
# File runs each selector in selector_grid on every estimator and produces a
# ranking of the methods. Each estimator is the evaluated to get another ranking
# from the MSE from the truth.

# library(hte)
# library(grf)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Evaluation setup configuration
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
setup_i <- as.numeric(args[1])
nthread <- 8


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Evaluation setup
seed <- 1500
dim_grid <- c(6, 20, 100)
alpha <- 0.1
# ntrain_grid <- round(10 ^ seq(from = 2, to = 5, by = .25))
ntrain_grid <- c(2000)
ntest <- 100000

setup_grid <- c(
  "RespSparseTau1strong", # 1
  "RsparseT2weak",        # 2
  "complexTau",           # 3
  "complexTau2",          # 4
  "complexTau3",          # 5
  "complexTau4",          # 6
  "Conf1",                # 7
  "rare1",                # 8
  "rare2",                # 9
  "rare3",                # 10
  "STMpp",                # 11
  "STMpp2",               # 12
  "STMpp3",               # 13
  "STMpp4",               # 14
  "Ufail",                # 15
  "Usual1",               # 16
  "WA1",                  # 17
  "WA2",                  # 18
  "WA3",                  # 19
  "WA4"                   # 20

setup <- setup_grid[[setup_i]]

selector_grid <- list(
  "transformed" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_transformed(feat = feat,
                    yobs = Yobs,
                    tr = W_tr,
                    estimator = estimator,
                    k = 3,
                    emin = 1e-5)
  "matching_ATT_replace" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_matching(feat = feat,
                 yobs = Yobs,
                 tr = W_tr,
                 estimator = estimator,
                 k = 3,
                 estimand = 'ATT',
                 replace = TRUE)
  "matching_ATT" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_matching(feat = feat,
                 yobs = Yobs,
                 tr = W_tr,
                 estimator = estimator,
                 k = 3,
                 estimand = 'ATT',
                 replace = FALSE)
  "matching_ATE_replace" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_matching(feat = feat,
                 yobs = Yobs,
                 tr = W_tr,
                 estimator = estimator,
                 k = 3,
                 estimand = 'ATE',
                 replace = TRUE)
  "matching_ATE" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_matching(feat = feat,
                 yobs = Yobs,
                 tr = W_tr,
                 estimator = estimator,
                 k = 3,
                 estimand = 'ATE',
                 replace = FALSE)
  "matching_ATC_replace" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_matching(feat = feat,
                 yobs = Yobs,
                 tr = W_tr,
                 estimator = estimator,
                 k = 3,
                 estimand = 'ATC',
                 replace = TRUE)
  "matching_ATC" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_matching(feat = feat,
                 yobs = Yobs,
                 tr = W_tr,
                 estimator = estimator,
                 k = 3,
                 estimand = 'ATC',
                 replace = FALSE)
  "subset" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_subset(feat = feat,
               yobs = Yobs,
               tr = W_tr,
               estimator = estimator)
  "robust" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_double_robust(feat = feat,
                      yobs = Yobs,
                      tr = W_tr,
                      estimator = estimator,
                      k = 3,
                      emin = 1e-5)
  "fischer" = function(Yobs, W_tr, feat, estimator) {
    gof_fischer_exact(feat = feat,
                      yobs = Yobs,
                      tr = W_tr,
                      estimator = estimator,
                      k = 2)

estimator_grid <- list(
  "S_RF" = function(feat, tr, yobs)
    S_RF(feat, tr, yobs),
  "T_RF" = function(feat, tr, yobs)
    T_RF(feat, tr, yobs),
  "X_RF" = function(feat, tr, yobs)
    X_RF(feat, tr, yobs, verbose = FALSE),
  "S_BART" = function(feat, tr, yobs)
    S_BART(feat, tr, yobs),
  "T_BART" = function(feat, tr, yobs)
    T_BART(feat, tr, yobs),
  "X_BART" = function(feat, tr, yobs)
    X_BART(feat, tr, yobs)
  # "CF_p" = function(feat, tr, yobs) {
  #   feat <- as.matrix(feat)
  #   colnames(feat) <- NULL
  #   propensityForest(X = feat,
  #                    W = tr,
  #                    Y = yobs,
  #                    num.trees = 500,
  #                    sample.size = nrow(feat) / 10,
  #                    nodesize = 1)
  # },
  # "CF" = function(feat, tr, yobs) {
  #   feat <- as.matrix(feat)
  #   colnames(feat) <- NULL
  #   grf::causal_forest(X = feat,
  #                      Y = yobs,
  #                      W = tr,
  #                      num.trees = 500,
  #                      num.threads = nthread)
  # }

CATEpredictor_grid <- list(
  "S_RF" = function(estimator, feat_te)
    EstimateCate(estimator, feat_te),
  "T_RF" = function(estimator, feat_te)
    EstimateCate(estimator, feat_te),
  "X_RF" = function(estimator, feat_te)
    EstimateCate(estimator, feat_te),
  "S_BART" = function(estimator, feat_te)
    EstimateCate(estimator, feat_te),
  "T_BART" = function(estimator, feat_te)
    EstimateCate(estimator, feat_te),
  "X_BART" = function(estimator, feat_te)
    EstimateCate(estimator, feat_te),
  "CF_p" = function(estimator, feat_te) {
    feat_te <- as.matrix(feat_te)
    colnames(feat_te) <- NULL
    return(predict(estimator, feat_te))
  "CF" = function(estimator, feat_te)  {
    feat_te <- as.matrix(feat_te)
    colnames(feat_te) <- NULL
    return(predict(estimator, feat_te)$predictions)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Setting up location for saving evaluation results
data_folder_name <- "sim_data/"
if (!dir.exists(data_folder_name)) {

filename_base <- paste0(data_folder_name, "selector_data_", setup)
filename <- paste0(filename_base, ".csv")
if (file.exists(filename)) {
  already_ran <- read.csv(filename)
  #already_ran <- already_ran[!is.na(already_ran[,"MSE"]), ] #only if not NA
  already_ran <-
    already_ran[, c("seed", "alpha", "dim", "ntrain", "estimator", "selector")]
  for (i in 1:ncol(already_ran)) {
    already_ran[, i] <- as.character(already_ran[, i])

filename_truth <- paste0(filename_base, "_truth", ".csv")
if (file.exists(filename)) {
  already_ran_truth <- read.csv(filename_truth)
  already_ran_truth <-
    already_ran_truth[, c("seed", "alpha", "dim", "ntrain", "estimator")]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Loop through the setups and evaluate the estimators
# print(paste("==> Starting with seed =", seed,
#             "of", max(seed_grid),
#             ", dim =", dim,
#             "of", paste(dim_grid, collapse = ", ")))
# for (ntrain in ntrain_grid) {
foreach(ntrain = ntrain_grid) %dopar% {
  for (dim in dim_grid) {
    # Create training and test data
    dt <- simulate_causal_experiment(
      ntrain = ntrain,
      ntest = ntest,
      dim = dim,
      alpha = alpha,
      feat_distribution = "normal",
      setup = setup,
      testseed = 293901,
      trainseed = seed
    # Evaluate each estimator on the truth and run every selector
    for (estimator_i in 1:length(estimator_grid)) {
      estimator <- estimator_grid[[estimator_i]]
      estimator_name <- names(estimator_grid)[estimator_i]
      CATEpredictor <- CATEpredictor_grid[[estimator_name]]
      if (exists("already_ran_truth") &&
          (paste(c(seed, alpha, dim, ntrain, estimator_name),
                 collapse = ",") %in%
           apply(already_ran_truth, 1, function(x){
             paste(x, collapse = ",")
           }))) {
          paste(c(seed, alpha, dim, ntrain, estimator_name), collapse = ","),
          "truth data already exists. Running next setting."
      } else {
        estimates <- tryCatch({
          L <- estimator(
            feat = dt$feat_tr,
            tr = dt$W_tr,
            yobs = dt$Yobs_tr
          CATEpredictor(L, dt$feat_te)
        error = function(e) {
            warning(paste("Something went wrong with", estimator_name,
                          "on", setup))
        MSE <- mean((dt$tau_te - estimates)^2)
        MSE_sd <- sd((dt$tau_te - estimates)^2) / sqrt(length(dt$tau_te))
        Residuals <- data.frame(
          seed = seed,
          alpha = alpha,
          dim = dim,
          feat_distribution = "normal",
          testseed = 293901,
          trainingseed = seed,
          ntrain = ntrain,
          estimator = estimator_name,
          setup = setup,
          MSE = MSE,
          MSE_sd = MSE_sd
        col.names <- !file.exists(filename_truth)
          file = filename_truth,
          append = TRUE,
          col.names = col.names,
          row.names = FALSE,
          sep = ","
      for (selector_i in 1:length(selector_grid)) {
        selector <- selector_grid[[selector_i]]
        selector_name <- names(selector_grid)[selector_i]
        if (exists("already_ran") &&
           (paste(c(seed, alpha, dim, ntrain, estimator_name, selector_name),
                 collapse = ",") %in%
           apply(already_ran, 1, function(x){
             paste(x, collapse = ",")
           }))) {
            paste(c(seed, alpha, dim, ntrain, estimator_name, selector_name), collapse = ","),
            "selector data already exists. Running next setting."
        } else {
          print(paste("==> Running", selector_name,
                      "on", setup))
          selector_vals <- tryCatch({
            selector(dt$Yobs_tr, dt$W_tr, dt$feat_tr, estimator)
          error = function(e) {
            warning(paste("Something went wrong with", estimator_name,
                          "and selector", selector_name,
                          "on", setup))
          selector_data <- data.frame(
            seed = seed,
            alpha = alpha,
            dim = dim,
            ntrain = ntrain,
            feat_distribution = "normal",
            testseed = 293901,
            trainingseed = seed,
            estimator = estimator_name,
            selector = selector_name,
            setup = setup,
            score = selector_vals[1],
            sd = selector_vals[2]
          col.names <- !file.exists(filename)
            file = filename,
            append = TRUE,
            col.names = col.names,
            row.names = FALSE,
            sep = ","
        "    Done with ntrain =",
        ", estimator =",
        ", dim =",
soerenkuenzel/causalToolbox documentation built on April 28, 2021, 5:19 a.m.