
Defines functions BayesSAE

Documented in BayesSAE

#' Univariate hierarchical Bayes approach to small area estimation.
#' Hierarchical Bayes approach to small area estimation using \code{stan}.
#' @name BayesSAE
#' @param formula formula
#' @param data Data frame with direct estimate and auxiliary variables.
#' @param Di \code{m} vector with sampling variance.
#' @param domain Vector with Domain names.
#' @param model There are three possible models. "FH" for Fay-Herriot model, "CAR" for conditional auto-regressive model and "SAR" for simultaneous auto-regressive model.
#' @param W Spatial matrix. If \code{model}="SAR", rowsum should be 1.
#' @param logit.trans If true, it transforms direct estimate to logit scale and sampling variance is approximated by the delta mehod. Simulation result will be returned in origial proportion scale.
#' @param pars Parameters to be monitored.
#' @param iter Total iteration.
#' @param warmup Warm up. Default is "\code{floor}(\code{iter}/2)".
#' @param chains Number of chains. Default is 4.
#' @param control See the \code{rstan} package document.
#' @param open.progress Progress of chiain will be presented if it is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return Simulated posterior sample from the \code{rstan}.
#' @import rstan loo boot
#' @export
#' @references
#' \insertRef{carpenter2016stan}{bayesae}
#' \insertRef{guo2016rstan}{bayesae}
#' \insertRef{vehtari2014waic}{bayesae}


rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

    Class = "stanfit.sae",
    slots = c(estimates = "data.frame", fitness = "list", model.call = "list"),
    contains = "stanfit"
##  S4 method for extraction of SAEs from class stanfit.sae

           def = function(object){standardGeneric("getEstimates")})
setMethod("getEstimates", signature = "stanfit.sae",
          definition = function(object){object@estimates})

##  Function that conducts posterior simulation using Stan

BayesSAE <- function(formula, data = NULL , Di = NULL, domain = NULL,
                        model = "FH", W = NULL, logit.trans=TRUE,
                        pars=c("sigma_sq", "beta", "theta","log_lik"),
                        iter = 1000, warmup = floor(iter/2), chains = 2,
                        control = list(max_treedepth=12, adapt_delta = 0.95),
                        open.progress = TRUE){

    this.call <- as.list( sys.call() )
    mf_ <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
    Y <- model.extract(mf_, "response")
    X <- model.matrix(formula, data = data)
    aux <- names(mf_)[-1] # Auxiliary variable names
    model_name <- paste("Stan_",model,".stan",sep="")

    if( is.null(domain ) ){ domain = rownames(data) }

    if(logit.trans) {
      direct     <- logit(Y)
      Di         <- Di*(Y-Y^2)^(-2) # Delta method
    } else{
      direct     <- Y

    if(model == "CAR" ){
      rc_eig <- 1/eigen(W)$values
      range  <- c( rc_eig[dim(W)[1]], rc_eig[1] )

    if(model == "FH"){
    dat <- list(m=dim(X)[1], p=dim(X)[2], y=direct, X=X, sDi= sqrt(Di) )
    }else if (model == "SAR"){
    dat <- list(m=dim(X)[1], p=dim(X)[2], y=direct, X=X, sDi= sqrt(Di), W=W, I=diag(dim(X)[1]) )
    }else if (model == "CAR"){
    dat <- list(m=dim(X)[1], p=dim(X)[2], y=direct, X=X, sDi= sqrt(Di), W=W, I=diag(dim(X)[1]), rupper=range[2],rlower=range[1] )

    stanfit <- stan(model_code = Model_f(model), model_name = model,
                    data = dat, pars = pars,
                    iter = iter, warmup = warmup, chains = chains,
                    open_progress = open.progress,
                    control = control )

    theta.smpl <- extract(stanfit, pars = "theta", permuted = FALSE)

    ll = extract_log_lik(stanfit)
    model_qual <- list( LOO = loo(ll), WAIC = waic(ll) )

    if(logit.trans) {
      theta.smpl <- inv.logit(theta.smpl)
      direct     <- inv.logit(direct)

    posterior.summary <- data.frame(domain = domain, direct = direct,
                                    monitor(theta.smpl, digits_summary = 5,
                                            warmup = 0,
                                            probs = c(0.025, 0.50, 0.975),
                                            print = FALSE))
    posterior.summary <- posterior.summary[,setdiff( colnames(posterior.summary), c("se_mean","n_eff","Rhat") )]
    posterior.summary <- posterior.summary[,c(1,2,3,4,6,5,7)]
    names(posterior.summary) <- c("domain","direct_est", "post_mean", "post_sd",
                                  "median", "Q.025", "Q.975")

    stanfit.slots <- sapply(slotNames(stanfit), slot, object = stanfit,

    result <- do.call("new", append(list("stanfit.sae",
                                         estimates = posterior.summary,
                                         fitness   = model_qual,
                                         model.call = this.call),
    return( result )
ssoro411/bayesae documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 3:03 p.m.