
isotone <- function(x, wt = rep(1, length(x)), increasing = FALSE) {
#   find the weighted least squares isotone fit to the 
#   sequence x, the weights given by the sequence wt
#   if increasing == TRUE the curve is set to be increasing, 
#   otherwise to be decreasing
#   the vector ip contains the indices on the original scale of the
#   breaks in the regression at each stage
	nn <- length(x)
	if(nn == 1)
		x <-  - x
	ip <- (1:nn)
	dx <- diff(x)
	nx <- length(x)
	while((nx > 1) && (min(dx) < 0)) {
#  do single pool-adjacent-violators step
#  find all local minima and maxima
		jmax <- (1:nx)[c(dx <= 0, FALSE) & c(TRUE, dx > 0)]
		jmin <- (1:nx)[c(dx > 0, TRUE) & c(FALSE, dx <= 0)]
#  do pav step for each pair of maxima and minima
#  add up weights within subsequence that is pooled
#  set first element of subsequence to the weighted average
#  the first weight to the sum of the weights within the subsequence
#    and remainder of the subsequence to NA
		for(jb in (1:length(jmax))) {
			ind <- (jmax[jb]:jmin[jb])
			wtn <- sum(wt[ind])
			x[jmax[jb]] <- sum(wt[ind] * x[ind])/wtn
			wt[jmax[jb]] <- wtn
			x[(jmax[jb] + 1):jmin[jb]] <- NA
#  clean up within iteration, eliminating the parts of sequences that
#  were set to NA
		ind <- !is.na(x)
		x <- x[ind]
		wt <- wt[ind]
		ip <- ip[ind]
		dx <- diff(x)
		nx <- length(x)
#  final cleanup: reconstruct z at all points by repeating the pooled
#    values the appropriate number of times
	jj <- rep(0, nn)
	jj[ip] <- 1
	z <- x[cumsum(jj)]
		z <-  - z
stephenslab/EbayesThresh documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:28 p.m.