### Code for reading in/loading .csv predictions
### Assumes column 1 is lat, column2 is long, and then user selects data column
### Read in selected csv file
read_model_csv <- reactive({
file.in <- input$model_csv_file
# Ensure file extension is .csv (RStudio type, browser type)
if(!(file.in$type %in% c("text/csv", "application/vnd.ms-excel"))) return()
return(list(file.in$name, read.csv(file.in$datapath)))
# observe(print(create_sf_csv()))
output$read_model_csv_flag <- reactive({
outputOptions(output, "read_model_csv_flag", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
# Reactive function for csv renderUI's
### Get column names of csv data
csv_names_choice_input <- reactive({
choice.input.names <- names(read_model_csv()[[2]])
choice.input <- seq_along(choice.input.names)
names(choice.input) <- choice.input.names
### Name of selected prediction and (if appl) uncertainty and weight column(s)
model_csv_names_selected <- reactive({
data.names <- names(read_model_csv()[[2]])
var.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_var) - 1
weight.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_weight) - 1
ifelse(var.idx == 0, NA, data.names[var.idx]),
ifelse(weight.idx == 0, NA, data.names[weight.idx]))
### Identify row indices of NA values in given prediction column
model_csv_NA_idx_pred <- reactive({
data.csv <- req(read_model_csv())[[2]]
data.col <- as.numeric(req(input$model_csv_names_pred))
req(data.col <= ncol(data.csv))
na_which(data.csv[, data.col])
### Identify row indices of NA values in given uncertainty column
model_csv_NA_idx_var <- reactive({
data.csv <- read_model_csv()[[2]]
var.col <- as.numeric(req(input$model_csv_names_var))
req((var.col - 1) <= ncol(data.csv))
if (var.col > 1) na_which(data.csv[, (var.col - 1)]) else NA
### Identify row indices of NA values in given weight column
model_csv_NA_idx_weight <- reactive({
data.csv <- read_model_csv()[[2]]
weight.col <- as.numeric(req(input$model_csv_names_weight))
req((weight.col - 1) <= ncol(data.csv))
if (weight.col > 1) na_which(data.csv[, (weight.col - 1)]) else NA
# Load and process data from csv file, and then add relevant data to vals
# Create data frame for original predictions
create_sf_csv_data <- reactive({
### Upload and process data and input variables
lon.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_lon)
lat.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_lat)
pred.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_pred)
var.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_var) - 1
var.idx <- ifelse(var.idx == 0, NA, var.idx)
weight.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_weight) - 1
weight.idx <- ifelse(weight.idx == 0, NA, weight.idx)
csv.idx <- c(lon.idx, lat.idx, pred.idx, var.idx, weight.idx)
csv.all <- read_model_csv()[[2]]
csv.data <- cbind(csv.all[, csv.idx[1:3]], as.numeric(NA), as.numeric(NA))
if (!is.na(var.idx)) csv.data[, 4] <- csv.all[, var.idx]
if (!is.na(weight.idx)) csv.data[, 5] <- csv.all[, weight.idx]
# Check that pred and weight data are valid
csv.data <- check_pred_var_weight(
csv.data, 3, ifelse(var.idx == 0, NA, 4), ifelse(weight.idx == 0, NA, 5),
model_csv_NA_idx_pred(), model_csv_NA_idx_var(),
# Sort data by lat (primary) then lon; add idx column
csv.data %>%
purrr::set_names(c("Lon", "Lat", "Pred", "SE", "Weight")) %>%
dplyr::arrange(Lat, Lon) %>%
dplyr::mutate(idx = seq_along(Lon))
# Create geometry of predictions from centroid coordinates
create_sf_csv_sfc <- reactive({
withProgress(message = "Creating geometry for .csv predictions", value = 0.3, {
lon.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_lon)
lat.idx <- as.numeric(input$model_csv_names_lat)
csv.data <- read_model_csv()[[2]] %>%
dplyr::select(Lon = !!lon.idx, Lat = !!lat.idx) %>%
dplyr::arrange(Lat, Lon) %>%
dplyr::mutate(idx = seq_along(Lon))
# Create sfc object
### a) Initial check to see if there are any obvious data issues
need(!(lon.idx == lat.idx),
paste("Error: The longitude and latitude data columns",
"cannot be the same")))
paste("Error: At least one of the points in the longitude data",
"column has a value of 'NA'")),
paste("Error: At least one of the points in the latitude data",
"column has a value of 'NA'"))
diff.lon <- max(csv.data$Lon, na.rm = TRUE) -
min(csv.data$Lon, na.rm = TRUE)
need(diff.lon <= 360,
paste("Error: The longitude points in the provided Excel .csv file",
"have a range greater than 360 degress")),
need(all(dplyr::between(csv.data$Lat, -90, 90)),
paste("Error: All latitude values in the provided Excel .csv file",
"must be greater than or equal to -90 degrees and",
"less than or equal to 90 degree"))
### b) Get cell size and (if nec) adjust points to center of grid cells
# Get cell size
table.l <- table(round(diff(sort(csv.data$Lon)), 5))
table.w <- table(round(diff(sort(csv.data$Lat)), 5))
# Test for if points are lat/long regular
test1 <- length(table.l) == 2 & length(table.w) == 2
test2 <- as.numeric(names(table.l[2])) == as.numeric(names(table.w[2]))
need(all(test1, test2),
paste("Error: The points in the .csv file are not lat/long regular;",
"note that the longitude spacing must be the same",
"as the latitude spacing.",
"See the manual for more details about file requirements"))
cell.lw <- as.numeric(names(table.l[2]))
rm(table.l, table.w, test1, test2)
# Adjust points if necessary
pt.loc <- input$model_csv_pt_loc
if (pt.loc != 1) {
if (pt.loc == 2) {
adj.lon <- cell.lw / 2
adj.lat <- -cell.lw / 2
} else if (pt.loc == 3) {
adj.lon <- -cell.lw / 2
adj.lat <- -cell.lw / 2
} else if (pt.loc == 4) {
adj.lon <- -cell.lw / 2
adj.lat <- cell.lw / 2
} else if (pt.loc == 5) {
adj.lon <- cell.lw / 2
adj.lat <- cell.lw / 2
} else {
validate("Error: create_csv_grid() point location code")
# Adjust points to center of the polygon
csv.data$Lon <- csv.data$Lon + adj.lon
csv.data$Lat <- csv.data$Lat + adj.lat
### c) Convert points to sfc object
# If coords are all in range 180-360, convert them to -180 to 180 range
if ((min(csv.data$Lon, na.rm = TRUE) - (cell.lw / 2)) > 180) {
csv.data$Lon <- csv.data$Lon - 360
# Make sf object
sfc.poly <- try(
eSDM::pts2poly_centroids(csv.data[, c("Lon", "Lat")], cell.lw / 2, crs = crs.ll),
silent = TRUE
need(inherits(sfc.poly, "sfc_POLYGON"),
paste("Error: The longitude and latitude data from the",
"provided CSV file could not be processed"))
### d) Perform final checks
# Ensure that sfc object is in -180 to 180 longitude range
# No check_valid() needed here
sfc.poly <- check_dateline(sfc.poly, progress.detail = TRUE)
list(sfc.poly, cell.lw)
# Create sf object from data and sfc object
create_sf_csv <- eventReactive(input$model_create_csv, {
csv.data <- create_sf_csv_data()
csv.sfc <- create_sf_csv_sfc()[[1]]
# Combine data df and sfc object
withProgress(message = "Importing predictions from .csv file", value = 0.6, {
if (nrow(csv.data) == length(csv.sfc)) {
sf.load.ll <- st_sf(
csv.data[, 3:6], geometry = csv.sfc, agr = "constant"
} else {
validate("Error in creating sf object from CSV file")
### Prep for and run function that adds relevant data to vals
incProgress(0.4, detail = "Finishing model processing")
model.res <- paste(create_sf_csv_sfc()[[2]], "degrees")
pred.type <- input$model_csv_pred_type
var.type <- input$model_csv_var_type
model.name <- read_model_csv()[[1]]
data.names <- model_csv_names_selected()
###### Code common to all importing functions ######
file.path("server_1_loadModels", "server_1_loadModels_create_local.R"),
local = TRUE, echo = FALSE, chdir = TRUE
"Predictions imported from CSV file"
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