prettyToSlotNameMap = list('Peptides' = 'peptides',
'Razor...unique.peptides' = 'razor_unique_peptides',
'Unique.peptides' = 'unique_peptides',
'Identification.type' = 'ident_type',
'Intensity' = 'intensity',
'LFQ.intensity' = 'lfq_intensity')
#' Load a MaxQuant 'proteinGroups.txt' dataset.
#' @param path Full path to the proteinGroups.txt file.
#' @return An object of class 'MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult'.
#' @export
readMaxQuantProteinMeasurements <- function(path) {
data <- read.delim(path, stringsAsFactors = F)
# Find which of the headers are present and calculate the index difference between them.
possible_first_list_columns = c('Peptides', 'Razor...unique.peptides', 'Unique.peptides', 'Identification.type', 'Intensity', 'LFQ.intensity')
possible_sample_names = sapply(colnames(data), function(col){
for (possible_col in possible_first_list_columns ) {
col = gsub(paste0(possible_col, '.'), '', col)
names(possible_sample_names) <- NULL
tabled = table(possible_sample_names)
sample_names = names(tabled)[tabled > 1]
present_headers = possible_first_list_columns[sapply(possible_first_list_columns, function(possible_column) {
return(any(sapply(colnames(data), function(actual_column) {
return(any(sapply(sample_names, function(s) {
return(actual_column == paste0(possible_column, '.', s))
maxquant <- new('MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult')
for (present_header in present_headers) {
slot(maxquant, prettyToSlotNameMap[[present_header]]) <- as.matrix(data[,paste0(present_header, '.', sample_names)])
colnames(slot(maxquant, prettyToSlotNameMap[[present_header]])) <- sample_names
rownames(slot(maxquant, prettyToSlotNameMap[[present_header]])) <-data$Protein.IDs
slot(maxquant, 'reverse') <- data$Reverse == '+'
names(maxquant@reverse) <- data$Protein.IDs
slot(maxquant, 'potential_contaminant') <- data$Potential.contaminant == '+'
names(maxquant@potential_contaminant) <- data$Protein.IDs
slot(maxquant, 'peptide_counts_all') <- sapply(data$Peptide.counts..all., function(c) {
if (grepl(';', c)) {
return(max(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(c, ';')))))
} else {
names(maxquant@peptide_counts_all) <- data$Protein.IDs
slot(maxquant, 'accession') <- data$Protein.IDs
slot(maxquant, 'samples') <- sample_names
split = strsplit(path, '/')[[1]]
slot(maxquant, 'experiment') <- gsub(".txt", "", split[length(split)])
setClass("MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult", slots=list(
accession = "character",
intensity = "matrix",
lfq_intensity = "matrix",
peptides = "matrix",
peptide_counts_all = "numeric",
razor_unique_peptides = "matrix",
unique_peptides = "matrix",
pvalues = "numeric",
samples = "character",
groups = "character",
ident_type = "matrix",
reverse = "logical",
potential_contaminant = "logical",
experiment = "character"))
setMethod('show', 'MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult', function(object){
cat('Experiment:', '\t', object@experiment, '\n')
print(data.frame(Sample = object@samples, Group = object@groups), row.names=F)
mergeMaxQuantProteinResults <-function(mqs, new_experiment_name) {
new_mq = new('MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult')
slot(new_mq, 'accession') <- unique(unlist(sapply(mqs, function(mq){return(mq@accession)}), recursive = F))
slot(new_mq, 'samples') <- unique(unlist(sapply(mqs, function(mq){return(mq@samples)}), recursive = F))
if (all(sapply(mqs, function(mq){return(dim(mq@intensity)[1] > 0)}))) {
slot(new_mq, 'intensity') <- sapply(new_mq@samples, function(sample) {sapply(new_mq@accession, function(accession){
val = 0
for (mq in mqs) {
if (accession %in% mq@accession && sample %in% mq@samples) {
val = mq@intensity[accession, sample]
if (all(sapply(mqs, function(mq){return(dim(mq@lfq_intensity)[1] > 0)}))) {
slot(new_mq, 'lfq_intensity') <- sapply(new_mq@samples, function(sample) {sapply(new_mq@accession, function(accession){
val = 0
for (mq in mqs) {
if (accession %in% mq@accession && sample %in% mq@samples) {
val = mq@lfq_intensity[accession, sample]
slot(new_mq, 'peptide_counts_all') <- sapply(new_mq@accession, function(accession){
vals = c(NA)
for (mq in mqs) {
if (accession %in% mq@accession) {
vals = c(vals, mq@peptide_counts_all[accession])
max(as.numeric(vals), na.rm = T)
slot(new_mq, 'reverse') <- sapply(new_mq@accession, function(accession){
vals = c(NA)
for (mq in mqs) {
if (accession %in% mq@accession) {
vals = c(vals, mq@reverse[accession])
any(vals, na.rm = T)
slot(new_mq, 'potential_contaminant') <- sapply(new_mq@accession, function(accession){
vals = c()
for (mq in mqs) {
if (accession %in% mq@accession) {
vals = c(vals, mq@potential_contaminant[accession])
signature(e1 = "MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult", e2 = "MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult"),
function(e1, e2) {
mergeMaxQuantProteinGroupsResults(list(e1, e2), 'Merged Dataset')
signature(x = "MaxQuantProteinGroupsResult", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"),
function (x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
mdrop <- missing(drop)
Narg <- nargs() - !mdrop
if (Narg < 3) {
j = i
i = T
x@intensity = x@intensity[i, j]
x@lfq_intensity = x@lfq_intensity[i, j]
x@razor_unique_peptides = x@razor_unique_peptides[i, j]
x@unique_peptides = x@unique_peptides[i, j]
x@peptides = x@peptides[i, j]
x@peptide_counts_all = x@peptide_counts_all[i]
x@accession = x@accession[i]
x@pvalues = x@pvalues[i]
x@samples = x@samples[j]
x@groups = x@groups[j]
if (nrow(x@ident_type) > 0 | ncol(x@ident_type) > 0) {
x@ident_type = x@ident_type[i, j]
x@reverse = x@reverse[i]
x@potential_contaminant = x@potential_contaminant[i]
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