# Helper functions for eSDM vignette 'example-analysis'
# By Sam Woodman, May 2019
# Erase y from x
# From https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/346
st_erase <- function(x, y) st_difference(x, st_union(st_combine(y)))
# Percentile maps
# Calcualte break points for relative percentages (percentiles) maps
breaks_calc <- function(x, breaks = c(seq(0.4, 0.05, by = -0.05), 0.02)) {
x <- stats::na.omit(x)
x <- sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)
c(-Inf, x[ceiling(breaks * length(x))], Inf)
# Simple plot of sf object by relative percentages (percentiles)
plot_sf_perc <- function(obj.sf, col.data = 1, map.base, round.num = 3,
plot.main, leg.cex = 1, x.axis.at = NULL) {
obj.data <- st_set_geometry(obj.sf, NULL)[, col.data]
b.val <- breaks_calc(obj.data)
col.pal <- c(
"#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#d1e5f0",
"#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"
leg.perc.esdm <- c(
"Lowest 60%", "35 - 40%", "30 - 35%", "25 - 30%", "20 - 25%",
"15 - 20%", "10 - 15%", "5 - 10%", "2 - 5%", "Highest 2%"
obj.sf[col.data], axes = TRUE, border = NA,
main = plot.main, cex.main = 1.4,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
breaks = b.val, pal = col.pal, key.pos = NULL, reset = FALSE
if (is.null(x.axis.at)) sf::.degAxis(1) else sf::.degAxis(1, at = x.axis.at)
plot(map.base, add = TRUE, col = "tan", border = NA)
legend("topright", legend = rev(leg.perc.esdm), col = rev(col.pal),
pch = 15, cex = leg.cex, pt.cex = 2 * leg.cex)
# Plot of predictions (numeric), SE values, and predictions (percentage)
# obj.sf must contain columns with names 'se' and 'cv'
plot_sf_3panel <- function(obj.sf, col.data.pred, main.txt = "",
map.base, plot.perc = TRUE,
x.axis.at = NULL) {
### Prep
col.pal <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "Spectral"))
leg.col.pal <- (RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "Spectral"))
leg.cex <- 0.86
leg.pt.cex <- 2 * leg.cex
obj.sf <- obj.sf %>%
rename(pred_all = !!col.data.pred) %>%
# Preds - numeric
b.val <- seq(
from = min(obj.sf$pred_all, na.rm = TRUE), to = max(obj.sf$pred_all, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = 11
b.val.txt <- format(round(b.val, 3), justify = "right")
leg.txt <- rev(paste(head(b.val.txt, -1), tail(b.val.txt, -1), sep = " - "))
# SE
b3.val <- b.val
b3.val[1] <- min(b3.val, obj.sf$se, na.rm = TRUE)
b3.val[length(b3.val)] <- max(b3.val, obj.sf$se, na.rm = TRUE)
b3.val.txt <- format(round(b3.val, 3), justify = "right") #round(b3.val, 5)
leg3.txt <- rev(paste(head(b3.val.txt, -1), tail(b3.val.txt, -1), sep = " - "))
### Plot
mat.num <- if (plot.perc) 1:3 else 1:2
layout(matrix(mat.num, nrow = 1))
# Preds - numeric
obj.sf["pred_all"], axes = TRUE, border = NA,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
breaks = b.val, pal = col.pal, key.pos = NULL, reset = FALSE,
main = paste0(main.txt, "Predictions"), cex.main = 1.4
plot(map.base, add = TRUE, col = "tan", border = NA)
legend("topright", legend = leg.txt, col = leg.col.pal, pch = 15,
cex = leg.cex, pt.cex = leg.pt.cex)
if (is.null(x.axis.at)) sf::.degAxis(1) else sf::.degAxis(1, at = x.axis.at)
# SE
obj.sf["se"], axes = TRUE, border = NA,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
breaks = b3.val, pal = col.pal, key.pos = NULL, reset = FALSE,
main = paste0(main.txt, "SE"), cex.main = 1.4
plot(map.base, add = TRUE, col = "tan", border = NA)
legend("topright", legend = leg3.txt, col = leg.col.pal, pch = 15,
cex = leg.cex, pt.cex = leg.pt.cex)
if (is.null(x.axis.at)) sf::.degAxis(1) else sf::.degAxis(1, at = x.axis.at)
# Preds - percentage
if (plot.perc) {
obj.sf, col.data = "pred_all", plot.main = paste0(main.txt, "Predictions"),
leg.cex = leg.cex, map.base = map.base, x.axis.at = x.axis.at
# Code for generating maps of SDMs using the tmap package
# Return a list with the break point values, legend text, and color palette
tmap_sdm_help <- function(x, x.col, pal.len = 10) {
x <- st_set_geometry(x, NULL)
b.val <- seq(
from = min(x[, x.col], na.rm = TRUE), to = max(x[, x.col], na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = pal.len + 1
b.val[1] <- 0
col.pal <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(pal.len, "Spectral"))
b.val.txt <- format(round(b.val, 3), justify = "right") #round(b.val, 5)
leg.txt <- paste(head(b.val.txt, -1), tail(b.val.txt, -1), sep = " - ")
list(b.val, leg.txt, col.pal)
# Return a list with the break point values, legend text, and color palette
# For pecentile plot
tmap_sdm_help_perc <- function(x, x.col, pal.len = 10) {
col.pal <- c(
"#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#d1e5f0",
"#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027", "#a50026"
leg.txt <- c(
"Lowest 60%", "35 - 40%", "30 - 35%", "25 - 30%", "20 - 25%",
"15 - 20%", "10 - 15%", "5 - 10%", "2 - 5%", "Highest 2%"
x <- st_set_geometry(x, NULL)
b.val <- breaks_calc(x[, x.col])
list(b.val, leg.txt, col.pal)
# Create tmap maps
tmap_sdm <- function(tmap.obj, t.col, t.blp, t.map, t.mat, t.title,
t.main.size, t.leg.size, t.leg.width, t.grid.size,
t.alpha = 1, t.grid.col = "black",
t.ticks = TRUE, t.lines = FALSE) {
tm_shape(t.map, bbox = t.mat, projection = 4326) +
tm_polygons(col = "tan", border.col = NA, alpha = 1, lty = 1, lwd = 1) +
tm_shape(tmap.obj, bbox = t.mat, projection = 4326) +
tm_fill(col = t.col, border.col = "transparent", alpha = t.alpha,
style = "fixed", breaks = t.blp[[1]], palette = t.blp[[3]],
showNA = FALSE, title = "", labels = t.blp[[2]],
legend.is.portrait = TRUE, legend.reverse = TRUE) +
tm_layout(bg.color = "white", legend.bg.color = "white",
main.title = t.title,
main.title.position = "center",
main.title.size = t.main.size,
inner.margins = c(0.02, 0.02, 0, 0), outer.margins = 0.03) +
tm_legend(show = TRUE, outside = FALSE, position = c("right", "top"),
text.size = t.leg.size,
width = t.leg.width,
frame = "black") +
tm_graticules(x = seq(-135, -120, by = 5), y = seq(30, 50, by = 5),
col = t.grid.col, lwd = 1, alpha = 1,
ticks = t.ticks, lines = t.lines,
labels.inside.frame = FALSE, labels.size = t.grid.size,
labels.rot = c(0, 90))
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