
Defines functions setup_data_dive update_project

Documented in setup_data_dive update_project

# functions to update projects

#' Setup a new period for a project
#' This will setup files based on a reference time period, rather than 
#' creating new files based on the default template. By default, the new analysis 
#' folder will include all ref_period R files (.R, .Rmd, etc.) and their
#' containing folders, as well as .txt/.tex files.
#' @inheritParams new_project
#' @param ref_period folder name of reference time period (e.g., 2019-q4)
#' @param ref_path full file path to reference period analysis folder
#' @param files_to_keep patterns for matching on files in the "code" folder using grep 
#' (not case sensitive). Files with matching patterns will be copied from ref_period.
#' @param top_level_files top-level analysis files that should be copied over
#' @family functions to update projects
#' @export
update_project <- function(
    state, period, ref_period, 
    ref_path = file.path("E:/OneDrive - Southwick Associates, Inc/Documents/SA/Projects/Data-Dashboards", state, ref_period),
    analysis_path = file.path("E:/OneDrive - Southwick Associates, Inc/Documents/SA/Projects/Data-Dashboards", state, period),
    sensitive_path = file.path("E:/OneDrive - Southwick Associates, Inc/Documents/SA/Data-Sensitive/Data-Dashboards", state, paste0("raw-", period)),
    production_path = file.path("E:/OneDrive - Southwick Associates, Inc/Documents/SA/Data-Production/Data-Dashboards", state),
    files_to_keep = c("\\.r", "documentation\\.tex", "\\.txt"),
    top_level_files = c(".Rprofile", "README.md", "renv.lock", "renv/activate.R",  
) {
    # error check - reference path
    if (!dir.exists(ref_path)) {
        stop("The reference path (", ref_path, ") doesn't exist", call. = FALSE)
    # setup folders
    setup_project(state, period, analysis_path, sensitive_path, production_path)
    # identify files/folders to copy
    match_files <- function(file_match, all_files) {
        x <- lapply(file_match, grep, x = tolower(all_files))
    code_path <- file.path(ref_path, "code")
    all_files <- list.files(code_path, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE)
    keep_files <- all_files[match_files(files_to_keep, all_files)]
    # copy analysis files
    copy_files <- function(file_names) {
        for (i in file_names) {
            old <- file.path(ref_path, i)
            if (!file.exists(old)) {
            new <- file.path(analysis_path, i)
            if (file.exists(old)) {
                dir.create(dirname(new), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
                file.copy(old, new, overwrite = FALSE)
    copy_files(file.path("code", keep_files))
    # copy top-level files
    # copy .Rproj and rename
    oldname <- paste0(state, "-", ref_period, ".Rproj")
    newname <- paste0(state, "-", period, ".Rproj")
        file.path(analysis_path, oldname),
        file.path(analysis_path, newname)
    # replace parameters from previous time period
        files = c(
            file.path(analysis_path, "README.md"), 
            file.path(analysis_path, "code", "params.R")
        new = period, old = ref_period
    # print message
    message("An updated project has been initialized:\n  ", analysis_path)

#' Setup data dive template
#' This is to be run for an existing state-time_period dashboard project. 
#' It creates a new folder with template code. Defaults to placing a "5-data-dive"
#' folder in the working directory (i.e., when state and time_period are NULL).
#' @inheritParams new_project
#' @param dive_path folder for data dive code
#' @family functions to update projects
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # setup_data_dive("YY", "2019-q4")
setup_data_dive <- function(
    state, period, 
    analysis_path = file.path("E:/SA/Projects/Data-Dashboards", state, period),
    dive_path = file.path(analysis_path, "code", "5-data-dive")
) {
    # error check - whether analysis path exists
    if (!dir.exists(analysis_path)) {
        stop("The analysis path (", analysis_path, ") doesn't exist", call. = FALSE)
    # error check - whether data diver directory exists
    if (dir.exists(dive_path)) {
        stop("The data dive path (", dive_path, ") already exists", call. = FALSE)
    # create dive_path
    # copy template files to dive_path
    template_dir <- system.file("template-dive", package = "lictemplate")
    template_files <- list.files(template_dir)
    for (i in template_files) {
            file.path(template_dir, i), 
            file.path(dive_path, i), 
            overwrite = FALSE
    message("A data dive folder has been initialized:\n  ", dive_path)
southwick-associates/lictemplate documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 6:44 p.m.