
Defines functions updateDeps

Documented in updateDeps

#' Update outdated dependencies
#' Supports Bioconductor, CRAN, and GitHub packages via BiocManager.
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2022-06-10.
#' @param pkg `character(1)`.
#' Package path. Must contain a `DESCRIPTION` file.
#' @param type `character`.
#' Dependency type.
#' See `utils::install.packages()` for details.
#' @seealso
#' - desc package.
#' - `utils::packageDescription()`.
#' @return `BiocManager::install()` call if packages need an update.
updateDeps <-
    function(pkg = getwd(),
             type = c(
             )) {
            .requireNamespaces(c("BiocManager", "remotes", "utils")),
            .isAFile(file.path(pkg, "DESCRIPTION"))
        ## Get current installed versions.
        current <- utils::installed.packages()
        current <- current[, c("Package", "Version"), drop = FALSE]
        colnames(current)[colnames(current) == "Package"] <- "package"
        colnames(current)[colnames(current) == "Version"] <- "current"
        pkgname <- desc::desc_get_field(file = pkg, key = "Package")
        message(sprintf("Checking %s dependencies.", pkgname))
        ## Get dependency versions.
        df <- desc::desc_get_deps(pkg)
        ## Drop base R row.
        keep <- df[["package"]] != "R"
        df <- df[keep, , drop = FALSE]
        ## Keep only requested dependency types.
        keep <- df[["type"]] %in% type
        df <- df[keep, , drop = FALSE]
        ## Create a vector of packages we need to update.
        pkgs <- character()
        ## Packages without a version requirement.
        noVersion <- df[which(df[["version"]] == "*"), "package", drop = TRUE]
        noVersionMissing <- noVersion[which(!noVersion %in% rownames(current))]
        pkgs <- c(pkgs, noVersionMissing)
        ## Packages less than or equal to a specific version.
        keep <- grepl("^>= ", df[["version"]])
        df <- df[keep, , drop = FALSE]
        df[["version"]] <- sub("^>= ", "", df[["version"]])
        colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "version"] <- "required"
        ## Create an index column so merge operation doesn't resort.
        df[["idx"]] <- seq_len(nrow(df))
        df <- merge(
            x = df,
            y = current,
            by = "package",
            all.x = TRUE,
            sort = FALSE
        df <- df[order(df[["idx"]]), , drop = FALSE]
        df[["idx"]] <- NULL
        ## Rename package in data frame to remote name, if necessary.
        remotes <- desc::desc_get_remotes(pkg)
        if (length(remotes) > 0L) {
            x <- remotes
            table <- df[["package"]]
            match <- match(x = basename(x), table = table)
            for (i in seq_along(match)) {
                if (is.na(match[i])) next
                table[match[i]] <- remotes[i]
            df[["package"]] <- table
        ## Get a logical vector of which packages pass requirement.
        pass <- Map(
            x = as.character(df[["current"]]),
            y = as.character(df[["required"]]),
            f = function(x, y) {
                if (is.na(x)) {
                x <- package_version(x)
                y <- package_version(y)
                x >= y
        df[["pass"]] <- unlist(pass, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
        if (!all(df[["pass"]])) {
                utils::capture.output(print(df, row.names = FALSE)),
                collapse = "\n"
        ## Filter dependencies by which packages need an update.
        df <- df[!df[["pass"]], , drop = FALSE]
        pkgs <- c(pkgs, df[["package"]])
        if (length(pkgs) > 0L) {
                "Updating %s dependencies: %s.",
                pkgname, toString(pkgs)
            install(pkgs = pkgs, reinstall = TRUE)
        } else {
                "All %s dependencies are up-to-date.",
steinbaugh/bb8 documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 11:12 p.m.