#' @useDynLib rimr
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' create list storing column with attributes for comparison,
#' operation on which the data should be compared (=, >, <, >=, <=)
#' @param x Vector of variables
#' @param operation Operation sign (=, >, <, >=, <=)
create_var_list <- function(x, operation){
if (operation == "~"){
lapply(x, function(y) list(column = y[[1]],
operation = operation,
value = NA,
type = NA,
tolerance = as.numeric(y[[2]])))
lapply(x, function(y) list(column = y,
operation = operation,
value = NA,
type = NA,
tolerance = NA))
find_common_cols <- function(source, target, id, compare_cols = NULL,
remove_id = FALSE){
common_cols <- intersect(colnames(source), colnames(target))
common_cols <- common_cols[!common_cols == id]
common_cols <- intersect(compare_cols, common_cols)
#' Add quotation marks to value if necessary
#' @param value Value of a variable to be enquoted
add_q_marks <- function(value){
add_q_marks.default <- function(value){
add_q_marks.numeric <- function(value){
construct_predicate <- function(var, operation, value){
if(operation != "=s"){
as.character(glue::glue('{var} {operation} {value}',
value = add_q_marks(value)))
as.character(glue::glue('grepl({value}, {var})',
value = add_q_marks(value)))
create_predicate_from_query_var <- function(query_var){
if(query_var$operation == "="){
list(name = query_var$column,
predicate = construct_predicate(query_var$column, "==", query_var$value))
}else if(query_var$operation == "~"){
list(name = query_var$column,
predicate = paste(c(construct_predicate(query_var$column, ">=",
query_var$value - query_var$tolerance),
construct_predicate(query_var$column, "<=",
query_var$value + query_var$tolerance)),
collapse = "&"))
list(name = query_var$column,
predicate = construct_predicate(query_var$column, query_var$operation, query_var$value))
create_filter <- function(query_vars, collapse_sign = "&"){
vars <- lapply(query_vars, create_predicate_from_query_var)
paste0(lapply(vars, function(x) x$predicate),
collapse = collapse_sign)
insert_value_and_type <- function(var, value){
var$value <- value
var$type <- "number"
var$type <- "text"
insert_query_values <- function(source, row, vars){
select_vars <- unlist(lapply(vars, function(x) x$column))
var_values <- dplyr::select(source[row, ], !!select_vars)
new_vars <- purrr::map2(vars, var_values, function(x, y) insert_value_and_type(x, y))
#' Calculate similarity between persons
#' @param original Data.frame with all data about original person
#' @param similar Data.frame with all data about similar persons
#' Calculate in how many columns the data about the persons match (strictly equals)
calculate_similarity_between_persons <- function(original, similar){
#' TODO: use other comparison than strict equality
purrr::map_dbl(purrr::transpose(similar), function(x) {
sum(purrr::map2_dbl(original, x, compare_values), na.rm = TRUE)
compare_values <- function(x, y){
if(length(unlist(x)) == 1 & length(unlist(y)) == 1){
as.numeric(x == y)
x <- unlist(x)
y <- unlist(y)
sum(x %in% y) / length(unique(c(x, y)))
#' Find match between one person from the first dataset (t1) and
#' the whole second dataset (t2)
#' @export
#' @param source Name of the first table
#' @param target Name of the second table
#' @param row Row from the first table for which similar person is searched
#' @param eq Vector of variables which should be equal in t1 and t2
#' @param eq_tol Vector of variables which should be approximately equal
#' in t1 and t2 within specified range (tolerance)
#' @param eq_sub Vector of variables in which value of t1 should be a substring of t2
#' (optimized for double last names after marriage)
#' @param ht Vector of variables which should be higher in t1
#' @param lt Vector of variables which should be lower in t1
#' @param hte Vector of variables which should be higher or equal in t1
#' @param lte Vector of variables which should be lower or equal in t1
#' @param id Column in source and target datasets containing ID of a row
#' @param compare_cols Columns to be used for comparison to remove duplicates
#' @param verbose Specify if you want to display message for every 250th row
#' @param keep_most_similar Bool indicating whether entities with the same attributes
#' should be kept or the most similar entity to the original record should be found
#' (and duplicities should be removed)
find_similar <- function(source,
eq = NULL,
eq_tol = NULL,
eq_sub = NULL,
ht = NULL,
lt = NULL,
hte = NULL,
lte = NULL,
id = "row_id",
compare_cols = NULL,
keep_most_similar = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE){
eqs <- create_var_list(eq, "=")
eq_sub <- create_var_list(eq_sub, "=s")
eq_tols <- create_var_list(eq_tol, "~")
hts <- create_var_list(ht, ">")
lts <- create_var_list(lt, "<")
htes <- create_var_list(hte, ">=")
ltes <- create_var_list(lte, "<=")
# get values for comparison
vars <- c(eqs, eq_sub, eq_tols, hts, lts, htes, ltes)
query_vars <- insert_query_values(source, row, vars)
# construct the query
filter_query <- create_filter(query_vars)
tmp <- dplyr::filter_(target, filter_query)
if(nrow(tmp) > 1){
common_cols <- find_common_cols(source, target, id, compare_cols,
remove_id = TRUE)
original <- dplyr::select(source[row, ], !!common_cols)
similars <- dplyr::select(tmp, !!common_cols)
p_similarity <- calculate_similarity_between_persons(original,
tmp <- tmp[which.max(p_similarity), ]
if(verbose && row %% 250 == 0){
cat(row, "\n")
if(nrow(tmp) == 0){
data.frame(from = source[[id]][row],
to = NA)
ids <- `[[`(dplyr::select(tmp, !!id), 1)
data.frame(from = source[[id]][row],
to = ids)
#' Find all matches between tables t1 and t2 and add candidates who did not run in the
#' sequential election with missing values
#' @export
#' @param source Name of the first table
#' @param target Name of the second table
#' @param start From which row the comparison should be made
#' @param id Column in source and target datasets containing ID of a row
#' @param cores Number of cores to be used for computation
#' @param keep_most_similar Parameter indicating if duplicities should be kept or
#' removed
#' @param deduplicate Parameter if duplicates should be removed
#' @param compare_cols columns which should be used for comparison of similar persons
#' if there is more than 1 match (to find the most similar and remove duplicities)
#' @param ... Vectors containing variables for comparison (see find_similar)
find_all_similar <- function(source,
start = 1,
cores = 1,
keep_most_similar = TRUE,
deduplicate = TRUE,
compare_cols = NULL,
if(!id %in% colnames(source)){
stop("The column of row IDs is missing in the source dataset")
if(!id %in% colnames(target)){
stop("The column of row IDs is missing in the target dataset")
call <- as.list(match.call())
col_names <- as.character(c(call$source, call$target))
#' Find all matches between first and second table
rows1 <- nrow(source)
out <- parallel::mclapply(start:rows1,
function(x) find_similar(source = source,
target = target,
row = x,
id = id,
keep_most_similar = keep_most_similar,
compare_cols = compare_cols,
mc.cores = cores)
out <- do.call(rbind, out)
#' Backward check if two persons from source are not assigned
#' to the same person in target
duplicated_values <- find_duplicated_values(out$to)
# non_na <- `[[`(filter(out, !is.na(to)), 2)
# duplicated_values <- non_na[which(duplicated(non_na))]
if(length(duplicated_values) > 0){
sim_groups <- purrr::map(1:length(duplicated_values),
function(x) out[out$to == duplicated_values[x] & !is.na(out$to), ])
duplicity_ids <- unlist(purrr::map(sim_groups, function(x)
find_all_duplicities(x, source, target, "row_id",
compare_cols = compare_cols)))
out[out$from %in% duplicity_ids, "to"] <- NA
colnames(out) <- col_names
get_original <- function(sim_group, source, id = "row_id"){
source[source[[id]] %in% sim_group$from, ]
get_similar <- function(sim_group, target, id = "row_id"){
target[target[[id]] %in% unique(sim_group$to), ]
# find_most_similar <- function(original, similar){
# p_similarity <- calculate_similarity_between_persons(similar, original)
# original[which.max(p_similarity), ]
# }
find_duplicity <- function(original, similar, id){
p_similarity <- calculate_similarity_between_persons(similar, original)
original[-which.max(p_similarity), id]
find_all_duplicities <- function(sim_group, source, target, id, compare_cols){
original <- get_original(sim_group, source, id)
similar <- get_similar(sim_group, target, id)
common_cols <- find_common_cols(source, target, id, compare_cols,
remove_id = FALSE)
original <- dplyr::select(original, c(!!common_cols, id))
similars <- dplyr::select(similar, c(!!common_cols, id))
find_duplicity(original, similars, id)
#' Find IDs of entitites from target that does not occur in output
#' @export
#' @param target Data.frame with target data
#' @param target_ids Column name of IDs in target data.frame
#' @param found_ids Vector with IDs found by find_all_similar function(s)
find_missing <- function(target, target_ids, found_ids){
missing_from_target <- target[[target_ids]]
missing_from_target <- missing_from_target[!missing_from_target %in% found_ids]
data.frame(from = NA,
to = missing_from_target)
#rbind(out, tmp)
#' Append missing entities to output
#' @export
#' @param target data.frame with target data
#' @param target_ids column name of IDs in target data.frame
#' @param out output returned by find_all_similar function
#' @param found_ids vector containing IDs from target which has
#' been found in the source dataset
append_missing <- function(target, target_ids, out, found_ids){
missing <- find_missing(target, target_ids, found_ids)
colnames(missing) <- colnames(out)
dplyr::bind_rows(out, missing)
#' Create tidy output
#' @export
#' @param output Data.frame resulting from find_all_similar
#' @param id Name of column containing IDs which will be created
#' @param data Name of column containing name of the dataset from which
#' the record originates to be created
create_panel_output <- function(output, id = "id", data = "data"){
output[[id]] <- 1:nrow(output)
# reorder columns so that the person_id is the first and then the rest
output <- dplyr::select(output, !!id, dplyr::everything())
iter <- tidyr::gather(output, "data", "row", 2:ncol(output))
iter <- iter[!is.na(iter$row), ]
t_iter <- purrr::transpose(iter)
out <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(t_iter, function(x) get_record(x, id, data)))
dplyr::select(out, !!id, !!data, dplyr::everything())
get_record <- function(iter, id, data){
d <- eval(as.name(iter$data))
tmp <- d[iter$row, ]
tmp[[data]] <- iter[["data"]]
tmp[[id]] <- iter[[id]]
#' Return data of entities which occur in target dataset but not in source dataset
#' @export
#' @param target target dataset
#' @param row_id Column name of row IDs
#' @param missing result of find_missing function
return_missing_data <- function(target, row_id, missing){
missing_ids <- missing[["to"]]
select_missing <- target[[row_id]] %in% missing_ids
target[select_missing, ]
#' Return data of entities that occur in the source dataset but not in the target
#' @export
#' @param result result of find_all_similar function
#' @param source source dataset
#' @param target target dataset
#' @param row_id Column name of row IDs
return_nonconsecutive_data <- function(result, source, target, row_id){
args <- as.list(match.call())
res_pivot <- result[is.na(result[[as.character(args$target)]]), ]
noncons_ids <- res_pivot[[as.character(args$source)]]
select_ids <- source[[row_id]] %in% noncons_ids
source[select_ids, ]
#' Insert nonconsecutive entities into pivot table
#' @export
#' @param out Pivot table returned by find_all_similar
#' @param noncons_pivot Pivot table returned by find_all_similar
#' between nonconsecutive datasets
#' @param source Name of the nonconsecutive pivot source
#' @param target Name of the nonconsecutive pivot target
insert_nonconsecutive <- function(out, noncons_pivot, source, target){
last_column <- ncol(noncons_pivot)
running <- noncons_pivot[!is.na(noncons_pivot[, last_column]), ]
out <- dplyr::arrange_(out, source)
duplicated_source <- find_duplicated_values(out[[source]])
if(length(duplicated_source) > 0){
stop("There are duplicated values in source: ", duplicated_source)
out[out[[source]] %in% running[[source]], target] <- running[[target]]
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