
Defines functions fn.recruit.Jt

Documented in fn.recruit.Jt

#' @title Recruitment in a metacommunity with context
#' @description Internal function called by \link{fn.metaSIM} to calculate local 
#' recruitment pools for all sites in a metacommunity, and call \link{fn.lottery.recruit}
#'to create a new assemblages (J) at time (t) after accounting for metacommunity 
#'composition at time (t-1), dispersal dynamics, landscape topology, and environmental 
#' @usage 
#' fn.recruit.Jt(landscape.site.coords, 
#'                nu,
#'                SWM.slope, 
#'                J.t.minus.1, 
#'                taxa.list, 
#'                traits.Ef, 
#'                trait.Ef.sd, 
#'                traits.dispersal, 
#'                landscape.m, 
#'                landscape.Ef, 
#'                landscape.Ef.specificity, 
#'                landscape.JL)
#' @param landscape.site.coords A data.frame with xy-coordinates for each site.  Each row is a 
#' site in the metacommunity landscape.
#' @param nu Numeric, Hubbell's "speciation rate", but can be interpreted as the 
#' probability of the appearance of a novel species.  If set to 0, no novel taxa 
#' will appear during the simulation.
#' @param SWM.slope Slope of dispersal kernel, see \link{fn.metaSIM}.  This value 
#' is used for \code{w} in eqn. 6 from Gravel et al. (2006) to model dispersal 
#' limitation.
#' @param J.t.minus.1 Species composition of sites in a metacommunity at previous 
#' time step.
#' @param taxa.list A vector of character strings of species' names.
#' @param traits.Ef A vector of species' trait scores, numeric.
#' @param trait.Ef.sd A scalar value representing species' niche widths (numeric, 
#' currently one value is used for all species).
#' @param traits.dispersal A vector of species' dispersal trait scores.
#' @param landscape.m A vector of values for \code{m} for each site in the landscape.
#' @param landscape.Ef A vector of environmental filter \code{Ef} values for each site 
#' in the landscape.
#' @param landscape.Ef.specificity Environmental specificity at each site (numeric). 
#' @param landscape.JL A vector of assemblage sizes (positive integers) for all sites 
#' in the landscape.
#' @seealso \link{fn.lottery.recruit}, \link{fn.make.landscape}, \link{fn.metaSIM}
#' @details Internal function called by \link{fn.metaSIM}.
#' @export
fn.recruit.Jt <- function(
  # calls calculates R.t (expected pool) to calculate extant pool
  mat.geodist = as.matrix(dist(1:3)),
  nu = .001,
  SWM.slope = 0,
  JL = 10,
  J.t.minus.1 = matrix(JL/length(taxa.list), 
  taxa.list = letters[1:5],
  traits.Ef = runif(length(taxa.list),0,1),
  trait.Ef.sd = 0.15,
  traits.dispersal = array(1, length(taxa.list)),
  m = 1,
  Ef = array(.5, nrow(mat.geodist)),
  Ef.specificity = 0){
  # -- Calculate R.t, estimates of locally available pools at each site based on 
  # local relative abundances at time t-1 (or t0)
  # regional relative abundances at time t-1 (or t0), which is calculated from neighbors weighted by the SWM
  # the balance of local and regional pools is determined by m (where m = 0 is only local)
  # deal with sites with 0s
  J.t.minus.1.RAs <- as.matrix(J.t.minus.1/rowSums(J.t.minus.1))
  J.t.minus.1.RAs[!is.finite(J.t.minus.1.RAs)] <- 0
  J.t.minus.1.RAs <- as.data.frame(J.t.minus.1.RAs)
  # ----------------------------
  # -- calculate recruitment probabilities from I for each site
  # create SWM to weight all neighboring sites contributions to "Immigrant" pool
  # use eq 6 from Gravel et al. 2006, but set diags to 0
  #   mat.geodist<-as.matrix(dist(landscape.site.coords))
  max.val <- max(mat.geodist[mat.geodist!=Inf]) #max finite value
  mat.geodist.scaled <- mat.geodist/max.val
  SWM <- exp(-1*SWM.slope*mat.geodist.scaled^2)
  diag(SWM) <- 0
  SWM <- SWM/rowSums(SWM)
  # -- calculate I for each site based on composition of neighboring sites
  I.RAs <- as.matrix(SWM) %*% as.matrix(J.t.minus.1.RAs) #distance decay without species bias
  # -- Alter RAs for I based on dispersal traits -- create bias toward species with better dispersal
  I.RAs.dispersal.biased <- I.RAs*(t(traits.dispersal%o%rep(1,nrow(I.RAs))))
  I.RAs.dispersal.biased <- I.RAs.dispersal.biased/rowSums(I.RAs.dispersal.biased)
  I.RAs.dispersal.biased[is.nan(I.RAs.dispersal.biased)] <- 0
  # -- calculate recruitment pool by combining local RAs and regional RAs, weighted by m
  R.t <- m * I.RAs.dispersal.biased + (1-m) * J.t.minus.1.RAs
  # -- all species that have 0 regional RA at time t-1 are assigned a non-zero probability of recruitment,
  # which is nu / (count of unobserved species in the list).  A "speciation event" in this simulation is 
  # recruitment of a previously unobserved species. 
  # unobserved.spp.count <- sum(colSums(R.t)==0)
  # speciation.recruitment.prob <- ifelse(
  #   unobserved.spp.count == 0,
  #   0,
  #   nu / unobserved.spp.count)
  speciation.recruitment.prob <- nu/ncol(J.t.minus.1)
  # -- alter all the probabilities accordingly, all rows must add to 1
  # mat.nu <- R.t
  # mat.nu[,colSums(mat.nu)>0] <- mat.nu[,colSums(mat.nu)>0] * (1-nu)
  # mat.nu[,colSums(mat.nu)==0] <- speciation.recruitment.prob
  # R.t.probs <- mat.nu
  R.t.probs <- speciation.recruitment.prob + (R.t * (1-nu))
  # -- Local environmental filtering
  d.temp <- expand.grid(
    Ef = Ef,
    trait.Ef = traits.Ef,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  d.temp$Ef.specificity <- Ef.specificity
  d.temp$trait.Ef.sd <- rep(trait.Ef.sd, 
                            each = length(Ef))
  lambda.Ef.siteBYspp <- matrix(
    data=mapply(FUN = fn.lambda,
                trait.optimum = d.temp$trait.Ef,
                Ef = d.temp$Ef,
                Ef.specificity = d.temp$Ef.specificity,
                niche.breadth = d.temp$trait.Ef.sd
    nrow = length(Ef), #number sites
    ncol = length(traits.Ef), #number spp
    byrow = FALSE
  lambda.Ef.siteBYspp <- lambda.Ef.siteBYspp/rowSums(lambda.Ef.siteBYspp) #rescale so row sums are 1
  # reweight R.t.probs based on local env. filters
  R.t.envfiltered <- lambda.Ef.siteBYspp*R.t.probs
  R.t.envfiltered <- R.t.envfiltered/rowSums(R.t.envfiltered)
  # make lists of recruitment weights for each site for lottery call below
  # -- Recruit extant community for time t from R.t
  J.t1 <- data.frame(
sokole/MCSim documentation built on April 2, 2022, 5:43 a.m.