### mr.ash fit/pred/const functions ###
#' @import mr.ash.alpha
weighted.mr.ash = function(X, Y, sigma2, currentFit = NULL) {
if (length(sigma2) == 1) {
sigma2 = rep(sigma2, length(Y))
inv_sigma2 = 1 / sigma2
sum_inv_sigma2 = sum(inv_sigma2)
w = inv_sigma2 / sum_inv_sigma2
# weighted center to deal with intercept
Y_avg = sum(Y * w)
Y_cent = Y - Y_avg
X_avg = crossprod(X, w) # vector of weighted avg of columns of X
X_cent = sweep(X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = X_avg, FUN = '-')
# scale rows and response by 1/sqrt(sigma2) so we are in homoskedastic case
Y_tilde = Y_cent / sqrt(sigma2)
X_tilde = sweep(X_cent, MARGIN = 1, STATS = sqrt(sigma2), FUN = '/')
# have to scale sa2, because it is actually scaled in terms of response, I believe
beta.init = try({rowSums(init$mr.ash.post$phi * init$mr.ash.post$m)}, silent = T)
if (inherits(beta.init, "try-error")) {
beta.init = NULL
pi.init = try({currentFit$prior_pi})
if (inherits(pi.init, "try-error")) {
pi.init = NULL
# mr.ash.fit = mr.ash(X = X_tilde, y = Y_tilde, sa2 = 1 * (2^(0.05*(0:29)) - 1)^2, max.iter = 100, beta.init = beta.init, pi = pi.init, update.sigma2 = FALSE, sigma2 = 1, standardize = FALSE, intercept = FALSE)
mr.ash.fit = mr.ash(X = X_tilde, y = Y_tilde, sa2 = currentFit$prior_var, max.iter = 100, beta.init = beta.init, pi = pi.init, update.sigma2 = FALSE, sigma2 = 1, standardize = FALSE, intercept = FALSE)
mr.ash.post = get.full.posterior(mr.ash.fit)
beta_post_1 = rowSums(mr.ash.post$phi * mr.ash.post$m)
beta_post_2 = tcrossprod(beta_post_1)
diag(beta_post_2) = rowSums(mr.ash.post$phi * (mr.ash.post$s2 + mr.ash.post$m^2))
Xb_post = X %*% beta_post_1
X_avg_b_post = sum(X_avg * beta_post_1)
intercept = as.numeric(Y_avg - X_avg_b_post)
# mu1 = E[int + Xb] = E[Y_avg - X_avg'b + Xb]
mu1 = intercept + Xb_post
# mu2 = E[(int + Xb)^2] = E[(Y_avg - X_avg'b + Xb)^2]
#mu2 = Y_avg^2 + 2*Y_avg*(Xb_post - X_avg_b_post) + compute_X2b(X, beta_post_2, X_avg)
mu2 = Y_avg^2 + 2*Y_avg*(Xb_post - X_avg_b_post) + apply(X_cent, MARGIN = 1, function(x) emulator::quad.form(beta_post_2, x))
neg.elbo.mr.ash = tail(mr.ash.fit$varobj, 1)
KL_div = neg.elbo.mr.ash -
(.5 * length(mr.ash.fit$data$y) * log(2*pi*mr.ash.fit$sigma2)) -
((1 / (2 * mr.ash.fit$sigma2)) * (sum(mr.ash.fit$data$y^2) - 2*sum(mr.ash.fit$data$y * (mr.ash.fit$data$X %*% beta_post_1)) + sum(apply(mr.ash.fit$data$X, MARGIN = 1, function(x) emulator::quad.form(beta_post_2, x)))))
return(list(mu1 = as.numeric(mu1), mu2 = as.numeric(mu2), KL_div = KL_div, prior_pi = mr.ash.fit$pi, prior_var = mr.ash.fit$data$sa2, mr.ash.post = mr.ash.post, intercept = intercept, X_avg = X_avg, Y_avg = Y_avg))
fitFn.mr.ash = function(X, Y, sigma2, currentFit) {
return(weighted.mr.ash(X, Y, sigma2, currentFit))
#' @importFrom emulator quad.form
predFn.mr.ash = function(X_test, currentFit, moment = c(1, 2)) {
beta_post_1 = rowSums(currentFit$mr.ash.post$phi * currentFit$mr.ash.post$m)
if (moment == 1) {
return(currentFit$intercept + (X_test %*% beta_post_1))
} else if (moment == 2) {
beta_post_2 = tcrossprod(beta_post_1)
diag(beta_post_2) = rowSums(currentFit$mr.ash.post$phi * (currentFit$mr.ash.post$s2 + currentFit$mr.ash.post$m^2))
X_new_cent = sweep(X_test, MARGIN = 2, STATS = currentFit$X_avg, FUN = '-')
# return(currentFit$Y_avg^2 + 2*currentFit$Y_avg*(X_new %*% beta_post_1) - sum(currentFit$X_avg * beta_post_1) + apply(X_new_cent, MARGIN = 1, function(x) quad.form(beta_post_2, x)))
return(currentFit$Y_avg^2 + 2*currentFit$Y_avg*(X_new_cent %*% beta_post_1) + apply(X_new_cent, MARGIN = 1, function(x) quad.form(beta_post_2, x)))
} else {
stop("`moment` must be either 1 or 2")
constCheckFn.mr.ash = function(currentFit) {
V = sum(currentFit$prior_pi * currentFit$prior_var) # overall variance of prior
return(V < 1e-3)
#' Create a mr.ash learner object
#' Creates a mr.ash learner object to be used in \code{\link{veb_boost}}
#' @param X is a matrix to be used as the predictors in training. No scaling is performed by the function,
#' so the user must do their own scaling (scaling so that each column has a standard deviation of 1 is recommended)
#' @param X_test is a matrix to be used as the predictors in testing. No scaling is performed by the function,
#' so the user must do their own scaling (scaling so that each column has a standard deviation of 1 is recommended)
#' @param growMode is a string for if the learner should be grown (or not)
#' If \code{"+*"}, we grow mu_0 -> (mu_0 * mu_2) + mu_1
#' If \code{"+"}, we grow mu_0 -> (mu_0 + mu_1)
#' If \code{"*"}, we grow mu_0 -> (mu_0 * mu_1) (NOTE: Not recommended if we start with \code{k = 1})
#' If \code{"NA"}, we do not grow this learner
#' @param changeToConstant is a logical for if constant fits should be changed to be constant
#' @export
makeMrAshLearner = function(X, X_test = NULL, growMode = c("NA", "+*", "+", "*"), changeToConstant = FALSE) {
growMode = match.arg(growMode)
if (!(changeToConstant %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))) {
stop("'changeToConstant' must be either TRUE or FALSE")
if (!is_valid_matrix(X)) {
stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix")
if (!is.null(X_test) && !is_valid_matrix(X_test)) {
stop("'X_test' must be a numeric matrix")
mrAshLearner = list(
fitFunction = fitFn.mr.ash,
predFunction = predFn.mr.ash,
constCheckFunction = constCheckFn.mr.ash,
currentFit = NULL,
X = X,
X_test = X_test,
growMode = growMode,
changeToConstant = changeToConstant
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