
Defines functions SelectNetworkGenes

Documented in SelectNetworkGenes

#' SelectNetworkGenes
#' Select genes that will be used for co-expression network analysis
#' @param seurat_obj A Seurat object
#' @param type How to select genes? Select "variable", "fraction", "all", or "custom".
#' @param fraction A numeric that determines the minimum cells that a gene must be expressed in order to be included. For example, fraction = 0.05 means that 5% of cells must express a gene (count > 0) for it to be included.
#' @param assay Assay in seurat_obj to compute module eigengenes. Default is DefaultAssay(seurat_obj)
#' @param gene_list A character string of gene names, only used if type = "custom"
#' @param wgcna_name name of the WGCNA experiment
#' @details 
#' SelectNetworkGenes allows us to specify the genes that will be used for co-expression network analysis.
#' This function is called by SetupForWGCNA. By default, the variable features in VariableFeatures(seurat_obj) are used.
#' A custom gene list can also be used with the gene_list parameter and setting gene_select="custom".
#' We can also identify genes that are expressed above 0 in a certain proportion of the dataset by settting gene_select='fraction'.
#' For example, by setting fraction=0.1 and group.by='seurat_clusters', this function will identify the set of genes 
#' that are expressed in 10% of cells in at least one of the clusters.
#' @export
SelectNetworkGenes <- function(
  gene_select="variable", fraction=0.05,
  group.by=NULL, # should be a column in the Seurat object, eg clusters
  assay = NULL,

  # set as active assay if wgcna_name is not given
  if(is.null(wgcna_name)){wgcna_name <- seurat_obj@misc$active_wgcna}

  # validate inputs:
  if(!(gene_select %in% c("variable", "fraction", "all", "custom"))){
    stop(paste0("Invalid selection gene_select: ", gene_select, '. Valid gene_selects are variable, fraction, all, or custom.'))
  # get the assay
  if(is.null(assay)){assay <- DefaultAssay(seurat_obj)}
  # get the expression matrix
    expr_mat <- SeuratObject::LayerData(seurat_obj, layer='counts', assay=assay)
  } else{
    expr_mat <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seurat_obj, slot='counts', assay=assay)

  # handle different selection strategies
  if(gene_select == "fraction"){

    # binarize counts matrix in chunks to save memory
    n_chunks <- ceiling(ncol(expr_mat) / 10000)

    if(n_chunks == 1){
      chunks <- factor(rep(1), levels=1)
    } else{
      chunks <- cut(1:nrow(expr_mat), n_chunks)
    expr_mat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(levels(chunks), function(x){
      cur <- expr_mat[chunks == x,]
      cur[cur > 0] <- 1

    group_gene_list <- list()
      # identify genes that are expressed
      groups <- unique(seurat_obj@meta.data[[group.by]])
      for(cur_group in groups){

        # subset expression matrix by this group
        cur_expr <- expr_mat[,seurat_obj@meta.data[[group.by]] == cur_group]

        gene_filter <- Matrix::rowSums(cur_expr) >= round(fraction*ncol(cur_expr));
        group_gene_list[[cur_group]] <- rownames(seurat_obj)[gene_filter]
      gene_list <- unique(unlist(group_gene_list))

    } else{
      # identify genes that are expressed in at least some fraction of cells
      gene_filter <- Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat) >= round(fraction*ncol(seurat_obj));
      gene_list <- rownames(seurat_obj)[gene_filter]

  } else if(gene_select == "variable"){
    gene_list <- VariableFeatures(seurat_obj)

  } else if(gene_select == "all"){
    gene_list <- rownames(seurat_obj)

  } else if(gene_select == "custom"){

    # make sure that there aren't duplicates
    gene_list <- unique(gene_list)

   # all selected features should be present in the Seurat object:
    if(!all(gene_list %in% rownames(seurat_obj))){
      stop("Some selected features are not found in rownames(seurat_obj).")

    # check the data type for gene list:
      if(class(gene_list) != 'character'){
        stop(paste0("Invalid type for gene_list, must be a character vector."))

  # make sure there's more than 0 genes:
  if(length(gene_list) == 0){
    stop("No genes found")

  # throw a warning if there's very few genes:
  if(length(gene_list) <= 100){
    warning(paste0("Very few genes selected (", length(gene_list), "), perhaps use a different method to select genes."))

  # add genes to gene list
  seurat_obj <- SetWGCNAGenes(seurat_obj, gene_list, wgcna_name)

  # return updated seurat obj

smorabit/hdWGCNA documentation built on July 20, 2024, 8:58 p.m.