
An integrative analysis tool to screen for Proteogenomic Functional traits perturbed by DNA-level alterations (e.g. somatic mutation, copy number variation (CNV) and DNA methylation)

The goal of iProFun is to characterize multi-omics functional consequences of DNA-level alterations in tumor.

For data types with few events (e.g. somatic mutations), iProFun provides estimate, standard error, Student's t-test p-value, family-wise error rate (FWER), multi-omic directional filtering, and whether it's identified by iProFun.

For data types with many genes, where parallel features of the genes can be learned from each other to boost study power, iProFun provides estimate, standard error, Student's t-test p-value, posterior association probability, empirical false discovery rate (eFDR), multi-omic directional filtering, and whether it's identified by iProFun.

A full description of the method can be found in our paper.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


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## Example of use

Below is an example of iProFun Integrative analysis pipeline.  

### Sample data

The preprocessed data from National Cancer Institute's Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (lscc) study are included in the package, including `cnv`, `mut`, `rna`, `protein`, `phospho` and `cov`. 

* Data reference: 'Satpathy, Shankha, et al. "A proteogenomic portrait of lung squamous cell carcinoma." Cell 184.16 (2021): 4348-4371.

A brief description of the sample dataset can be found in the help page of the data.

data(lscc_iProFun_Data) # load all data
objects() # list all loaded data
?cnv # help file is available for each individual data

iProFun integrative analysis pipeline

- Example 1: rna/protein/phospho ~ mutation +cnv + covariates

Analysis should specify multi-omics outcome data types, predictor data types, covariates and prior association probability. Here we consider RNA, protein and phosphoprotein as outcomes, and mutation and cnv as predictors, and use the same set of covariates for three outcomes. We use a conservative prior pi1 = 0.05. Note, the impact of prior is minimal on the results.

yList = list(rna, protein, phospho); xList = list(mut, cnv)
covariates = list(cov, cov, cov) # iProFun allows different covariates for different regressions, and here we repeat the same covariates for simplicity
pi1 = 0.05 # prior association probability. 

Try regression on one outcome data type for checking the implementation

ft1=iProFun.reg.1y(yList.1y=yList[[1]], xList=xList, covariates.1y=covariates[[1]], 

The result ft1 is a list, which contains

For multi-omic iProFun analysis, we need regression on all three outcome data types:

reg.all=iProFun.reg(yList=yList, xList=xList, covariates=covariates, 
                    var.ID=c("geneSymbol"), var.ID.additional=c("id"))

The result reg.all is a list with length equals to the length of yList. The first element reg.all[[1]] is essentially the same as ft1 since both of them store the results between yList[[1]] and xList. Similarly the second element reg.all[[2]] stores the results between yList[[2]] and xList and so on and so forth.

If one is interested to save regression results in a single table, one can use this function to output the result table

reg.tab=iProFun.reg.table(reg.all=reg.all, xType = c("mutation", "cnv"), 
                          yType = c("rna", "protein", "phospho"))

This function calculates FWER. It's preferred to be used for the data type with few genes, such as somatic mutation. Mutation is the first element in the xList, so we use FWER.Index=c(1) to calculate FWER for this element.

FWER.all=iProFun.FWER(reg.all=reg.all, FWER.Index=c(1))

This function calculates posterior association probability and eFDR rate for the predictor data types on one outcome. It's preferred to be used for data types with many genes, such as cnv. As, we don't want to calculate the probabilities of association patterns between the mutation (1st element of xList) and yList and we set NoProbXIndex = c(1). For a fast demonstration, we permute the data only twice using permutate_number=2.

eFDR1=iProFun.eFDR.1y(reg.all=reg.all, which.y=1, yList=yList, xList=xList,
                      covariates=covariates, pi1=pi1, NoProbXIndex=c(1),
                      permutate_number=2, var.ID=c("geneSymbol"), 

This is an expansion of iProFun.eFDR.1y to calculate eFDR for all outcomes.

eFDR.all=iProFun.eFDR(reg.all=reg.all, yList=yList, xList=xList, covariates=covariates, pi1=pi1,
                  NoProbXIndex=c(1), permutate_number=2, var.ID=c("geneSymbol"), 
                  var.ID.additional=c("id"), seed=123)

The result eFDR is a list with length equals to the length of yList. The first element eFDR[[1]] is essentially the same as eFDR1 since both of them store the results between eFDR[[1]] and xList.

This function provides iProFun identifications for all predictors and outcomes, based on FWER/eFDR, association probabilities, and biological directional filtering. The output has been reformatted to a long-format table for usage.

# iProFun identification
# For data types with many genes, it's based on 
# (1) association probabilities > 0.75 as specified by `PostPob.cutoff=0.75`,
# (2) FDR 0.1 as specified by `fdr.cutoff = 0.1`, and 
# (3) the association direction filtering (CNV requires positive associations as specified by the second element of`filter=c(0, 1)` ).
# For data types with few genes, it's  based on 
# (1) FWER 0.1  as specified by `fwer.cutoff=0.1`, and
# (2)  the association direction filtering (mutation requires consistent association directions as specified by the first element of`filter=c(0, 1)`).
res=iProFun.detection(reg.all=reg.all, eFDR.all=eFDR.all, FWER.all=FWER.all, filter=c(0, 1),
                      NoProbButFWERIndex=1,fdr.cutoff = 0.1, fwer.cutoff=0.1, PostPob.cutoff=0.75,
                      xType=c("mutation", "cnv"), yType=c("rna", "protein", "phospho"))

Output some results


- Example 2: rna/protein/phospho ~ cnv

This time, we try rna/protein/phospho ~ cnv to see how iProFun works when we need to calcualte association probabilities for all predictors.

# We still need to put cnv into a list 
yList = list(rna, protein, phospho); xList = list(cnv)
pi1 = 0.05 # prior association probability. 

Again, we start with regression on all three outcome data types:

reg.all=iProFun.reg(yList=yList, xList=xList, covariates=NULL, 
                    var.ID=c("geneSymbol"), var.ID.additional=c("id"))

To save regression results in a single table, one can use this function

reg.tab=iProFun.reg.table(reg.all=reg.all, xType = c("cnv"), 
                          yType = c("rna", "protein", "phospho"))

We skip the function to calculate FWER for predictors like mutation that exists in few genes, and directly calculate posterior association probabilities. In this case, we should specify NoProbXIndex=NULL.

eFDR.all=iProFun.eFDR(reg.all=reg.all, yList=yList, xList=xList, covariates=NULL,pi1=pi1,
                  NoProbXIndex=NULL, permutate_number=2, var.ID=c("geneSymbol"), 
                  var.ID.additional=c("id"), seed=123)

To summarize the results in a long-format table, we use iProFun.detection.

# iProFun identification is based on 
# (1) association probabilities > 0.75 as specified by `PostPob.cutoff=0.75`,
# (2) FDR 0.1 as specified by `fdr.cutoff = 0.1`, and 
# (3) the association direction filtering (CNV requires positive associations as specified by `filter=c(1)` ).

res=iProFun.detection(reg.all=reg.all, eFDR.all=eFDR.all, FWER.all=NULL, filter=c( 1),NoProbButFWERIndex=NULL,fdr.cutoff = 0.1, fwer.cutoff=NULL, PostPob.cutoff=0.75,
                      xType=c("cnv"), yType=c("rna", "protein", "phospho"))

Output some results



If you find small bugs, larger issues, or have suggestions, please file them using the issue tracker or email the maintainer at xiaoyu.song@mountsinai.org. Contributions (via pull requests or otherwise) are welcome.

songxiaoyu/iProFun documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 3:54 p.m.