groupFeatures-eic-similarity: Compounding/feature grouping based on similarity of extracted...

groupFeatures-eic-similarityR Documentation

Compounding/feature grouping based on similarity of extracted ion chromatograms


Features from the same originating compound are expected to share their elution pattern (i.e. chromatographic peak shape) with it. Thus, this methods allows to group features based on similarity of their extracted ion chromatograms (EICs). The similarity calculation is performed separately for each sample with the similarity score being aggregated across samples for the final generation of the similarity matrix on which the grouping (considering parameter threshold) will be performed.

The compareChromatograms() function is used for similarity calculation which by default calculates the Pearson's correlation coefficient. The settings for compareChromatograms can be specified with parameters ALIGNFUN, ALIGNFUNARGS, FUN and FUNARGS. ALIGNFUN defaults to alignRt() and is the function used to align the chromatograms before comparison. ALIGNFUNARGS allows to specify additional arguments for the ALIGNFUN function. It defaults to ALIGNFUNARGS = list(tolerance = 0, method = "closest") which ensures that data points from the same spectrum (scan, i.e. with the same retention time) are compared between the EICs from the same sample. Parameter FUN defines the function to calculate the similarity score and defaults to FUN = cor and FUNARGS allows to pass additional arguments to this function (defaults to FUNARGS = list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs"). See also compareChromatograms() for more information.

The grouping of features based on the EIC similarity matrix is performed with the function specified with parameter groupFun which defaults to groupFun = groupSimilarityMatrix which groups all rows (features) in the similarity matrix with a similarity score larger than threshold into the same cluster. This creates clusters of features in which all features have a similarity score ⁠>= threshold⁠ with any other feature in that cluster. See groupSimilarityMatrix() for details. Additional parameters to that function can be passed with the ... argument.

This feature grouping should be called after an initial feature grouping by retention time (see SimilarRtimeParam()). The feature groups defined in columns "feature_group" of featureDefinitions(object) (for features matching msLevel) will be used and refined by this method. Features with a value of NA in featureDefinitions(object)$feature_group will be skipped/not considered for feature grouping.


  threshold = 0.9,
  n = 1,
  onlyPeak = TRUE,
  value = c("maxo", "into"),
  groupFun = groupSimilarityMatrix,
  ALIGNFUN = alignRt,
  ALIGNFUNARGS = list(tolerance = 0, method = "closest"),
  FUN = cor,
  FUNARGS = list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),

## S4 method for signature 'XcmsResult,EicSimilarityParam'
groupFeatures(object, param, msLevel = 1L)



numeric(1) with the minimal required similarity score to group featues. This is passed to the groupFun function.


numeric(1) defining the total number of samples per feature group on which this similarity calculation should be performed. This value is rounded up to the next larger integer value.


logical(1) whether the correlation should be performed only on the signals within the identified chromatographic peaks (onlyPeak = TRUE, default) or all the signal from the extracted ion chromatogram.


character(1) defining whether samples should be grouped based on the sum of the maximal peak intensity (value = "maxo", the default) or the integrated peak area (value = "into") for a feature.


function defining the function to be used to group rows based on a pairwise similarity matrix. Defaults to groupSimilarityMatrix().


function defining the function to be used to align chromatograms prior similarity calculation. Defaults to ALIGNFUN = alignRt. See alignRt() and compareChromatograms() for more information.


named list with arguments for ALIGNFUN. Defaults to ALIGNFUNARGS = list(tolerance = 0, method = "closest").


function defining the function to be used to calculate a similarity between (aligned) chromatograms. Defaults to FUN = cor. See cor() and compareChromatograms() for more information.


named list with arguments for FUN. Defaults to FUN = list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs").


for EicSimilarityParam: additional arguments to be passed to groupFun and featureChromatograms (such as expandRt to expand the retention time range of each feature).


XcmsExperiment() or XCMSnExp() object with LC-MS pre-processing results.


EicSimilarityParam object with the settings for the method.


integer(1) defining the MS level on which the features should be grouped.


input object with feature groups added (i.e. in column "feature_group" of its featureDefinitions data frame.


At present the featureChromatograms() function is used to extract the EICs for each feature, which does however use one m/z and rt range for each feature and the EICs do thus not exactly represent the identified chromatographic peaks of each sample (i.e. their specific m/z and retention time ranges).

While being possible to be performed on the full data set without prior feature grouping, this is not suggested for the following reasons: I) the selection of the top n samples with the highest signal for the feature group will be biased by very abundant compounds as this is performed on the full data set (i.e. the samples with the highest overall intensities are used for correlation of all features) and II) it is computationally much more expensive because a pairwise correlation between all features has to be performed.

It is also suggested to perform the correlation on a subset of samples per feature with the highest intensities of the peaks (for that feature) although it would also be possible to run the correlation on all samples by setting n equal to the total number of samples in the data set. EIC correlation should however be performed ideally on samples in which the original compound is highly abundant to avoid correlation of missing values or noisy peak shapes as much as possible.

By default also the signal which is outside identified chromatographic peaks is excluded from the correlation.


Johannes Rainer

See Also

feature-grouping for a general overview.

Other feature grouping methods: groupFeatures-abundance-correlation, groupFeatures-similar-rtime


## Load a test data set with detected peaks
faahko_sub <- loadXcmsData("faahko_sub2")

## Disable parallel processing for this example

## Group chromatographic peaks across samples
xodg <- groupChromPeaks(faahko_sub, param = PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = rep(1, 3)))

## Performing a feature grouping based on EIC similarities on a single
## sample
xodg_grp <- groupFeatures(xodg, param = EicSimilarityParam(n = 1))


## Usually it is better to perform this correlation on pre-grouped features
## e.g. based on similar retention time.
xodg_grp <- groupFeatures(xodg, param = SimilarRtimeParam(diffRt = 4))
xodg_grp <- groupFeatures(xodg_grp, param = EicSimilarityParam(n = 1))


sneumann/xcms documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 12:42 a.m.