
Defines functions update_sim_num edges_correct resim_nets simulate_dat sim_nets_t1

Documented in edges_correct resim_nets sim_nets_t1 simulate_dat

#' @title Initialize Networks Used in netsim
#' @description This function initializes the networks used in
#'              \code{\link{netsim}}. The initial edge set for a given network
#'              is obtained either from simulating the cross-sectional model
#'              (if \code{edapprox == TRUE}) or from the \code{newnetwork}
#'              element of the \code{netest} object (if
#'              \code{edapprox == FALSE}). Once the initial edge sets are
#'              determined, the first time step is simulated if
#'              \code{resimulate.network == TRUE}, and all time steps are
#'              simulated if \code{resimulate.network == FALSE}. Initializes the
#'              \code{num(.g2)} epi fields used in
#'              \code{\link{edges_correct}} for computing edge coefficient
#'              adjustments.
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @inherit recovery.net return
#' @export
#' @keywords netUtils internal
sim_nets_t1 <- function(dat) {
  dat.updates <- NVL(get_control(dat, "dat.updates"), function(dat, ...) dat)

  ## simulate zeroth timestep cross-sectional network
  ## (default to newnetwork, set already in mod.initialize, if full tergm fit)
  dat <- dat.updates(dat = dat, at = 0L, network = 0L)
  for (network in seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
    nwparam <- get_nwparam(dat, network = network)

    ## (re)construct input network
    nw <- get_network(dat, network)

    ## simulate t0 basis network nw if using edapprox
    if (nwparam$edapprox == TRUE) {
      nw <- simulate(nwparam$formula,
                     coef = nwparam$coef.form.crude,
                     basis = nw,
                     constraints = nwparam$constraints,
                     control = get_network_control(dat, network, "set.control.ergm"),
                     dynamic = FALSE)

    if (get_control(dat, "tergmLite") == TRUE) {
      ## set up time and lasttoggle if tracking duration
      if (get_network_control(dat, network, "tergmLite.track.duration") == TRUE) {
        nw %n% "time" <- 0L
        nw %n% "lasttoggle" <- cbind(as.edgelist(nw), 0L)
    } else {
      ## set up vertex and edge activity in networkDynamic case
      nw <- networkDynamic::as.networkDynamic(nw)
      nw <- networkDynamic::activate.vertices(nw, onset = 0L, terminus = Inf)
      nw <- networkDynamic::activate.edges(nw, onset = 0L, terminus = Inf)
      if (get_control(dat, "resimulate.network") == TRUE) {
        nw %n% "net.obs.period" <- list(observations = list(c(0, 1)),
                                        mode = "discrete",
                                        time.increment = 1,
                                        time.unit = "step")
    ## set network on dat object
    dat <- set_network(dat, network, nw)
    ## update dat object as needed
    dat <- dat.updates(dat = dat, at = 0L, network = network)

  if (get_control(dat, "resimulate.network") == TRUE) {
    nsteps <- 1L
  } else {
    nsteps <- get_control(dat, "nsteps")

  ## initialize num(.g2) run fields
  dat <- update_sim_num(dat)

  ## simulate first timestep (if resimulate.network == TRUE)
  ## or all timesteps (if resimulate.network == FALSE)
  dat <- dat.updates(dat = dat, at = 1L, network = 0L)
  for (network in seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
    dat <- simulate_dat(dat, at = 1L, network = network, nsteps = nsteps)
    dat <- dat.updates(dat = dat, at = 1L, network = network)


#' @title Simulate a Network for a Specified Number of Time Steps
#' @description This function simulates a dynamic network over one or multiple
#'              time steps for TERGMs or one or multiple cross-sectional network
#'              panels for ERGMs, for use in \code{\link{netsim}} modeling.
#'              Network statistics are also extracted and saved if
#'              \code{save.nwstats == TRUE} and
#'              \code{resimulate.network == FALSE}.
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @param network index of the network to simulate
#' @param nsteps number of time steps to simulate
#' @inherit recovery.net return
#' @export
#' @keywords netUtils internal
simulate_dat <- function(dat, at, network = 1L, nsteps = 1L) {
  ## determine formula and coefficients; set discordance_fraction in ergm case
  nwparam <- get_nwparam(dat, network = network)
  simulation_control <- get_network_control(dat, network, "set.control.tergm")
  if (nwparam$coef.diss$duration[1] > 1) {
    formula <- ~Form(nwparam$formation) +
    coef <- c(nwparam$coef.form, nwparam$coef.diss$coef.adj)
  } else {
    formula <- nwparam$formation
    coef <- nwparam$coef.form
    simulation_control$MCMC.prop.args <- list(discordance_fraction = 0)

  ## determine output type
  if (get_control(dat, "tergmLite") == FALSE) {
    output <- "networkDynamic"
  } else {
    output <- "final"

  ## determine monitor, if needed; note that we only obtain
  ## stats in simulate_dat if resimulate.network == FALSE
  if (get_control(dat, "save.nwstats") == TRUE &&
        get_control(dat, "resimulate.network") == FALSE) {
    monitor <- get_network_control(dat, network, "nwstats.formula")
  } else {
    monitor <- NULL # will be handled by summary_nets, if needed

  if (get_control(dat, "tergmLite") == FALSE &&
        get_control(dat, "resimulate.network") == TRUE) {
    time_offset <- 0L
  } else {
    time_offset <- 1L

  ## always TERGM simulation
  nw <- suppressWarnings(simulate(formula,
                                  coef = coef,
                                  basis = get_network(x = dat, network = network),
                                  constraints = nwparam$constraints,
                                  time.start = at - time_offset,
                                  time.offset = time_offset,
                                  time.slices = nsteps,
                                  output = output,
                                  control = simulation_control,
                                  monitor = monitor,
                                  dynamic = TRUE))

  ## update network (and el, if tergmLite) on the dat object
  dat <- set_network(x = dat, network = network, nw = nw)

  ## if monitor was used, record the results
  if (!is.null(monitor)) {
    new.nwstats <- attributes(nw)$stats
    keep.cols <- which(!duplicated(colnames(new.nwstats)))
    new.nwstats <- new.nwstats[, keep.cols, drop = FALSE]
    dat$stats$nwstats[[network]] <- list(as_tibble(new.nwstats))


#' @title Resimulate Dynamic Network at Time 2+
#' @description This function resimulates the dynamic network in stochastic
#'              network models simulated in \code{\link{netsim}} with dependence
#'              between the epidemic and demographic processes and the network
#'              structure.
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @inherit recovery.net return
#' @export
#' @keywords netUtils internal
resim_nets <- function(dat, at) {

  # Calculate active attribute
  active <- get_attr(dat, "active")
  idsActive <- which(active == 1)
  anyActive <- ifelse(length(idsActive) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (dat$param$groups == 2) {
    group <- get_attr(dat, "group")
    groupids.1 <- which(group == 1)
    groupids.2 <- which(group == 2)
    nActiveG1 <- length(intersect(groupids.1, idsActive))
    nActiveG2 <- length(intersect(groupids.2, idsActive))
    anyActive <- ifelse(nActiveG1 > 0 & nActiveG2 > 0, TRUE, FALSE)

  # Network resimulation, with dat.updates interspersed
  if (anyActive == TRUE && get_control(dat, "resimulate.network") == TRUE) {
    ## Edges Correction
    dat <- edges_correct(dat, at)
    dat <- update_sim_num(dat)

    ## network resimulation
    dat.updates <- NVL(get_control(dat, "dat.updates"), function(dat, ...) dat)
    dat <- dat.updates(dat = dat, at = at, network = 0L)
    for (network in seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
      dat <- simulate_dat(dat = dat, at = at, network = network)
      dat <- dat.updates(dat = dat, at = at, network = network)

  # Cummulative edgelist
  truncate.el.cuml <- get_control(dat, "truncate.el.cuml")
  for (network in seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
    dat <- update_cumulative_edgelist(dat, network, truncate.el.cuml)


#' @title Adjustment for the Edges Coefficient with Changing Network Size
#' @description Adjusts the edges coefficient in a dynamic network model
#'              simulated in \code{\link{netsim}} to preserve the mean
#'              degree of nodes in the network. Requires \code{at >= 2}.
#'              Maintains the \code{num(.g2)} epi fields (initialized in
#'              \code{\link{sim_nets_t1}}) for computing the coefficient
#'              adjustment.
#' @inheritParams recovery.net
#' @inherit recovery.net return
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
edges_correct <- function(dat, at) {

  resimulate.network <- get_control(dat, "resimulate.network")
  groups <- get_param(dat, "groups")
  active <- get_attr(dat, "active")

  if (resimulate.network == TRUE) {
    if (groups == 1) {
      old.num <- dat$run$num
      new.num <- sum(active == 1)
      adjustment <- log(old.num) - log(new.num)
    if (groups == 2) {
      old.num.g1 <- dat$run$num
      old.num.g2 <- dat$run$num.g2
      group <- get_attr(dat, "group")
      new.num.g1 <- sum(active == 1 & group == 1)
      new.num.g2 <- sum(active == 1 & group == 2)
      adjustment <-
        log(2 * old.num.g1 * old.num.g2 / (old.num.g1 + old.num.g2)) -
        log(2 * new.num.g1 * new.num.g2 / (new.num.g1 + new.num.g2))

    for (network in seq_len(dat$num.nw)) {
      dat$nwparam[[network]]$coef.form[1] <-
        dat$nwparam[[network]]$coef.form[1] + adjustment


# Store the current number of nodes in the network or per network group in
# `dat$run`.
# This is used to adjuste the `edges` coefficient of tergm
update_sim_num <- function(dat) {
  active <- get_attr(dat, "active")
  if (get_param(dat, "groups") == 1) {
    dat$run$num <- sum(active == 1)
  } else {
    group <- get_attr(dat, "group")
    dat$run$num <- sum(active == 1 & group == 1)
    dat$run$num.g2 <- sum(active == 1 & group == 2)
statnet/EpiModel documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 5:52 a.m.