
Defines functions nc_retain nc_retain_all nc_retain_youth nc_annual_stream nc_annual nc_lifetime nc_lifetime_stream nc_price_lifetime_youth nc_break_even nc_break_even_yrs

Documented in nc_annual nc_annual_stream nc_break_even nc_break_even_yrs nc_lifetime nc_lifetime_stream nc_price_lifetime_youth nc_retain nc_retain_all nc_retain_youth

# wrapper functions for NC results

# Retention --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Predict retention across a set of ages for NC methodology
#' Convenience functions for the NC analysis, mainly wrappers for
#' \code{\link{yrs_result_retain}}
#' @inheritParams yrs_result
#' @param retain_all full set of retention curve results produced by
#' nc_retain_all()
#' @param ages set of ages for which retention curves will be calculated separately
#' @param use_observed if TRUE, return observed (instead of predicted) retention
#' rates
#' @family wrapper functions for NC results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' data(all_sports, lic, sale)
#' df_split <- all_sports %>%
#'     yrs_lifetime_join(sale, lic, "sportsman") %>%
#'     yrs_zero_split() %>%
#'     yrs_zero_filter(function(x) filter(x, life_group == "sportsman"))
#' observe_all <- nc_retain_all(df_split, 52:58, use_observed = TRUE)
#' retain_all <- nc_retain_all(df_split, 52:58)
#' retain <- nc_retain(retain_all)
#' retain %>%
#'     ggplot(aes(current_age, yrs)) +
#'     geom_point() +
#'     ggtitle("Predicted years of purchases by current age")
#' # observed vs predicted for specified ages
#' observe <- filter(observe_all, current_age == 52)
#' retain <- filter(retain_all, current_age == 52)
#' yrs_plot(retain) + geom_point(data = observe) +
#'     ggtitle("Some noisy data points due to sample size")
#' observe <- filter(observe_all, current_age == 58)
#' retain <- filter(retain_all, current_age == 58)
#' yrs_plot(retain) + geom_point(data = observe) +
#'     ggtitle("Observed rates are used for old enough buyers",
#'             "Senior lifetime artifacts emerge at age 65")
nc_retain <- function(retain_all) {
    retain_all %>%
        arrange(.data$current_age, .data$years_since) %>%
        group_by(.data$current_age) %>%
        summarise(n0 = first(.data$n), yrs = sum(.data$pct),
                  last_pct = last(.data$pct))

#' @describeIn nc_retain Predict full retention curves
#' @export
nc_retain_all <- function(history_split, ages, use_observed = FALSE) {
    retain_one <- function(history_split, age_slct) {
        x <- history_split %>%
            yrs_zero_filter(function(x) filter(x, .data$age_year == age_slct))
        if (use_observed) {
            x <- yrs_result_observe(x, predict_age = age_slct)
        } else {
            x <- yrs_result_retain(x, predict_age = age_slct)
        mutate(x, current_age = age_slct)
    retain_all <- ages %>%
        sapply(function(x) retain_one(history_split, x),
               simplify = FALSE) %>%

    # add a year zero 100% (for downstream annual revenue calculations)
    sapply(ages, function(i) {
        x <- filter(retain_all, .data$current_age == i)
        filter(x, .data$years_since == 1) %>%
            mutate(years_since = 0, pct = 1, age_year = i) %>%
    }, simplify = FALSE) %>%

#' Simulate retention curves for youths
#' Based on the assumption that youths won't generate revenue until age 16 (default).
#' Any youth years are to be ignored for revenue purposes (other than wsfr lifetime dollars).
#' Retention curves are unknown for youth buyers. The simple assumption is that
#' their curves will match 16-year-olds (at age 16). This likely overestimates
#' their future participation.
#' @inheritParams nc_retain
#' @inheritParams nc_revenue
#' @family wrapper functions for NC results
#' @export
nc_retain_youth <- function(retain_all, youth_ages = 0:15) {
    adult_age <- max(youth_ages) + 1

    first_adult <- retain_all %>%
        filter(.data$current_age == adult_age) %>%
        select(.data$age_year, .data$years_since, .data$pct)

    youth_ages %>%
        sapply(function(i) {
            tibble(age_year = (i):(adult_age-1)) %>%
                mutate(pct = 0) %>%
                bind_rows(first_adult) %>%
                mutate(years_since = row_number()) %>%
                mutate(current_age = i)
        }, simplify = FALSE) %>%

# Revenue -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Calculate revenue for annual vs lifetime scenarios
#' @inheritParams wsfr
#' @inheritParams lic_revenue
#' @param youth_ages if not NULL, assumes for youths that the fund is able to
#' compound until adulthood (when the agency will begin drawing revenue). See
#' \code{\link{nc_price_lifetime_youth}} for details.
#' @name nc_revenue
#' @family wrapper functions for NC results
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' data(retain_all)
#' data(retain)
#' # parameters
#' senior_price <- 15 # lifetime license price at age 65
#' wsfr_amount <- 16.65 # WSFR estimated aid amount per sportsman
#' min_amount <- 4 # WSFR minimum revenue for certified sportsman calculations
#' return_life <- 0.05 # annual return to lifetime fund
#' inflation <- 0.02 # inflation rate for fund depreciation
#' prices <- tibble(
#'     current_age = 0:63,
#'     price_lifetime = rep(250, 64),
#'     price_annual = rep(36, 64)
#' )
#' # total revenue
#' annual <- nc_annual(retain_all, prices, wsfr_amount, min_amount, senior_price)
#' ggplot(annual, aes(current_age, revenue_annual, fill = stream)) + geom_col()
#' lifetime <- nc_lifetime(prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount, min_amount)
#' ggplot(lifetime, aes(current_age, revenue_lifetime, fill = stream)) + geom_col()
#' # revenue streams
#' nc_annual_stream(retain_all, prices, wsfr_amount, min_amount, senior_price) %>%
#'     filter(age_year >= 16)
#' nc_lifetime_stream(prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount, min_amount)
#' # break-even
#' x <- nc_break_even(retain_all, prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount,
#'                    min_amount, senior_price)
#' ggplot(x, aes(current_age, break_even)) + geom_line()
#' # years to break-even (using revenue stream calculations)
#' x <- nc_break_even_yrs(retain_all, prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount,
#'                        min_amount, senior_price)
#' ggplot(x, aes(current_age, yrs_to_break_even)) + geom_col()

#' @describeIn nc_revenue Stream of Revenue for annual scenario (Revenue|A)
#' @export
nc_annual_stream <- function(
    retain_all, prices, wsfr_amount = NULL, min_amount = NULL,
    senior_price = NULL, senior_age = 65, age_cutoff = 80, youth_ages = 0:15
) {
    # prepare youth data revenue estimation
    if (!is.null(youth_ages)) {
        retain_all <- nc_retain_youth(retain_all, youth_ages) %>%
    # estimate revenue
    revenue <- retain_all %>%
        lic_annual_stream(prices) %>% mutate(stream = "lic_revenue")

    if (!is.null(wsfr_amount)) {
        wsfr <- wsfr_annual_stream(
            retain_all, wsfr_amount, min_amount, senior_price, senior_age, age_cutoff
        ) %>%
            mutate(stream = "wsfr_revenue")
        revenue <- bind_rows(revenue, wsfr)
    revenue %>%
        select(.data$current_age, .data$age_year, .data$stream, .data$revenue_annual)

#' @describeIn nc_revenue Total Revenue for annual scenario (Revenue|A)
#' Convenience function to pull total revenue across all years
#' @export
nc_annual <- function(
    retain_all, prices, wsfr_amount = NULL, min_amount = NULL,
    senior_price = NULL, senior_age = 65, age_cutoff = 80, youth_ages = 0:15
) {
    retain_all %>%
        nc_annual_stream(prices, wsfr_amount, min_amount, senior_price,
                         senior_age, age_cutoff, youth_ages) %>%
        group_by(.data$current_age, .data$stream) %>%
        summarise(revenue_annual = sum(.data$revenue_annual)) %>%

#' @describeIn nc_revenue Revenue for lifetime scenario (Revenue|L)
#' @export
nc_lifetime <- function(
    prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount = NULL, min_amount = NULL,
    perpetuity = TRUE, youth_ages = 0:15, age_cutoff = 80, fund_years = 0:50
) {
    # compound youth prices for fund valuation
    if (!is.null(youth_ages)) {
        prices2 <- prices %>%
            nc_price_lifetime_youth(return_life, inflation, youth_ages)
    # estimate revenue
    revenue <- prices2 %>%
        lic_lifetime(return_life, inflation, fund_years, perpetuity) %>%
        mutate(stream = "lic_revenue")

    if (!is.null(wsfr_amount)) {
        wsfr <- prices %>%
            wsfr_lifetime(wsfr_amount, min_amount, age_cutoff) %>%
            select(-contains("price")) %>%
            mutate(stream = "wsfr_revenue")
        revenue <- bind_rows(revenue, wsfr)
    revenue %>%
        select(.data$current_age, .data$stream, .data$revenue_lifetime)

#' @describeIn nc_revenue Stream of Revenue for lifetime scenario (Revenue|L)
#' @export
nc_lifetime_stream <- function(
    prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount = NULL, min_amount = NULL,
    fund_years = 0:500, youth_ages = 0:15, age_cutoff = 80
) {
    # compound youth prices for fund valuation
    if (!is.null(youth_ages)) {
        prices2 <- prices %>%
            nc_price_lifetime_youth(return_life, inflation, youth_ages)
    # estimate revenue
    revenue <- prices2 %>%
        lic_lifetime_stream(return_life, inflation, fund_years) %>%
        mutate(stream = "lic_revenue")

    # youth ages need to be correctly specified
    # - revenue doesn't begin accruing until adulthood
    if (!is.null(youth_ages)) {
        first_adult <- max(youth_ages) + 1
        revenue <- revenue %>% mutate(age_year = case_when(
            .data$current_age >= first_adult ~ .data$age_year,
            TRUE ~ first_adult - .data$current_age + .data$age_year
    if (!is.null(wsfr_amount)) {
        wsfr <- prices %>%
            wsfr_lifetime_stream(wsfr_amount, min_amount, age_cutoff) %>%
            mutate(stream = "wsfr_revenue")
        revenue <- bind_rows(revenue, wsfr)
    revenue %>%
        select(.data$current_age, .data$age_year, .data$stream, .data$revenue_lifetime)

#' Calculate compounded price for youth lifetimes
#' This function is based on the assumption that youth lifetime sales are
#' treated differently than those for adults. In NC, the revenue for a youth sale
#' cannot be withdrawn (from the fund) until age 16. This implies that a youth
#' lifetime license sale has greater value (since it is able to compound). Therefore
#' the effective price is higher than the sticker price for the purpose of
#' calculating present value of the lifetime license.
#' @inheritParams nc_revenue
#' @family wrapper functions for NC results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' prices <- tibble(
#'     current_age = c(0:15, 16:63),
#'     price_lifetime = c(rep(250, 64))
#' )
#' prices2 <- nc_price_lifetime_youth(prices, 0.05, 0.022)
#' ggplot(prices, aes(current_age, price_lifetime)) +
#'     geom_line() +
#'     geom_line(data = prices2, color = "blue") +
#'     scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 600))
nc_price_lifetime_youth <- function(
    prices, return_life, inflation, youth_ages = 0:15
) {
    adult_age <- max(youth_ages) + 1
    prices %>% mutate(
        price_lifetime = ifelse(.data$current_age %in% youth_ages, compound_interest(
                p0 = .data$price_lifetime,
                r = return_life - inflation,
                t = adult_age - .data$current_age,
                n = 1 # annual compounding
            ), .data$price_lifetime)

# Break-even --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Find lifetime price (by current_age) where Revenue|A == Revenue|L
#' This uses a solver function, \code{\link[stats]{uniroot}}, to find break-even
#' prices for lifetime licenses.
#' @inheritParams nc_revenue
#' @param max_price Maximum lifetime license price used in solver function. A
#' lower number will allow the function to execute more quickly.
#' @family wrapper functions for NC results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # see ?nc_revenue for an example
nc_break_even <- function(
    retain_all, prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount = NULL, min_amount = NULL,
    senior_price = NULL, senior_age = 65, perpetuity = TRUE, youth_ages = 0:15,
    age_cutoff = 80, max_price = 1000
) {
    annual <- nc_annual_stream(
        retain_all, prices, wsfr_amount, min_amount, senior_price,
        senior_age, age_cutoff, youth_ages
    ages <- unique(annual$current_age)

    # define functions for solving lifetime price
    # - calculate revenue effect for a given price-age
    revenue_effect <- function(price, age) {
        annual_slct <- filter(annual, .data$current_age == age)
        lifetime <- tibble(current_age = age, price_lifetime = price) %>%
            nc_lifetime(return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount, min_amount,
                        perpetuity, youth_ages, age_cutoff)
        abs(sum(lifetime$revenue_lifetime) - sum(annual_slct$revenue_annual))
    # - get break-even price for given age
    break_even <- function(slct_age) {
        stats::optimize(revenue_effect, c(0, max_price), age = slct_age)$minimum
    # - apply across all ages
    break_even <- sapply(ages, break_even)
        current_age = ages, break_even = break_even

#' Calculate number of years it takes to break even (if ever)
#' Generally it will take some number of years for cumulative revenue in
#' the lifetime scenario to catch up with cumulative revenue in the annual
#' scenario. If the lifetime scenario does catch up, the years to break even
#' represents the number of years it takes for this to happen. Only rows (ages)
#' where the current price is above the break-even price will be returned
#' (otherwise to lifetime return will never reach the annual return scenario).
#' @inheritParams nc_break_even
#' @inheritParams nc_revenue
#' @family wrapper functions for NC results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # see ?nc_revenue
nc_break_even_yrs <- function(
    retain_all, prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount = NULL, min_amount = NULL,
    senior_price = NULL, youth_ages = 0:15, age_cutoff = 80, fund_years = 0:200,
    senior_age = 65
) {
    # calculate revenue streams
    annual <- nc_annual_stream(
        retain_all, prices, wsfr_amount, min_amount, senior_price,
        senior_age, age_cutoff, youth_ages
    lifetime <- nc_lifetime_stream(
        prices, return_life, inflation, wsfr_amount, min_amount,
        fund_years, youth_ages, age_cutoff
    revenue <- full_join(
        group_by(annual, .data$current_age, .data$age_year) %>%
            summarise(revenue_annual = sum(.data$revenue_annual)) %>%
        group_by(lifetime, .data$current_age, .data$age_year) %>%
            summarise(revenue_lifetime = sum(.data$revenue_lifetime)) %>%
        by = c("current_age", "age_year")

    # calculate cumulative revenue
    na_to_zero <- function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x)
    revenue <- revenue %>%
        mutate_at(c("revenue_annual", "revenue_lifetime"), "na_to_zero") %>%
        arrange(.data$current_age, .data$age_year) %>%
        group_by(.data$current_age) %>%
        mutate_at(c("revenue_annual", "revenue_lifetime"), "cumsum") %>%

    # determine first year where lifetime > annual (if ever)
    revenue %>%
        filter(revenue_lifetime > revenue_annual) %>%
        arrange(.data$current_age, .data$age_year) %>%
        group_by(.data$current_age) %>%
        slice(1L) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        mutate(yrs_to_break_even = .data$age_year - .data$current_age)
southwick-associates/lifetime documentation built on Feb. 24, 2020, 9:33 a.m.