

CommonPlots is a package that allows the user to easily create a wide range of plots commonly used in statistical analysis in ggplot2 style.


# Install from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")


Most of the plots supported in CommonPlots can be easily created through one function call. The created plot function can be further customized to meet specific needs with ggplot2 functions.


gg_barplot(mpg, var = 'class', group = 'cyl', add_counts = FALSE)


Gantt Chart

test_df <- data.frame(
    project = rep(paste('Project', 1:10), each = 2),
    time = c(rbind(sample(1:5, 10, replace = TRUE),
                   sample(6:8, 10, replace = TRUE))),
    status = factor(c(rbind(rep('start', 10),
                            c(rep('end', 5), rep('ongoing', 5)))),
                    levels = c('start', 'ongoing', 'end'))
gg_gantt_chart(test_df, var = 'project', time = 'time',
               status = 'status', grids = 'y')

Gantt Chart

Time-profiling graphs

Mean + SE plot

# Mean + SE plot
data <- koopLME
data$siblings <- factor(with(data, ifelse(SIBLINGS >= 3, '>= 3', SIBLINGS)),
                        levels = c(0, 1, 2, '>= 3'))
mean_se_plot <- gg_time_profiling(
    data, x = 'TIMETRND', y = 'LOGWAGE', group = 'siblings',
    geoms = c('sumline'), avg_method = 'mean',
    var_method = 'se', x_lab = 'Time trend',
    y_lab = 'Log of hourly wage', group_lab = 'Number of siblings',
    title = 'Mean + SE plot'

Mean + SE plot

# Box plot over time
data <- koopLME
data$siblings <- factor(with(data, ifelse(SIBLINGS >= 3, '>= 3', SIBLINGS)),
                        levels = c(0, 1, 2, '>= 3'))
sib_labels <- paste('Number of siblings:', levels(data$siblings))
boxplot_time <- gg_time_profiling(
    data, x = 'TIMETRND', y = 'LOGWAGE', facet_r = 'siblings',
    facet_r_levels = setNames(levels(data$siblings), sib_labels),
    geoms = c('boxplot', 'point'), x_lab = 'Time trend',
    y_lab = 'Log of hourly wage', title = 'Box plot',
    sample_size = FALSE, all_xticks = TRUE

Box plot over time

Spaghetti plot
# Spaghetti plot
data <- koopLME
data <- with(data, data[PERSONID %in% unique(PERSONID)[1:100], ])
spaghetti_plot <- gg_time_profiling(
    data, x = 'TIMETRND', y = 'LOGWAGE', subject = 'PERSONID',
    geoms = c('line'), x_lab = 'Time trend',
    y_lab = 'Log of hourly wage', title = 'Spaghetti plot',
    subject_show = TRUE

Spaghetti plot

Box plot
data <- mpg
data$cyl <- factor(data$cyl)

# boxplot with Student's t-Test performed on engine displacement against year
boxplot_ <- gg_boxplot(
    data, x = 'cyl', y = 'displ', group = 'year', test_func = t.test,
    test_result = c('T test p value:' = 'p.value'),
    x_lab = 'Number of cylinders', y_lab = 'Engine displacement (L)',
    group_lab = 'Year', title = ''

Box plot

Getting help

The help page of CommonPlot package can be accessed by help(package = 'CommonPlots'). Most of the functions are documented and examples are provided to ease learning.


If you have any questions or encounter any bugs, please contact the author (Feiyang Niu,

statech/CommonPlots documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:32 a.m.