat[,] = NA
for (player in players) {
rows = lev.df$.player == player
know.mat[rows,] = lev$know.li[[player]][rows,]
lev$know.mat = know.mat
.know.var.group = identical.rows.groups(know.mat)
lev$lev.df$.know.var.group = .know.var.group
lev$know.var.li = lapply(unique(.know.var.group), function(kv) {
row = which(.know.var.group == kv)[1]
vars = colnames(know.mat)[know.mat[row]]
compute.tg.subgames = function(tg) {
# no action level
if (length(tg$action.levels)==0) {
stop("Computation of subgames for games without actions not yet specified.")
# first take the last action level
lev.num = rev(tg$action.levels)[1]
ise.df = tg$ise.df
# On the last level all singleton information sets are subgames
rows = which(ise.df$.lev.num == lev.num & ise.df$.num.nodes == 1)
if (length(rows)>0) {
sgi.df1 = data_frame(.lev.num = lev.num, .root.info.set.ind = ise.df$.info.set.ind[rows],.info.set.ind = .root.info.set.ind)
} else {
sgi.df1 = NULL
#sgi.li = vector("list",length(tg$action.levels))
#sgi.li[[1]] = sgi.df
# to do for earlier levels
# good vectorized method to find all descendant information sets
lev.num = 2
li = lapply(rev(tg$action.levels)[-1], function(lev.num) {
lev = tg$lev.li[[lev.num]]
dis.df = find.lev.descendant.info.sets(lev=lev, tg=tg,add.roots = TRUE)
sgi.df = dis.df %>%
rename(.root.info.set.ind = pinfo.set.ind) %>%
mutate(.lev.num = lev.num) %>%
select(.lev.num, .root.info.set.ind, .info.set.ind)
sgi.df = bind_rows(c(list(sgi.df1),li)) %>%
arrange(.root.info.set.ind, .info.set.ind) %>%
# if first subgame does not contain all
# information set, we need to add the
# super subgame (whole game)
if (NROW(sgi.df)>0) {
size1 = sum(sgi.df$.root.info.set.ind == sgi.df$.root.info.set.ind[1])
} else {
size1 = 0
# add super subgame
if (size1<NROW(ise.df)) {
super.df = data_frame(.lev.num = 0,.root.info.set.ind=0, .info.set.ind = ise.df$.info.set.ind)
sgi.df = rbind(super.df, sgi.df)
# generate a subgame index
# subgames starting at earlier information nodes
# will have lower subgame indices
roots = sort(unique(sgi.df$.root.info.set.ind))
sgi.df$.sg.ind = match(sgi.df$.root.info.set.ind,roots)
sgi.df$is.root = sgi.df$.root.info.set.ind == sgi.df$.info.set.ind
# mark information sets that are member of a descendant
# subgame
sgi.df = sgi.df %>%
group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
mutate(.in.descendant = c(rep(TRUE,n()-1),FALSE)) %>%
# create some summary information about subgames
df = sgi.df %>%
left_join(select(ise.df,.info.set,.info.set.ind,.player,.num.moves), by=".info.set.ind")
sg.df = df %>%
group_by(.sg.ind,.lev.num, .root.info.set.ind) %>%
summarize(num.direct.info.sets = sum(!.in.descendant), .num.strats.without.desc = prod(ifelse(.in.descendant,1,.num.moves))*(num.direct.info.sets>0), .num.strats = prod(.num.moves), .num.players=length(unique(.player)))
max.or.na = function(x) {
if (length(x)==0) return(NA)
# find parent indices
#sgi.df$.sg.ind = as.numeric(sgi.df$.sg.ind)
sg.df = suppressWarnings(sg.df %>%
group_by(.sg.ind, .root.info.set.ind) %>%
mutate(parent.sg.ind = max.or.na(sgi.df$.sg.ind[sgi.df$.info.set.ind == .root.info.set.ind & !sgi.df$is.root])))
# find possible outcomes for each subgame
sg.df = compute.sg.outcomes(sg.df = sg.df, tg=tg)
tg$sgi.df = sgi.df
tg$sg.df = sg.df
# find for each info set in the level
# all descendant info sets (all nodes must be descendants)
# uses know.var.groups for vectorization
find.lev.descendant.info.sets = function(lev, tg, subgames.only=TRUE, add.roots = FALSE) {
lev.df = lev$lev.df
kvg = 1
li = lapply(seq_along(lev$know.var.li), function(kvg) {
# find info sets of the current know.var group
lev.rows = which(lev.df$.know.var.group == kvg & lev.df$.move.ind==1)
.info.set.inds = lev.df$.info.set.ind[lev.rows]
# may only consider information sets that are singletons
# since only those can start subgames
if (subgames.only) {
singleton = tg$ise.df$.num.nodes[.info.set.inds] == 1
.info.set.inds = .info.set.inds[singleton]
lev.rows = lev.rows[singleton]
cols = setdiff(lev$know.var.li[[kvg]],c(lev$var,"variant","numPlayers"))
if (length(cols)>0) {
cols.id = paste.matrix.cols(lev.df[lev.rows,cols,drop=FALSE])
} else {
cols.id = rep("0",length(lev.rows))
# now we check all subsequent action levels to find descendant
# information sets
desc.levels = tg$action.levels[tg$action.levels > lev$lev.num]
#dlev = tg$lev.li[[2]]
li = lapply(tg$lev.li[desc.levels], function(dlev) {
dlev.df = dlev$lev.df
if (length(cols)>0) {
dcols.id = paste.matrix.cols(dlev.df[,cols,drop=FALSE])
} else {
dcols.id = rep("0",NROW(dlev.df))
# we try to match each row in dlev.df to our
# lev.rows in lev.df
dlev.df$.match = match(dcols.id, cols.id)
# try to find those information sets
# that are fully contained
# this means dind must be the same
# for all moves and
# cannot contain any NA
dlev.df = dlev.df %>%
group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
mutate(.contained = sum(is.na(.match)) == 0 & length(unique(.match)) == 1) %>%
# return a data_frame with the
# indices of the parent info set and the
# descendant info sets
match.df = dlev.df %>%
#filter(.contained, .move.ind==1) %>%
mutate(pinfo.set.ind = .info.set.inds[.match]) %>%
select(pinfo.set.ind, .info.set.ind, .contained) %>%
if (add.roots) {
match.df = rbind(data_frame(pinfo.set.ind=.info.set.inds, .info.set.ind = .info.set.inds, .contained=TRUE),match.df) %>%
arrange(pinfo.set.ind, .info.set.ind)
df = bind_rows(li)
df = df %>%
group_by(pinfo.set.ind) %>%
mutate(all.contained = all(.contained))
# remove info.sets whose nodes are not fully contained
if (subgames.only) {
df = filter(df, all.contained)
# compute for each subgame the possible outcomes of the subgame
# use known.var matrices for vectorization
compute.sg.outcomes = function(sg.df, tg, add.to.sg.df = TRUE) {
#lev = tg$lev.li[[3]]
# loop through action levels for known.var vectorization
li = lapply(tg$lev.li[rev(tg$action.levels)], function(lev) {
lev.df = lev$lev.df
kvg = 1
li = lapply(seq_along(lev$know.var.li), function(kvg) {
# find info sets at which subgame starts of the current know.var group
lev.rows = which(lev.df$.know.var.group == kvg & lev.df$.info.set.ind %in% sg.df$.root.info.set.ind & lev.df$.move.ind == 1)
if (length(lev.rows)==0) return(NULL)
.info.set.inds = lev.df$.info.set.ind[lev.rows]
cols = setdiff(lev$know.var.li[[kvg]],c(lev$var,"variant","numPlayers"))
# if no cols are observed the subgame is the whole game
if (length(cols)==0) {
all.df = data_frame(.root.info.set.ind = .info.set.inds, .outcomes=list(seq_len(NROW(tg$oco.df))) )
cols.id = paste.matrix.cols(lev.df[lev.rows,cols,drop=FALSE])
ocols.id = paste.matrix.cols(tg$oco.df[,cols,drop=FALSE])
# match each outcome rows to subgame root nodes
# at the current level
# non-contained outcomes will have an NA
oco.match = match(ocols.id, cols.id)
df = data_frame(.root.info.set.ind=.info.set.inds[oco.match],.outcome=tg$oco.df$.outcome)
df %>%
group_by(.root.info.set.ind) %>%
summarize(.outcomes = list(.outcome))
df = bind_rows(li)
# manually add outcomes of super subgame
if (sg.df$.root.info.set.ind[1]==0) {
df0 = data_frame(.root.info.set.ind = 0, .outcomes=list(tg$oco.df$.outcome))
if (NROW(df)>0) {
df = rbind(df0, df)
} else {
df = df0
# TO DO: .info.set.ind is so far not globally
# defined by counter starts at each level
# need global counter!!!
if (add.to.sg.df) {
if (".outcomes" %in% colnames(sg.df))
sg.df = select(sg.df, -.outcomes)
res = left_join(sg.df,df, by=".root.info.set.ind")
find.info.set.outcomes = function(.info.set.ind, tg, oco.df = tg$oco.df, return.logical=FALSE) {
.lev.num = tg$ise.df$.lev.num[.info.set.ind]
lev = tg$lev.li[[.lev.num]]
row = which(lev$lev.df$.info.set.ind == .info.set.ind)[1]
keys = setdiff(colnames(lev$know.mat)[lev$know.mat[row,]],lev$var)
vals = as.list(lev$lev.df[row, keys])
code = paste0('oco.df[["', keys,'"]] == vals[["',keys,'"]]', collapse=" & ")
if (!return.logical)
code = paste0("oco.df$.outcome[ ",code," ]")
call = parse(text=code)
get.child.subgames = function(.sg.ind, tg) {
rows = tg$sg.df$parent.sg.ind %in% .sg.ind
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