
#Soren Havelund Welling 2016
#cluster backend script to execute a call
#Can be used as a seamless cluster backend for local execution

#this script is instructs backend master.
#the backend master is started through ssh by a remote user somewhere in the world
#the backend master loads a Rdata file sent by remote user
#the Rdata file contains a function and function arguments and other run parametes

#This backend will either:
#a1 - perform the entire jobs itself (async=FALSE) and save the result
#b1 - submit itself via qsub to torque cluster and return instantly a ticket
#     , not the result (async=TRUE). Result can be retrieved later with ticket.
#a2 - split job to several slaves and collect results (see lply(), async=FALSE)
#b2 = #b1(#a2)  (see lply(), async=TRUE)

#This script has step 1 to 9
print("Printing from R backend on server...")

##1 set work directory
#get Tempdir.backend file path
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) #get wd from command arg
Tempdir.backend = args[1] #first argument is wd
# cat("set backend work directory to: ",Tempdir.backend,"\n")
print(paste0("this is wd: ",Tempdir.backend))

##2a load exported variables (all the data/instructions from user computer)
print("Loading exported variables ...")

##2b If this script is set to run async, it will submit itself to qsub
#To avoid infinite recursive calling, this script will call itself with the async_stop arg
#Therefore, when this script is run through qsub it will execute and return,
#... and not submit itself again

#If second commandArg is "async_stop" unsubmit
if(!is.null(args[2]) && ![2]) && args[2][[1]] == "async_stop") {
  export$async = FALSE
} #turn off submitting itself to qsub

##3 Before loading BatchJobs packages... some config files must be placed in user root
#Place one config file in user root, BatchJobs package will load this config file when loaded
#write qsub file
#files to submit this script to qsub
if(export$async) {
  writeLines(text = paste0(

    #PBS -l nodes=",export$qsub.nodes,":ppn=",export$qsub.proc,"
    #PBS -l walltime=",export$qsub.walltime,"

    echo $CPUTYPE

    #PBS -N <%= %>
    ## merge standard error and output
    #PBS -j oe
    ## direct streams to our logfile
    #PBS -o <%= log.file %>

    ## Run R:
    ##runserver script will submit itself to qsub",
    "cd ", Tempdir.backend,
    "R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '--args ",Tempdir.backend ," async_stop' runOnServer.R /dev/stdout",

    "\n \n"),con = "./")
} else {
  #write config files for BatchJob package
  if("BatchJobs" %in% export$packages) {
  print("saving file to ")
  writeLines(text =
               "# Torque/PBS cluster
             cluster.functions <- makeClusterFunctionsTorque('./')",
             con = "~/.BatchJobs.R"

  #place one config file in tmp folder, BatchJobs pacakge will use this config file to form qsub's
  writeLines(paste0(text =
#PBS -l nodes=",export$qsub.nodes,":ppn=",export$qsub.proc,"
#PBS -l walltime=",export$qsub.walltime,"
#PBS -N <%= %>
## merge standard error and output
#PBS -j oe
## direct streams to our logfile
#PBS -o <%= log.file %>
## Run R:
## we merge R output with stdout from PBS, which gets then logged via -o option
R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '<%= rscript %>' /dev/stdout
"),con = './'

##4 Handle packages, skip if async
if(!export$async) {
  print("Check, install and load packages...")
  list.of.packages <- export$packages
  new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
  if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages,repos="")
  for(aPackage in list.of.packages) require(package=aPackage,character.only = T)
  print("following packages loaded on master")

##4b - Define a wrapper function doBatchJob only for BatchJobs
# preparation for starting slave nodes, only when using BatchJobs package
if(!export$async) {
  if("package:BatchJobs" %in% search() && export$async==FALSE) {
    #source doBatchJob function on server side
    #this wrapper is handling job-arrays (to split a list of jobs in separate job lists)
    #...and global variables (loads an global variable state)
    #...and combines individual slave node results into list of all results
    doBatchJob = function(X,FUN,packages=c(),max.nodes=24,nCores=1,globalVar=list(),...) {
      #BatchJobs package only needs to be loaded on master node, not on slaves

      #split jobs into one job-list for each node
      namesX = names(X)
      cluster.nodes = max(min(ceiling(length(X)/nCores),max.nodes),1) #no more nodes required than jobs
      cat("number of cluster nodes is:",cluster.nodes, "\n")
      jobArrays = suppressWarnings(split(X,1:cluster.nodes))
      splitKey  = unlist(suppressWarnings(split(1:length(X),1:cluster.nodes)),use.names = FALSE)
      invSplitKey = match(1:length(X),splitKey)
      #suppress warning, when nodes get ueven amount of jobs.

      #Meeseeks box(Rick & Morty reference) executer of job-lists
      wrapMeeseeks = function(X,FUN,...) {
        print("I'm Mr Meeseeks (a torque/PBS cluster slave), look at me!!!")
        cat("Oh geee, my work directory is",getwd(),"\n")

        #load attach global vars on slave machine
        if(file.exists('globalVar.rda')) {
          print("global variables detected, loading...")

        #run array of jobs on this slave
        print("Master: Mr Meeseeks, please iterate this job-list with lapply")
        print("Mr Meeseeks: 'Sure can do!!'")
        if(nCores <= 1) {
          out =   lapply(X,function(X),list(X,...)),...)
        } else {
          out = parallel::mclapply(X,function(X),list(X,...)),...,
                         mc.cores = nCores)
        print("Mr Meeseeks: Job completed, pooofff!!")

      #cluster.functions = makeClusterFunctionsTorque("./") #this file is created below

      #ensure empty package list are character(0) and remove BatchJobs package, as it is not needed on slaves
      packages = if(length(packages)) packages[packages!="BatchJobs"] else character(0L)
      reg <- makeRegistry(id="testBatchJobs",packages=if(length(packages)) packages else character(0L))
      batchMap(reg,fun=wrapMeeseeks,X=jobArrays,use.names=T,more.args = c(list(FUN=FUN,...)))
      #job writer delay, if less than 8 jobs 2 sec per submit, hereafter 5 second per submit
      submitJobs(reg=reg,ids=1:length(jobArrays),job.delay = function(n,i) i*2,progressbar = FALSE)
      print("jobs have been submitted")
      print("All jobs has finished")
      out = unlist(loadResults(reg,1:cluster.nodes),recursive = FALSE)
      out = out[invSplitKey] #re-order jobs by inverted splitKey
      names(out) = namesX

##6 handling global variables
if(!export$async && length(export$globalVar)) { #if any variables
  if("package:BatchJobs" %in% search()) {
    #if job in executed with BatchJobs, save globalVarible to separate file
    cat("Export these variables to slave nodes",names(export$globalVar) ,"\n")
    globalVar = export$globalVar
  } else {
    #if job is executed locally on master node in this R environment, attached global variables here.
    print("following global variables are attached to Master node environment:")

##7 - excution on master node
if(!export$async) {
  print("calling the function")
  out =$what),export$arg,quote=T)
} else {
  ##runserver script will submit itself to qsub
  jobNumber = system("qsub",intern=TRUE)
  print("yep we got to here")
  out = list(backend.tmp = getwd(),jobNumber = jobNumber)
  class(out) = "ticket"

##8 - saving
print("save output")

  writeLines("Server Master: 'Job's done!'",

##9 say goodbye
print("Server Master: 'Job's done!'")
sorhawell/fastRditijuu documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:32 a.m.