
Defines functions bf_hysep

Documented in bf_hysep

#' Baseflow Separation
#' Extract baseflow from a daily streamflow record using the method described by
#'Sloto and Crouse (1996).
#' @param date vector of dates for each \code{x}, should be of class "Date." Missing values
#'are not permitted.
#' @param discharge the daily streamflow to be separated missing values are not permitted
#'within the time specified by \code{Start} and \code{end}.
#' @param da the drainage area of the basin in square miles.
#' @param select a character string indicating which method to use for the
#'baseflow in the output dataset. Must be one of "sliding," "local minimum,"
#'or "fixed." Onle the first letter is required.
#' @param STAID the station identifier for the data.
#' @references Sloto, R.A. and Crouse, M.Y., 1996, HYSEP:
#'U.S. geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations
#'Report 96-4040. 46 p.
#' @return an object of class "baseflow" and inherits class "data.frame" of the selected data,
#'a data frame of the baseflow information, and other information about the analysis.
#' @keywords baseflow
#' @examples
#'# Process by calendar year as that is the retrieval range
#'ChopPart <- with(ChoptankFlow, hysep(Flow, datetime, da=113,
bf_hysep <- function(date, discharge, da,
                     select="sliding", STAID="Unknown") {
  ## Start of code: initial processing
  STAID <- as.character(STAID[1L])
  discharge <- pmax(discharge, 0.000001) # Convert 0 to a small number
    stop("Missing discharge values." )
  if(any(diff(as.double(date)) != 1))
    stop("Date data are not continuous.")
  select <- match.arg(select, c("sliding", "local minimum", "fixed"))
  Nact <- max(da^0.2, 1)
  N2star <- max((((2*Nact) ) %/% 2)*2 + 1, 3)
  ## Set up for fixed--construct intervals of length N2star
  Nobs <- length(discharge)
  Ngrp <- ceiling(Nobs / N2star)
  Grps <- inverse.rle(list(lengths=rep(N2star, Ngrp), values=seq(Ngrp)))
  length(Grps) <- Nobs # Truncate if necessary
  ## Compute the fixed method
  Mins <- tapply(discharge, Grps, min)
  Fixed <- Mins[as.character(Grps)]
  ## Now the sliding method
  Slide <- sapply(seq(N2star, Nobs), function(i)
    min(discharge[seq(i - N2star + 1L, i)])
  SlB <- Slide[1L]
  SlE <- Slide[length(Slide)]
  Nfil <- (N2star - 1L) / 2L
  Slide <- c(rep(SlB, Nfil), Slide, rep(SlE, Nfil))
  ## And the local minimum
  Mid <- as.integer((N2star) / 2)
  LocMin <- sapply(seq(N2star, Nobs), function(i)
    min(discharge[seq(i - N2star + 1L, i)]) == discharge[i - Mid]
  LocMin <- c(rep(FALSE, Nfil), LocMin, rep(FALSE, Nfil))
  ## Need to trap short periods where only 1 local minimum
  if(sum(LocMin) == 1L) {
    warning("Only one local minimum in calibration period")
    LocMin <- pmax(discharge[LocMin], 0.01)
  } else
    LocMin <- exp(approx(which(LocMin), log(pmax(discharge[LocMin], 0.01)), xout=seq(Nobs), rule=2)$y)
  LocMin <- pmin(discharge, LocMin) # recover 0s and tails
  if(select == "fixed")
    BaseQ <- Fixed
  else if(select == "sliding")
    BaseQ <- Slide
    BaseQ <- LocMin
  retval <- data.frame(date=date, baseflow=round(BaseQ, 3L),
                       discharge=discharge, fixed=Fixed, sliding=Slide,
    attr(retval, "STAID") <- STAID
  attr(retval, "type") <- "hysep"
  class(retval) <- c("baseflow", "data.frame")
smwesten-usgs/recharge documentation built on March 8, 2021, 11:51 a.m.