## exportTrackll-methods
##' @name exportTrackll
##' @aliases exportTrackll
##' @title exportTrackll
##' @rdname exportTrackll-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @description take in a list of track lists (trackll) and export it into
##' row-wise (ImageJ Particle Tracker style) .csv files in the working directory
##' @usage
##' exportTrackll(trackll, cores = 1)
##' @param trackll A list of track lists.
##' @param cores Number of cores used for parallel computation. This can be
##' the cores on a workstation, or on a cluster. Tip: each core will be
##' assigned to read in a file when paralleled.
##' @return .csv file output
##' @details
##' The reason why ImageJ particle Tracker style .csv export was chosen is
##' because it fully preserves track frame data, while maintaining short
##' computation time and easy readability in Excel/etc.
##' In order to import this .csv export back into a trackll at any point
##' (while preserving all information), select input = 3 in createTrackll.
##' If the track list does not have a fourth frame record column (not
##' recommended), it will just output the start frame of each track instead
##' and will take noticeably longer.
##' It is not recommended that exportTrackll be run on merged list of track
##' lists (trackll).Also, ensure that the input trackll is a list of track lists
##' and not just a track list.
##' The naming scheme for each export is as follows:
##' [Last five characters of the file name]_[yy-MM-dd]_[HH-mm-ss].csv
##' @examples
##' folder=system.file('extdata','SWR1',package='sojourner')
##' trackll=createTrackll(folder=folder, input=3)
##' # Basic function call to exportTrackll into current directory
##' exportTrackll(trackll)
##' # Import export save back into a trackll
##' # Get current working directory
##' getwd()
##' trackll.2 <- createTrackll(folder = getwd(), input = 3)
## @importFrom rowr cbind.fill
##' @export .exportRowWise
##' @export exportTrackll
#### .exportRowWise ####
## # Export one track list
## .exportRowWise(trackl)
.exportRowWise = function(trackl) {
# Confirmation text of function call
cat("\nWriting .csv row-wise output in current directory for",
# Collect track file name
track.file.name <- getTrackFileName(trackl)
# Check for frame record column
if (ncol(trackl[[1]]) != 3) {
# Rename track list as trajectory numbers
names(trackl) <- c(seq_along(trackl))
# Combine track data frames by trajectory and reorder column
df <- bind_rows(trackl, .id = "Trajectory")[, c("Trajectory",
"Frame", "x", "y", "z")]
} else {
# Empty data frame df to be written into the .csv
df <- NULL
# Loop through every trajectory in input trackl
for (i in seq_along(trackl)) {
# Create a data frame temp with trajectory, frame, and track
# coordinate data
temp <- data.frame(Trajectory = i,
Frame = getStartFrame(trackl, i),
# Append data frame df with data frame temp
df <- rbind(df, temp)
# Write the data frame df into the .csv and display confirmation text
file.name = paste(track.file.name, format(Sys.time(),
format = "_%y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"), ".csv", sep = "")
write.csv(df, file = file.name)
cat(paste("\n", file.name, " placed in current directory.\n", sep = ""))
# #### .exportColWise ####
# # Function unused for now- may be helpful when lossy Diatrack .txt
# # export is neccessary
# # Install packages and dependencies library(rowr)
# .exportColWise = function(trackl) {
# # Confirmation text of function call
# cat("\nWriting .csv column-wise output in current directory for",
# getTrackFileName(trackl), "...\n")
# frame.list <- list()
# # Loop through every trajectory in input trackl
# for (i in seq_along(trackl)) {
# start.frame = getStartFrame(trackl[i])
# frame.list <- c(frame.list, start.frame, 0, 0)
# temp <- trackl[[i]][seq_len(3)]
# if (i != 1) {
# df <- cbind.fill(df, temp, fill = 0)
# } else {
# df <- temp
# }
# }
# colnames(df) <- frame.list
# # header = 'format (columnwise): Frame1 row n+1: (y(tn) x(tn) z(tn)),
# # row n+1: (y(t(n+1)) x(t(n+1)) z(t(n+1))), row n+2: (y(t(n+2))
# # x(t(n+2) z(t(n+2)) y(t(n+3)).... where Frame1 is the frame number
# # where the target is seen for the first time, and the columns define
# # trajectories. Beware! the number of tracks is limited by the width
# # of the widest text file on your machine. Rowwise export preferred'
# # Write the data frame df into the .csv and display confirmation text
# file.name = paste("COL", getTrackFileName(trackl), ".csv", sep = "")
# # write(header, file = file.name, append = TRUE)
# write.table(df, file = file.name, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
# # ,append = TRUE
# cat(paste("\n", file.name, "placed in current directory.\n\n", sep = ""))
# }
#### exportTrackll ####
exportTrackll = function(trackll, cores = 1) {
# detect number of cores
max.cores = parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE)
if (cores == 1) {
export = lapply(trackll, function(x) {
.exportRowWise(trackl = x)
} else {
# parallel excecute above block of code
if (cores > max.cores)
stop("Number of cores specified is greater than maxium: ",
cat("Initiated parallel execution on", cores, "cores\n")
# use outfile="" to display result on screen
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = cores, type = "PSOCK", outfile = "")
# register cluster
# pass environment variables to workers
export = parallel::parLapply(cl,trackll,function(x){
.exportRowWise(trackl = x)
# stop cluster
cat("\nStopping clusters...\n")
## TODO:
# identical(trackll,trackll.2)
# the track index is lost when export, therefore when import it has to be
# regnerated. export also the track index, so one can import it and create
# exactly the same
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