
Defines functions sm_slope_all

Documented in sm_slope_all

#' Calculating the slope across multiple conditions and subjects
#' @description
#' This function returns a data frame containing slope (from linear regression)
#' from a data frame that contains the original raw data.
#' The user can use lm() from base R to compute the slope as well.

#' @param data
#' Name of the variable that stores the data frame that contains
#' the columns with the specified column names.
#' @param subjects
#' The name of the column of the data frame that contains subjects.
#' It must be strings.
#' @param groups
#' The name of the column of the data frame that contains each group.
#' It must be strings.

#' @param conditions
#' The name of the column of the data frame that contains each condition.
#' It must be strings.

#' @param x
#' The name of the column of the data frame that contains the
#' x-axis points/x coordinates from which the slopes can be calculated.
#' It must be strings. The column must not have
#' characters.

#' @param values
#' The name of the column of the data frame that contains the
#' actual data, which are the y-axis points from which the
#' slope can be calculated. It must be strings.
#' @return Returns a data frame containing slopes for each subject and
#' each experimental condition and/or group.
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats coef lm
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @examples
#' library(smplot2)
#' set.seed(1) # generate random data
#' day1 = rnorm(16,0,1)
#' day2 = rnorm(16,5,1)
#' Subject <- rep(paste0('S',seq(1:16)), 2)
#' Value <- data.frame(Value = matrix(c(day1,day2),ncol=1))
#' Day <- rep(c(1,2), each = length(day1))
#' Condition <- rep('Control', length(day1)*2)
#' df <- cbind(Subject, Value, Condition, Day)
#' sm_slope_all(data = df, subjects = 'Subject',values = 'Value',
#' conditions = 'Condition',x = 'Day')
sm_slope_all <- function(data, subjects, groups, conditions, x, values) {

  x_val <- unique(as.numeric(base::as.character(data[[x]])))
  subjects_list <- unique(base::as.character(data[[subjects]]))
  subj_num <- length(subjects_list)
  x_length <- length(unique(x_val))

  if (missing(groups) && missing(conditions)) {
    stop('conditions or groups argument has to be filled')
  } else if (missing(groups)) {
    cond_list <- unique(data[[conditions]])
    cond_num <- length(cond_list)
    data[[conditions]] <- as.factor(data[[conditions]])

    slope_list <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = subj_num*cond_num))
    names(slope_list) <- c(subjects, conditions, paste0('Slope'))

    for (iCond in seq_along(1:cond_num)) {
      for (iSubj in seq_along(1:subj_num)) {
        ind <- which(data[[conditions]] == unique(cond_list)[iCond] &
                       data[[subjects]] == unique(subjects_list)[iSubj])
        if (length(ind)!=0) {
          lin_model <- lm(data[[values]][ind] ~ x_val)

          slope_list[,1][(cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iCond)] <- subjects_list[iSubj]
          slope_list[,2][(cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iCond)] <- cond_list[iCond]
          slope_list[,3][(cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iCond)] <- coef(lin_model)[[2]]

    slope_list[[conditions]] <- base::as.factor(slope_list[[conditions]])
    levels(slope_list[[conditions]]) <- levels(data[[conditions]])

  } else if (missing(conditions)) {
    group_list <- unique(data[[groups]])
    group_num <- length(group_list)
    data[[groups]] <- as.factor(data[[groups]])

    slope_list <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = subj_num*group_num))
    names(slope_list) <- c(subjects, groups, paste0('Slope'))

    for (iGroup in seq_along(1:group_num)) {
      for (iSubj in seq_along(1:subj_num)) {
        ind <- which(data[[groups]] == unique(group_list)[iGroup] &
                       data[[subjects]] == unique(subjects_list)[iSubj])

        if (length(ind)!=0) {
          lin_model <- lm(data[[values]][ind] ~ x_val)

          slope_list[,1][(group_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup)] <- subjects_list[iSubj]
          slope_list[,2][(group_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup)] <- group_list[iGroup]
          slope_list[,3][(group_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup)] <- coef(lin_model)[[2]]
    slope_list[[groups]] <- base::as.factor(slope_list[[groups]])
    levels(slope_list[[groups]]) <- levels(data[[groups]])

  } else {

    cond_list <- unique(data[[conditions]])
    cond_num <- length(cond_list)
    data[[conditions]] <- as.factor(data[[conditions]])

    group_list <- unique(data[[groups]])
    group_num <- length(group_list)
    data[[groups]] <- as.factor(data[[groups]])

    slope_list <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = subj_num*cond_num*group_num))

    names(slope_list) <- c(subjects, conditions, groups, paste0('Slope'))

    for (iGroup in seq_along(1:group_num)) {
      for (iCond in seq_along(1:cond_num)) {
        for (iSubj in seq_along(1:subj_num)) {
          ind <- which(data[[groups]] == unique(group_list)[iGroup] &
                         data[[conditions]] == unique(cond_list)[iCond] &
                         data[[subjects]] == unique(subjects_list)[iSubj])
          if (length(ind)!=0) {
            lin_model <- lm(data[[values]][ind] ~ x_val)

            slope_list[,1][(group_num*cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup+iCond)] <- subjects_list[iSubj]
            slope_list[,2][(group_num*cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup+iCond)] <- cond_list[iCond]
            slope_list[,3][(group_num*cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup+iCond)] <- group_list[iGroup]
            slope_list[,4][(group_num*cond_num*(iSubj-1))+(iGroup+iCond)] <- coef(lin_model)[[2]]


    slope_list[[groups]] <- base::as.factor(slope_list[[groups]])
    levels(slope_list[[groups]]) <- levels(data[[groups]])
    slope_list[[conditions]] <- base::as.factor(slope_list[[conditions]])
    levels(slope_list[[conditions]]) <- levels(data[[conditions]])

  slope_list <- na.omit(slope_list)
  slope_list <- as_tibble(slope_list)
  message(paste('Slope = ', values, ' ~ ', x))
smin95/sesplot documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:35 a.m.