
Defines functions getlist check.dim.wt check.dim wt2wot Gamma2class.wt Gamma2class class2Gamma.wt class2Gamma variance2LTSigma LTSigma2variance var2LTsigma LTsigma2var my.print my.cat my.format

Documented in check.dim check.dim.wt class2Gamma class2Gamma.wt Gamma2class Gamma2class.wt getlist LTsigma2var LTSigma2variance my.cat my.format my.print var2LTsigma variance2LTSigma wt2wot

### This file contains some tool functions.
### Written: Wei-Chen Chen on 2008/09/28.

### Functions for summary() and print.summary().
my.format <- function(x, digits = max(4, getOption("digits") - 3)){
  paste(formatC(x, format = "f", width = -1, digits = digits), collapse = " ")
my.cat <- function(...){
  cat(..., sep = "")
my.print <- function(x, digits = max(4, getOption("digits") - 3)){
  print.default(x, na.print = "", quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, digits = digits)

### Functions for transform objects between EMCluster and mclust.
LTsigma2var <- function(x1, p = NULL){
    p <- (sqrt(1 + 8 * length(x1)) - 1) / 2
  tmp <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
  tmp[upper.tri(tmp, diag = TRUE)] <- x1
  tmp[lower.tri(tmp)] <- t(tmp)[lower.tri(tmp)]
var2LTsigma <- function(x1){
  x1[upper.tri(x1, diag = TRUE)]
LTSigma2variance <- function(x){
  p <- (sqrt(1 + 8 * ncol(x)) - 1) / 2
  nclass <- nrow(x)
  ret <- apply(x, 1, LTsigma2var, p)
  dim(ret) <- c(p, p, nclass)
variance2LTSigma <- function(x){
  ret <- apply(x, 3, var2LTsigma)
  ret <- matrix(ret, nrow = dim(x)[3], byrow = TRUE)

### Function for assign Gamma by class.
class2Gamma <- function(class){
  n <- length(class)
  uniq.class <- unique(class)
  k <- length(uniq.class)

  my.z <- function(i){
    z <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
    z[class == i] <- 1

  do.call("cbind", lapply(uniq.class, my.z))
class2Gamma.wt <- function(class){
Gamma2class <- function(Gamma){
  unlist(apply(Gamma, 1, which.max))
Gamma2class.wt <- function(Gamma.wt){
  unlist(apply(Gamma.wt, 2, which.max))

### Function for transfer from the object class "emret.wt" to "emret".
wt2wot <- function(emobj.wt){
  ret <- emobj.wt
  if(! is.null(ret$Mu)){
    ret$Mu <- t(ret$Mu)
  if(! is.null(ret$LTSigma)){
    ret$LTSigma <- t(ret$LTSigma)

  if(is(emobj.wt, "emret.wt")){
    class(ret) <- "emret"
  } else{
    class(ret) <- "emret.wt"

check.dim <- function(emobj, p, nclass, p.LTSigma){
  if(nrow(emobj$Mu) != nclass || ncol(emobj$Mu) != p ||
     nrow(emobj$LTSigma) != nclass || ncol(emobj$LTSigma) != p.LTSigma){
    stop("Dimensions of x, pi, Mu or LTSigma do not agree!")
check.dim.wt <- function(emobj, p, nclass, p.LTSigma){
  if(ncol(emobj$Mu) != nclass || nrow(emobj$Mu) != p ||
     ncol(emobj$LTSigma) != nclass || nrow(emobj$LTSigma) != p.LTSigma){
    stop("Dimensions of x, pi, Mu or LTSigma do not agree!")

### Get merge results.
getlist <- function(name, alist){
  unlist(lapply(alist, function(x){ x[name] }), use.names = FALSE)
snoweye/EMCluster documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 4:46 a.m.