
Defines functions mice.expand.dots hasdot is.formula lhs is.empty.model.data handle.oldstyle.formulas extend.formula extend.formulas check.formulas name.formulas make.formulas

Documented in extend.formula extend.formulas make.formulas name.formulas

#' Creates a \code{formulas} argument
#' This helper function creates a valid \code{formulas} object. The
#' \code{formulas} object is an argument to the \code{mice} function.
#' It is a list of formula's that specifies the target variables and
#' the predictors by means of the standard \code{~} operator.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} with the source data
#' @param blocks An optional specification for blocks of variables in
#' the rows. The default assigns each variable in its own block.
#' @param predictorMatrix A \code{predictorMatrix} specified by the user.
#' @return A list of formula's.
#' @seealso \code{\link{make.blocks}}, \code{\link{make.predictorMatrix}}
#' @examples
#' f1 <- make.formulas(nhanes)
#' f1
#' f2 <- make.formulas(nhanes, blocks = make.blocks(nhanes, "collect"))
#' f2
#' # for editing, it may be easier to work with the character vector
#' c1 <- as.character(f1)
#' c1
#' # fold it back into a formula list
#' f3 <- name.formulas(lapply(c1, as.formula))
#' f3
#' @export
make.formulas <- function(data, blocks = make.blocks(data),
                          predictorMatrix = NULL) {
  data <- check.dataform(data)
  formulas <- as.list(rep("~ 0", length(blocks)))
  names(formulas) <- names(blocks)

  for (h in names(blocks)) {
    y <- blocks[[h]]
    if (is.null(predictorMatrix)) {
      predictors <- colnames(data)
    } else {
      type <- predictorMatrix[h, ]
      predictors <- names(type)[type != 0]
    x <- setdiff(predictors, y)
    if (length(x) == 0) {
      x <- "0"
    formulas[[h]] <- paste(
      paste(backticks(y), collapse = "+"), "~",
      paste(backticks(x), collapse = "+")

  formulas <- lapply(formulas, as.formula)

#' Name formula list elements
#' This helper function names any unnamed elements in the \code{formula}
#' list. This is a convenience function.
#' @inheritParams mice
#' @param prefix A character vector of length 1 with the prefix to
#' be using for naming any unnamed blocks with two or more variables.
#' @return Named list of formulas
#' @seealso \code{\link{mice}}
#' @details
#' This function will name any unnamed list elements specified in
#' the optional argument \code{formula}. Unnamed formula's
#' consisting with just one response variable will be named
#' after this variable. Unnamed formula's containing more
#' than one variable will be named by the \code{prefix}
#' argument, padded by an integer sequence stating at 1.
#' @examples
#' # fully conditionally specified main effects model
#' form1 <- list(
#'   bmi ~ age + chl + hyp,
#'   hyp ~ age + bmi + chl,
#'   chl ~ age + bmi + hyp
#' )
#' form1 <- name.formulas(form1)
#' imp1 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form1, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199)
#' # same model using dot notation
#' form2 <- list(bmi ~ ., hyp ~ ., chl ~ .)
#' form2 <- name.formulas(form2)
#' imp2 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form2, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199)
#' identical(complete(imp1), complete(imp2))
#' # same model using repeated multivariate imputation
#' form3 <- name.blocks(list(all = bmi + hyp + chl ~ .))
#' imp3 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form3, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199)
#' cmp3 <- complete(imp3)
#' identical(complete(imp1), complete(imp3))
#' # same model using predictorMatrix
#' imp4 <- mice(nhanes, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199, auxiliary = TRUE)
#' identical(complete(imp1), complete(imp4))
#' # different model: multivariate imputation for chl and bmi
#' form5 <- list(chl + bmi ~ ., hyp ~ bmi + age)
#' form5 <- name.formulas(form5)
#' imp5 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form5, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 71712)
#' @export
name.formulas <- function(formulas, prefix = "F") {
  if (!is.list(formulas)) {
    stop("Argument `formulas` not a list", call. = FALSE)
  if (!all(sapply(formulas, is.formula) | sapply(formulas, is.list))) {
    stop("Not all elements in `formulas` are a formula or a list")
  if (is.null(names(formulas))) names(formulas) <- rep("", length(formulas))
  inc <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(formulas)) {
    if (names(formulas)[i] != "") next
    # if (hasdot(formulas[[i]]) && is.null(data))
    #  stop("Formula with dot requires `data` argument", call. = FALSE)
    y <- lhs(formulas[[i]])
    if (length(y) == 1) {
      names(formulas)[i] <- y
    } else {
      names(formulas)[i] <- paste0(prefix, inc)
      inc <- inc + 1

check.formulas <- function(formulas, data) {
  formulas <- name.formulas(formulas)
  formulas <- handle.oldstyle.formulas(formulas, data)
  formulas <- lapply(formulas, mice.expand.dots, data)
  # escape if formula is list of two formula's
  if (any(sapply(formulas, is.list))) {
  formulas <- lapply(formulas, as.formula)

#' Extends formula's with predictor matrix settings
#' @inheritParams mice
#' @return A list of formula's
#' @param auxiliary A logical that indicates whether the variables
#' listed in \code{predictors} should be added to the formula as main
#' effects. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param include.intercept A logical that indicated whether the intercept
#' should be included in the result.
#' @keywords internal
extend.formulas <- function(formulas, data, blocks, predictorMatrix = NULL,
                            auxiliary = TRUE,
                            include.intercept = FALSE,
                            ...) {
  # Extend formulas with predictorMatrix
  if (is.null(predictorMatrix)) {
  for (h in names(blocks)) {
    type <- predictorMatrix[h, ]
    predictors <- names(type)[type != 0]
    ff <- extend.formula(
      formula = formulas[[h]],
      predictors = predictors,
      auxiliary = auxiliary,
      include.intercept = include.intercept
    formulas[[h]] <- ff

#' Extends a formula with predictors
#' @param formula A formula. If it is
#' not a formula, the formula is internally reset to \code{~0}.
#' @param predictors A character vector of variable names.
#' @param auxiliary A logical that indicates whether the variables
#' listed in \code{predictors} should be added to the formula as main
#' effects. The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param include.intercept A logical that indicated whether the intercept
#' should be included in the result.
#' @return A formula
#' @keywords internal
extend.formula <- function(formula = ~0,
                           predictors = NULL,
                           auxiliary = TRUE,
                           include.intercept = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is.formula(formula)) formula <- ~0

  # handle dot in RHS
  if (hasdot(formula)) {
    if (length(predictors) > 1) {
      fr <- as.formula(c("~", paste(backticks(predictors), collapse = "+")))
    } else {
      fr <- ~0
  } else {
    fr <- reformulate(c(".", backticks(predictors)))

  if (auxiliary) formula <- update(formula, fr, ...)
  if (include.intercept) formula <- update(formula, ~ . + 1, ...)

handle.oldstyle.formulas <- function(formulas, data) {
  # converts old-style character vector to formula list
  oldstyle <- length(formulas) == ncol(data) && is.vector(formulas) &&
  if (!oldstyle) {
  formulas[formulas != ""] <- "~ 0"
  fl <- as.list(formulas)
  names(fl) <- names(formulas)

is.empty.model.data <- function(x, data) {
  tt <- terms(x, data = data)
  (length(attr(tt, "factors")) == 0L) & (attr(tt, "intercept") == 0L)

lhs <- function(x) all.vars(update(x, . ~ 1))

is.formula <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "formula")

hasdot <- function(f) {
  if (is.recursive(f)) {
    return(any(sapply(as.list(f), hasdot)))
  } else {
    f == as.symbol(".")

mice.expand.dots <- function(formula, data) {
  if (!is.formula(formula)) {
  if (!hasdot(formula)) {

  y <- lhs(formula)
  x <- setdiff(colnames(data), y)
  fs <- paste(paste(y, collapse = "+"), "~", paste(x, collapse = "+"))
stefvanbuuren/mice documentation built on April 21, 2024, 7:37 a.m.